Syllabus for Education in Light of the Science of Consciousness • M.A. in Science of Consciousness

Maharishi University of Management

International Foundation of Consciousness-Based Education


Master of Arts Degree Program

in the Science of Consciousness

Bringing fulfillment to individual life and society

through programs for the full development of consciousness,

founded by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi



in light of

the Science of Consciousness I.

Fulfilling the Highest Goals of Education Everywhere

by Fully Developing the Knower—the Student

by Dr. Susan Dillbeck


Course Syllabus


Syllabus for Education in Light of the Science of Consciousness • M.A. in Science of Consciousness

International Foundation of Consciousness-Based Education

Maharishi University of Management

Master of Arts degree program in the Science of Consciousness

Bringing fulfillment to individual life and society

through programs for the full development of consciousness,

founded by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

“Education in light of the Science of Consciousness I.”

Fulfilling the Highest Goals of Education Everywhere

by Fully Developing the Knower—the Student

by Dr. Susan Dillbeck

Goal of Courses I and II on Education: The goal of this 2-course series is to introduce students to the principles, practices, research, and applied programs of Consciousness-Based education, inspiring them with the highest goal of this educational approach: development of higher states of consciousness as the basis for practical attainment of the long-sought ideals of education for the individual and society.

Author of the Video Lectures: The primary video lectures of the course are written and recorded by Susan L. Dillbeck, Ph.D., Professor of Education and Trustee, Maharishi University of Management; and President of the International Foundation of Consciousness-Based Education. Video lectures on Education by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and international experts are also used in the course.

Objectives of Course I: The students will—

1. Understand and experience how the entire discipline of education, from its most concrete to most abstract levels, can be viewed as the relationship of knower, process of knowing, and known, which has its basis in the unified field of intelligence, directly experienced by the students through the Technology of Consciousness;

2. Understand and be able to explain how deeper levels of the functioning of the laws of nature governing educational process lead to greater mastery in the field of education;

3. Understand and be able to explain how full development of consciousness provides the solution to longstanding problems in the field of education;

4. Understand and be able to explain how analysis and synthesis of increasingly subtle processes and practices in education bring increasingly profound and useful knowledge with greater organizing power to improve the field and raise it toward its highest goals;

5. To express the most important ideas of the course in the final oral and written synthesis and examination of the course.

6. Improve in the ability to analyze, synthesize, evaluate what they are learning; in the ability to express themselves clearly and comprehensively, as indicated by their exercises and presentations, including Student Summaries, Review of the Day, Review of the Week, Enlightened Presentations, and their final oral and written synthesis.

Class Format:

After each lecture presentation students individually or in groups integrate the material through activities that call on their own understanding and experience; then students present to the rest of the class the product of these activities, with appreciation and further suggestions from teacher and students.

Through these activities students will be reviewing, applying, summarizing, synthesizing, and expressing the knowledge they are gaining, both in writing and speech. The presentations are evaluated with reference to clarity, precision, comprehensiveness, and depth of connection to the knowledge of consciousness.

These exercises and activities include End-of-Lesson Summaries, Review of the Day, and Review of the Week and Enlightened Presentations that creatively integrate the main themes of study of the previous week. The written work is assembled into the student’s portfolio, which is evaluated by the teacher at the end of the course, together with the student’s final oral and written synthesis.

Evaluation of Student Performance:

Daily presentations and summaries–30 points

Homework assignments–15 points

Attendance and punctuality–15 points

Reviews of the week and creative presentations–10 points

Final oral and written examination, and presentations on field work–30 points

Total: 100

Primary Lectures—by Dr. Susan Dillbeck (unless noted)

Lecture 1. Part 1. “Course Overview: The Entire Course Taught in Brief”

Part 2. “The Unified Field Chart for Education: Experiencing and awakening the full value of knower, known, and process of knowing”

Lecture 2. “Deeper Laws of Nature Governing Education Give Greater Mastery”

Lecture 3. “Development of Consciousness Provides Solutions to Long-Standing Problems in Education”

Lecture 4. “Total Knowledge in the Field of Education—Gained through a Progression of Analysis and Synthesis”

Video Lectures for the Course

by Maharishi:

1. “Maharishi’s keynote speech to the 1973 conference of the American Association for Higher Education”

2. “Maharishi Speaks on the Importance of Education for Making the Nation Invincible”

by Scientists:

3. “Scientific Research Validating the Effectiveness of Consciousness-Based Education” by Dr. Michael Dillbeck, Research Professor of Maharishi University of Management, USA

4. “Modern scientific principles supporting the effectiveness of Consciousness-Based Education” by Dr. Volker Schanbacher, Professor of Physics, Maharishi Vedic University, the Netherlands

Readings for the Course:

by Maharishi:

1. Maharishi: “Introduction to Maharishi Vedic University”

2. Maharishi: Foreword to Scientific Research on the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programme: Collected Papers, Volume 5.

3. Short readings of Maharishi speaking in the Global Press Conference series on topics related to education, distributed among the lectures of the course

by Educators and Scientists:

4. “Analysis of the Educational Process” and “New Principles of Education Based on

Knowledge and Experience of the Unified Field”—sections in “The Maharishi Technology of the Unified Field in Education: Principles, Practices, and Research.” Modern Science and Vedic Science. 1987 1. pp. 3–9; 25–26

5. “Scientific Research Findings on the Transcendental Meditation program in Education” by Michael Dillbeck, Ph.D. and Susan L. Dillbeck, Ph.D. Vlodrop, The Netherlands: MVU Press, 2013. (7 pages)

6. “Summary of Scientific Research on Consciousness-Based Education”

by Michael Dillbeck, Ph.D. and Susan L. Dillbeck, Ph.D. Vlodrop, The Netherlands: MVU Press, 2012. (20 pages)

7. Introduction to Scientific Research on the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programme, Vol. 1. “Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and the Transcendental Meditation Program: A New Direction for Scientific Research” by Lawrence H. Domash, Ph.D. (15 pages)

Scientific Research Papers:

8. Nidich, S. Grant, J., Change, W., Mjasiri, S., Nidich, R., Rainforth, M., Valosek, L., & Zigler, R. Academic achievement and Transcendental Meditation: A study with at-risk urban middle school students. Education 131: 556–564, 2011.

9. Barnes VA, Bauza LB, Treiber FA. Impact of stress reduction on negative school behavior in adolescents. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 2003 1(1):10.

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