Title of Poster submission for the APS International PharmSci Conference - September 2017
First Authora, Second Authorb, Third Authora*
aAuthor’s affiliations, addresses, Country, bAuthor’s affiliations, addresses, Country
*Corresponding author.
Tel.: +99 1234 567 890
Fax: +99 1234 567 890
KEYWORDS: (list upto four keywords here separated by commas)
This document serves both as a WORD template and list of instructions in providing the basic guidelines for preparing the poster submission for the APS International PharmSci Conference Proceedings. An abstract of no more thantwo pages should be submitted using this format. The Summary itself should be <200 words and should include the aims, methodology, results and the conclusion of the research work. Please note you will need to submit your abstract in PDF format.
This is the template for the 8th APS International PharmSci Conference 2017. Do not change the document formatting, line spacing, font and point size, margins, column structure and spacing between columns etc. The fonts used in the template is Book Antiqua 10 in full caps is used for headings and sentence case for the text. The text is justified with 1.15 line space, and a 10 points spacing after paragraph. Use the given layouts for the Tables/Figures, place the captions and footnotes appropriately, and do not change the font-size/style. Maximum 1-2 figures/tables should be used, and manuscript should not exceed two pages.
All papers must be submitted electronically in Word .doc format. Prepare your paper using A4 page size of 21cm x 29.7 cm .
1). If the text is being cut and paste from another document, then upon pasting the relevant text into a section, click on the Paste icon next to this area and choose “Match Destination Formatting”.
2)Formatting: In formatting your page, set top and bottom margins to 2.54 cm. Left margin should be set to 1.7cm and right margin set at 1.5cm. Use a two-column, Justified format where each column is 86 mm wide and spacing of 6 mm between columns. Indent paragraphs by 6 mm..
Graphics should be in TIFF or PNG format, 600 dpi for graphics, charts, drawings or tables and 200 dpi for photos and greyscale images. Image resolution can be compressed by right clicking on the image, clicking the “Format Picture” menu, followed by the “Picture” tab and clicking on the compress button. Choose the Print check box to alter the resolution to 200dpi.
Fig. 1. The figure caption should be placed here.
Attempt to position figures and tables at the top and/or bottom of columns. Figure and Table captions should be .as shown. Avoid placing figures and tables before their first mention in the text..
Table 1. Your table caption should come here.
The first column / The second / Third / FourthFirst parameter / 12.22a / 22.33 / 44.22
Second parameters / 44.22 / 12.22b / 22.33
Third parameter / 12.22 / 22.33 / 44.22
Fourth parameter / 44.22 / 12.22 / 22.33
Fifth parameter / 12.22 / 22.33 / 44.22
a the footnotes referring to a, b footnotes referring to b, c the footless for c
References should be cited in the text by surname of the first author followed by the year thus Firstauthor (2016).
References should be listed in alphabetic order of main author. Please note that the reference examples at the end of this document are in the preferred referencing style. Give all authors’ names; do not use “et al.” unless there are six authors or more. Papers that have not been published, even if they have been submitted for publication, should be cited as “unpublished”. Papers that have been accepted for publication should be cited as “in press”.
Acknowledgements or any conflict of interest or disclaimers.
Firstauthor, H.A., Secondauthor, B.R., Thirdauthor, A., 2014. This is the title of the research paper. BJPharm,1, 1-13.
Firstauthor, H.A., Secondauthor, B.R., Thirdauthor, A., 2014. This is the title of the research paper. BJPharm,1, 1-13.
Firstauthor, H.A., Secondauthor, B.R., Thirdauthor, A., 2014. This is the title of the research paper. BJPharm,1, 1-13.