not a fan. by Kyle idleman

Today at New Heights Christian Church we begin a five week life series based largely on the “not a fan” book, written by Kyle Idelman. There are books available. They cost us $5.00 a copy, so if you can cover the cost that is great. If not, just take one and read it please! We will be presenting concepts based loosely on “not a fan” in our sermon time, and focusing on discussion questions from “not a fan” in our Home Groups. We are encouraging everyone to participate!



1.  What is a “fan”? What are some synonyms (similar words) for “fan”? What activities do you associate with “fandom?”

2.  Give your first response to this question: I am a real fan of ______.

3.  Albert: Fan, follower or friend?

4.  Nicodemus (John 3; John 7 & John 19):

  1. What was a Pharisee?
  2. Pharisees were real fans of ______
  3. From Matthew 23 identify three or four characteristics of Pharisees that help us identify them as “fans”
  1. What was the Sanhedrin?
  2. What was the relationship between Jesus and the Pharisees?
  3. What was the relationship between Jesus and the Jewish Sanhedrin?
  4. Why did Nicodemus approach Jesus “by night”?
  5. What could it cost Nicodemus to become a follower of Jesus?

5.  Simon the Pharisee and a “woman who lived a sinful life” (Luke 7):

  1. What was the relationship between Simon the Pharisee and Jesus?
  2. What was the “sinful woman’s” likely line of work?
  3. How were Jesus’ feet cleaned?
  4. What did it mean to “let your hair down” in that culture?
  5. What was the jar of perfume used for?
  6. What did it cost this woman to become a follower of Jesus?

6.  What is the meaning of the Bible word for “to know” (as in “Adam “knew” Eve)? (Genesis 4:1).

  1. Was Adam a fan of Eve?
  2. What did it cost Adam to “know” Eve? What did it cost Eve to be “known”?
  3. What does it cost us to follow Jesus?
  4. What are the costs of “not following”?