The David Pearsall PCSO of the Year Award
Nomination of: (complete multiples of this section when more than one individual is nominated)Full name: / Rank / Title: SelectMrMrsMissDoctorMsPCDetective ConstableSergeantDetective SergeantInspectorDetective InspectorChief InspectorDetective Chief InspectorSuperintendentDetective SuperintendentChief SuperintendentDetective Chief SuperintendentACCDCCCC
Collar No: / LPT/Department: SelectLocal Policing NorthLocal Policing SouthOperational ServicesInvestigative ServicesDCCCentral Justice Services
Work location: / Tel. No./Ext:
Full postal address and telephone number for members of the public:
Which award(s) are you making this nomination for:
The David Pearsall PCSO of the Year Award
The criteria for the David Pearsall PCSO of the Year Award is as follows:
Awarded to:
· Police Community Support Officers
Awarded to a police community support officer who has been judged by the Chief Constable as:
· Authorised for independent patrol
· Have completed their 6 month probation
· Judged on their personal contribution, interaction and importantly their engagement within the local community in addressing their concerns, fear of crime and on improving reassurance. There should be a particular focus on problem solving community issues that impact upon fear of crime and reassurance
· The individual should be seen as an exceptional candidate who has helped to promote the role of the police community support officer both externally and internally
· The individual should be seen as an exceptional candidate who has helped to promote the role of the Police Community Support Officer, both externally and internally through the quality of service they consistently deliver.
Summary of facts
Please provide the evidence to support the nomination. The information must be accurate giving the actions worthy of an award and attach any supporting letters or other forms of evidence. (Please note: this box will open up to allow as much text as you require to be entered).
CITATION (Should the nominee be successful please prepare a citation of not more than 200 words for force annual awards and 350 words for any other award/commendation. This summary will be used when the award is presented). (Please note: this box will open up to allow text to be entered).
Court proceedings must be complete before making a nomination.
SelectLocal Policing NorthLocal Policing SouthOperational ServicesInvestigative ServicesDCCCentral Justice Services
Nominating Officer – Name/Rank LPT / Department
Signature Date
Date LPT Commander /
Head of Department
Rewards and Recognition Officer Comment
Date Rewards and Recognition Officer
Head of Performance Assessment Unit Recommendation
Chief Constable’s Decision
Date Chief Constable