Note from the Author

Dear students or instructors:

First, thank you for using this book. This document contains a list of typographical errors, misprints and the occasional technical error. I am grateful to Dr. Ralph Tanner of Western Michigan University for uncovering the majority of these errata, and I include a note prepared by him because I especially liked his suggestion directed at the students.

I would be grateful if any user who thinks that they might have uncovered an error would be kind enough to send a message with a detailed description of the suggested correction to me at .

Again, thank you for adopting this textbook.

Giorgio Rizzoni, Columbus, august 2008

Note by Dr. Ralph Tanner, Western Michigan University

There are a dozen pages of errata contained here. At first blush, this might be considered excessive. However, the errors are generally minor and are of the type that the knowledgeable reader would tend to “self-correct” when reading the material.

But, since this is a text intended for the student, these errors can cause self-doubt and can get in the way of learning the material. The student may tend to believe that the error is in their understanding rather than in the printing of the book. For this reason, this errata file has been very picky.

I would recommend that the student adopt one of two strategies with this errata file:

1)  Go through the entire errata file and mark the changes in the book.

2)  Go through the entire errata file and put a prominent red dot on each page where an erratum occurs.

I believe the first strategy is the best. This allows the student to have the correct information at the point when it is needed. However, the second strategy will alert the student to a possible point of confusion. If a topic on the page in question causes confusion, the student can make the change at that time. If the topic causing confusion was in error, the student will have the corrected material. If the topic causing confusion was not the one in error, the student will know to keep working to understand the area of confusion.

What I do NOT recommend is the filing of the errata then going to it only when confusion arises.

In my classes, I teach the analysis of circuits. I also teach the engineering methods used to reduce the chance of errors. Engineering is a field where errors may cause the loss of life. (Another is medicine.) Because of this grave responsibility, we need to learn how to minimize errors. One of the methods used to minimize errors is multiple cumulative review. This errata file represents the start of this process. I am certain that I have not found all of the errors in this text.

Chapter 1

No errata.

Chapter 2 – Fundamentals of Electric Circuits

p. 18: Example 2.3/Solution, Analysis:

The equation after the line “At node b:”

It’s better to rewrite it as follows:


Since we have at node a, the above equation becomes


Figure 2.13 Demonstration of KCL

Alternatively, we may change node b to be a super node as shown in the figure below without rewriting the equation.

Figure 2.13 Demonstration of KCL

p. 26: the last equation: Should be consistent with Figure 2.24 (b).

Should be “PB = vB × i = -(-12 V)(-0.1 A) = -1.2 W.”

p. 27: the first two equations: Should be consistent with Figure 2.24 (b).

P1 = v1 × i = (-8 V) × (-0.1 A) = 0.8 W

P2 = v2 × i = (-4 V) × (-0.1 A) = 0.4 W

p. 27: CHECK YOUR UNDERSTANDING: the second line in the first question:

Should be “has a power rating of 50 W, and the supplied battery voltage is 12 V.”

p. 29: The last sentence of the first paragraph should read:

An example of this dual behavior is exhibited by the photodiode, which can act either in a passive mode (as a light sensor) or in an active mode (as a solar cell).

p. 31: The last line of paragraph 1:

The line “Table 2.1 lists the conductivity of many common materials.” should read
“Table 2.1 lists the resistivity of many common materials.”

p. 43: The line after the equation R2 = R3 = R0 – ΔR:

“It can be shown from elementary statics.” should read
“It can be shown from elementary mechanics of materials.”

p. 44: CHECK YOUR UNDERSTANDING: The first sentence should read:

Compute the full-scale (i.e., largest) output voltage for the force-measuring apparatus of Example 2.16.”

p. 49: Problem 2.10: last line: A space is missing.

“Figure P2.10. The charger’svoltage increases to the” should be

“Figure P2.10. The charger’s voltage increases to the.”

p. 50: Problem 2.15: “I” should be in the lower case “i" as in Figure P2.15.

p. 55: Problem 2.40: the last line: A space is missing.

“… 12 Vand” should read “… 12 V and.”

Chapter 3 – Resistive Network Analysis

p. 65: The table in the sidebar: Brackets are missing in current’s unit.

i, A” should be
i, [A]”

p. 65: The table in the sidebar: the analogy in electrical systems to “conduction heat-transfer coefficient” in thermal systems should be “conductivity.” {σ = (i / v) × ( l / A) vs. k = (q / ΔT) × ( l / A)}

Replace “Resistivity ρ, [Ω/m]” with “Conductivity σ, [S/m].”

p. 67: A comma is missing in the last line.

“Known Quantities: Source currents resistor values.” should read
“Known Quantities: Source currents, resistor values.”

p. 69: The branch currents are not calculated in Example 3.3, so they should be deleted.

“Find: All node voltages and branch currents.” should read “Find: All node voltages.”

p. 77: Figure 3.18:

v1 in the figure for analysis for mesh 2 does not enter into the analysis for mesh 2 so it should not be on that figure (delete “+ v1 – “)

p. 81: Example 3.10/Solution, Analysis:

“We follow the Focus on Measurement …” should read “We follow the Focus on Methodology …”

p. 82: Example 3.11: supplement the following solution to the bottom of “Analysis,” just before “Comments:”.


vx = i1R3 – i2(R2 + R3) = 2 × 4 – 2 × (2 + 4) = -4

p. 82: A comma is missing in “Analysis:”

“To find the current i1 we apply KVL to mesh I:” should read
“To find the current i1, we apply KVL to mesh I:”

p. 83: on the second line:

“(transistors are introduced in Chapter 9)” should read “(transistors are introduced in Chapter 10)”

p. 84: Figure 3.25 should be replaced by the one shown below.

p. 84: a subscript is missing.


p. 104: the equation before Figure 3.63 (delete “∥” after R3)

“” should read


p. 110: CHECK YOUR UNDERSTANDING: the last two sentences and Answers:

Replace “RS” with “RT” since “RT” is used in the derivation to eq. (3.38).

p. 111: Equation (3.41), (3.42) and Figure 3.72:

Figure 3.72, which is a typical i-v diagram for diodes, should be modified to make it consistent with eq. (3.41) and (3.43). The exponential rise should be shift to 0 V.

p. 118: It’s better to specify the type of source in the 2nd line of Problem 3.18

“across the source in the circuit of Figure P3.18.” should read
“across the current source in the circuit of Figure P3.18.”

p. 119: Figure P3.20:

The resistor with the missing value should have a value of 4Ω.

Chapter 4 – AC Network Analysis

p. 130: Sidebar “MAKE THE CONNECTION”/Figure 4.1:

The arrow of qf should point “upward” instead of “rightward” in the two-chamber accumulator.

p. 132: Example 4.1, Problem, the last third line: A space is missing.

“double-layercpacitor” should be “double-layer capacitor.”

p. 133: Example 4.1, Solution

“Find: Charge separation at nominal voltage …” should read, “Find: Charge stored at nominal voltage ….”

p. 133: Example 4.1, Solution

The line that reads, “Since we know that the discharge current is 25 A and the available charge separation is 250 F …” should read, “Since we know that the discharge current is 25 A and the available charge separation is 250 C ….”


Should read, “Compare the charge storage achieved in this ultracapacitor with a (similarly sized) electrolytic capacitor used in power electronics applications, by calculating the charge storage for a 2,000 μF electrolytic capacitor rated at 400 V.”

p. 135: Figure 4.6: the tick value of the y-axis should be [0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5]. Replace the figure with the one below.


Should read, “Compare the energy stored in this ultracapacitor with a (similarly sized) electrolytic capacitor used in power electronics applications, by calculating the energy stored in a 2,000 μF electrolytic capacitor rated at 400 V.”

p. 139: Tale 4.2/the second row and the third row: variable names missing

Voltage or potential difference v Pressure difference p

Current flow i Fluid volume flow rate qf

p. 140: the sentence before eq. (4.16)

The line reads “Using Kirchhoff’s voltage law and the definition of the capacitor voltage, we can write …”
should read “Using Kirchhoff’s voltage law and the definition of the inductor voltage, we can write …”

p. 143: the integration upper limit should be t, not t’.

p. 146: Under “Why Sinusoids?”:

“… regarding the analysis of electric power circuits. Note that the methods …”

should read,

“… regarding the analysis of electric power circuits. The more ambitious reader may wish to explore Fourier Analysis on the web to obtain a more comprehensive explanation of the importance of sinusoidal signals. Note that the methods ….”

p. 148: Equation (4.27) should read:

p. 149: Equation (4.28) should read:

p. 150: in the sidebar L03: “” is missing.

The equation above Figure 4.19 reads should read .

p. 156: second paragraph under “Superposition of AC Signals

The line reads “The circuit shown in Figure 4.23 depicts a source excited by …” should read “The circuit shown in Figure 4.23 depicts a load excited by …”

p. 159: eq. (4.60): is missing.

should be .

p. 164: CHECK YOUR UNDERSTANDING/Answers: X|| is negative.

“… X|| = 0.25 …” should be “… X|| = -0.25 ...”

p. 168: Problem 4.16: vL is a function of t, not f.

The equation should be


p. 170: Figure P4.24:

The label “t (ms)” is missing in the x axis.

p. 174: Problem 4.62/Figure P4.62 (a):

“(a) A” should be “(a) A” or “(a) A.”

p. 175: Problem 4.67/item b.: (delete “|”)

The line reads “Find the range of frequencies for which Zab is capacitive, i.e., Xab > 10|Rab.” should read “Find the range of frequencies for which Zab is capacitive, i.e., Xab > 10Rab.”

p. 175: Problem 4.67/Hint:

1. Delete the redundant “is.”

2. Use the Greek letter “ω” instead of “w.”

The line reads “Assume that RC is is much greater than so that …” should read “Assume that RC is much greater than so that …”

Chapter 5 – Transient Analysis

p. 179: sidebar/Figure 5.5: “” is missing.

The equation above Figure 5.5 reads should read .

p. 182: last line on the page

“By analogy with equation 5.8, we call …”

should read

“By analogy with equation 5.7, we call …”

p. 184: Section 5.3, last line of introductory paragraph

“using the principle of continuity of inductor voltage and current”

should read

“using the principle of continuity of capacitor voltage and inductor current.”

p. 187: Solution/Analysis: the 4-th line:

The sentence reads “Let V3 be the voltage across resistor V3; then”
should read “Let V3 be the voltage across resistor R3; then.”


“iL(0+) = iL(0-) = 0.48 mA” should read “iL() = iL() = 0.48 mA.”


should read

p. 193: the first line:

“Thus, we can create the following table for the ratio x(t)/X0 = e-nπ/τ, n = 0, 1, 2,…, at each value of t:” should read
“Thus, we can create the following table for the ratio x(t)/X0 = e-nπ/τ, n = 0, 1, 2,…, at each value of t = nτ:”

p. 193: the line below equation (5.28):

The line reads “in which the forcing function F is equal to a constant for t = 0.” should read “in which the forcing function F is equal to a constant for .”

p. 193: the line below eq. (5.29): Section 5.3, not Section 5.4:

Should be “Note that this is exactly the DC steady-state solution described in Section 5.3!”.

p. 195: Example 5.7, Solution, Step 4:

“… with reference to equation 5.22”

should read

“… with reference to equation 5.24.”

p. 197: Figure 5.19:

The vertical scale on the graph should be labeled “Ratio of capacitor voltage to source voltage ” and the horizontal scale should be labeled “Time constants (RC)”

p. 197: Figure 5.20:

The direction of iL should be counter-clockwise. The vertical scale on the graph should be labeled “Ratio of Inductor current to source current ”and the horizontal scale should be labeled “Time constants, L/R)

p. 198: Example 5.8/Solution/Analysis: the second line:

“Thus, 90 percent … when Etotal = 0.9 ×…” should be
“Thus, 90 percent …when E90% = 0.9 ×…”

p. 198: Example 5.8/Solution/Analysis: Replace “10-3 × 103” with “103 × 10-3.” (R = 1k Ω, C = 1,000 μF)

The line reads “Next we determine … τ= RC = 103 × 10-3 = 1 s …”

p. 199: Example 5.9/Solution/Find: (“L” should be a subscript.)