Notes of meeting of Friends of Blubberhouses Church Committee held at The Hopper Lane

2 March 2017 at 2.00 pm.


Pat Anderson

Alison Bowers

Allison Dibb

Gillian Knox

Philip Livesey

Diana M Parsons

Deborah Power

Daphne Wilson


Gill White

2. Minutes of the meeting 2 February 2017.

Minutes were agreed as correct record.

3. Matters arising

There were no matters arising which were not covered on the agenda.

4. Treasurer's update

4.1DP circulated bank statement with analysis of income and expenditure, including petty cash.

Balance £5628.01 in the account with £71.81 in petty cash, both accounts up to date.

Surplus on Ceilidh was £188. Event was great success.

Co-op Bank, with reference to recent concerns in press about the Co-op Bank, Treasurer confirmed that FCA would cover the FoBs accounts.

5. Fund raising

5.1 Cards sales 2016

There are 82 packs of cards in stock, mixed Christmas and non-seasonal. 2016 Christmas cards can be re-circulated in future years.

Christmas cards 2017

It was agreed to sell Christmas cards 2017, suggestion of St Andrew’s stained glass windows for one design. Choice of 2 was considered, a second new design – good to use same printer. FoBs agenda Sept. 2017

5.2 Fund raising for 2017

Sunday, Monday, 28/29 May 2017 bank holiday weekend.

-Opening times 11 to 4.00 pm

-Staffing: available GW, PL, DW, DMP, AB, DP

-Cakes/preserves requests for contributionsPA

-Porta potti will be needed DP

-Prices Fresh boxed juice £1; from BookersPA

-Squash 50p; Drink(tea or coffee) and cake £3.00

Elderflower cordial DP

Sale of jams/chutneys/marmalades on refreshment stall All+GK’s in stock

Letter FoBs for cakes, preserves andwould anyone like to help? Similar notice in parish mag. April and May. PA

Tent enquiry

DW led with details on tents from and

Gazebo: sturdy tent 3x3m roof only £159 ?vat inc.

Heavy duty steel poles, sides extra; extra strong pegs

Choice of colours

Printing extra

Amazon: £119 basic tent; – pelmet 1’ deep; printing extra; sides extra.

Discussion key suggestions: 3m x 4.5m; two sides required, one long, one short.

Printing on one side or on pelmet?

Preferred colour: burgundy

Basic shell should be multi functional, this tent may have several uses, different locations, hire/loan.

Size of rotary tents, placing of text to be checked out.PL

Size of lower grass area to be checked.PA

Further details and costs to be obtained.DW

Lead time – it needs to be ready for use 28/29 May 2017.


AB has the banner from Flower Festival ‘Refreshments, Tea and Coffee’ or similar to be printed on reverse side. It can be used frequently tied to front railings.

6. Listed Places of Worship Roof Repair

David Knightley, surveyor, has visited church, expressed concern about mortar on ridge, there are also two slipped slates. PL agreed that contractors need to visit for remedial work. PL stated mortar should last for more than one winter. PA to contact Pickles. PL/PA/contractor

7. Phase 2 grant applications

Bell tower

Taylors of Loughbrough had made inspection with David Anderson on 23 February 2017. Report to be sent – there will be no charge for this initial report (for circulation when received). PA

Stained glass specialists

Schedule of funders prepared by DP. Funds available for application range from £500 to £100,000.

Some deadlines by end March. PA has contacted DAC and architect to check on whether specialists can quote for work based on the Quinquennial Inspection, (Feb.2013) or if more detailed specification required. When this is confirmed, visits from specialists, whom architect has recommended will be arranged. Date to be circulated to colleagues. PA/DP/All


Bob Baker had volunteered some research. Bob had suggested the ‘harmonium’ was of heritage interest. PL recently had heard similar organ in excellent condition. PA/BobBaker

John Barnes does organ repairs and conservation, currently maintains organs at Fewston and Bhs.

8. Services 2017

Schedule circulated to colleagues and Denise Eagland who organises flowers/cleaning.

Thanksgiving for Lambing, 7 May at 11.00 am led by Revd. Barry Miller

Followed by lunch at The Hopper Hotel: 2 courses, plus tea/coffee. Choice: starter and main (roast beef), or main and pudding; price £15.50.

Bookings direct to AD by Friday, 28 April. 30 max. Info. Friends Newsletter and Parish mag. PA

9. Internal improvements

Mark Grainge,work as specified by architect has been carried out, PL reported. On inspection, looks good.

10. External signage

Some condensation on Bhs. window – same thing had occurred on Fewston sign in first few days – PA to monitor, crystals available to absorb moisture if required. Some notices to go in. PA

11. Porcelain mugs

Mugs had arrived, 20 each in three colours at £1 each. DMP kindly made a donation to cover costs.

Many thanks expressed to DMP by colleagues. Into storage with AB until crockery sorted out.

AD had sorted out selection of large cake plates, surplus to requirements – kindly offered, useful to AB to store.

12. Any other business

LPOW grant details, circulate to colleagues. PA Flower Festival advertising to be paid to FoBs account, when Surveyor’s final report is made and paid for. F&B Hon. Treasurer

13. Date and time of next meeting(s)2017

Arranged for Thursdays, 2.00 pm at The Hopper Inn: 6 April, 4 May, 8 June, 6 July, 7 Sept., 5 Oct., 2 Nov., 7 Dec.

Thanks to The Hopper Lane for hosting meeting and to Philip Livesey who chaired the meeting.
