Adopted June 28, 1942 in Llano, TX
Amended October 2, 2011
SECTION 1: The name of this organization shall be CENTRAL TEXAS FIREMEN’S AND FIRE MARSHALS’ ASSOCIATION. (Amended October 7, 1984 – Cameron)
SECTION 1: The purpose of this organization is to promote the interchange of experience and new ideas of benefit to fire departments. To promote cooperation between neighboring departments. To stimulate interest in fire prevention and fire protection, both in the rural and urban districts. To develop standard practices and methods of fire fighting. To promote the organization of new fire companies in towns and communities now unprotected. To cooperate with and further the interest of the State Firemen’s and Fire Marshals’Association and the Firemen’s Training School at A&MCollege.
SECTION 2: The motto of the organization is “In Unity There is Strength.”
SECTION 1: Membership in this association shall be limited to organized Fire Departments in the area outlined by counties as follows: Bastrop, Bell, Blanco, Burleson, Burnet, Brazos, Bosque, Coryell, Falls, Gillespie, Atascosa,Hamilton, Lampasas, Lee, Limestone, Llano, Milam, Mills, McLennan, Robertson, San Saba, Travis, Washington, and Williamson (Amended May 7th, 1987- Burton and May 17th, 2009 - Rockdale)
SECTION 2: There shall be three forms of membership in this organization, namely: Active, Honorary, and Contributing.
SECTION 3: Active membership shall be termed as the active members of the regular organized fire departments.
SECTION 4: Honorary memberships shall be termed to apply to those personswhom the Association, through their wisdom, deem it a privilege to elect to honorary membership in the Association, and are not on the active list of the membership of any department in the district. (Amended May 7th, 1987- Burton and May 17th, 2009 - Rockdale)
SECTION 5: Honorary members shall be elected to membership in this Association upon application of two active members, who shall make said application on the floor of a meeting of the Association and should be confined to those, who we feel, have rendered distinctive service to the fire departments, or department of the district, and who will reflect honor and credit the Association.
SECTION 6: Honorary membership shall be limited to two members from each town that is a member of the Association
SECTION 7: An equipment or apparatus salesman or manufacture may become a contributing member of the Association by paying ($20) dollars as annual dues. Those wishing to display shall be a contributing member. (amended May 21, 1995 – Georgetown)
SECTION 1: The meetings of the Central Texas Firemen’s’ and Fire Marshal’s Association shall be held semi – annually on the first or third Sunday of the months of May and October, and the election of officers shall be held annually at the fall meeting regardless of where the meeting is held. The Memorial Service shall be held at the Fall Meeting. (amended May 2, 1948 – May 17, 1987 – Burton, April 28, 1991 – Taylor, and October 2, 1993 Hearne)
SECTION 1: The officers of the CENTRAL TEXAS FIREMENS’S AND FIRE MARSHALS’ ASSOCATION shall consist of a President, four Vice Presidents, immediate Past President, Secretary/Treasurer, Assistant Secretary/Treasurer, Chaplain, and Mascot. (amended October 7, 1962 – May 6, 1984 – HarkerHeights, May 21, 1995 – Georgetown)
SECTION 2: The election of officers of the Association shall be as follows: The first Vice President shall be elevated to the office of President after theirnomination has been made from the floor, and there are no objections totheir elevation. The Second Vice President shall be elevated to the office of First Vice President after their nomination shall have been made from the floor and there are no objectives totheir elevation. The Third and Fourth Vice President shall be elevated in the same manner according to the amendment dated October 7, 1962. The Fourth Vice President shall be elected from the remaining members by nomination from the floor, and vote of the authorized delegates to the meeting, providing that in case of the nomination of more than one candidate, the one receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected, and in case of a tie the President shall cast the deciding vote. (Amended May 17th, 2009 – Rockdale)
SECTION 2a: The Secretary/Treasurer shall be elected from the nomination placed from the floor, and the same provisions shall prevail as in the election of the Fourth Vice President.
SECTION 2b: The Assistant Secretary/Treasure shall be elected from the nomination placed from the floor with the same provisions that prevail as in the election of the Fourth Vice President.
SECTION 2c: The Chaplain shall be elected from the floor with the same provisions that prevail as in the election of the Fourth Vice President.
SECTION 2d: The Mascot shall be elected from the nomination from the floor with the same provision that prevail in the election of the Fourth Vice President.
SECTION 3: Be it provided that no Office of the CENTRAL TEXAS FIREMEN’S AND FIRE MARSHALS’ ASSOCIATION shall be eligible to succeed themselves in office with the exception of the Secretary/Treasurer, Assistant Secretary/Treasurer, and the Chaplain, who shall be eligible to re-election to the respective office at the will of the members. (Amended May 17th, 2009 – Rockdale)
SECTION 4: No Officer shall receive compensation for services rendered the Association except the Secretary/Treasurer, who shall receive an annual salary of Two Hundred Dollars ($200) plus necessary phone calls. (amended October 3, 1982 – Brenham)
SECTION 5: Vacancies of any elected position, except that of Assistant Secretary, Chaplain, and 4th Vice President, shall be filled by elevation of the chairs in the order they were elected. Vacancies of elected positions of Assistant Secretary, Chaplain, and 4th Vice President may be filled by appointment on interim basis at the discretion of the President, with the approval of the majority of the Executive Board present and voting. Any interim appointment shall expire on the last day of the next Election Convention. (Amended May 17th, 2009-Rockdale)
SECTION 1: PRESIDENT – The President shall preside over the meetings of the Association, and perform all duties usually incumbent upon the presiding Officer of deliberative bodies.Theyshall appoint all regular and any special committees not otherwise provided for. Theyshall appoint at the regular meeting of the Association and Auditing, a Credential, and Resolutions committee. (Amended May 17th, 2009 – Rockdale)
SECTION 2: VICE PRESIDENTS – In case of absence, resignation of death of the President, the Vice Presidents shall preside in the order in which they were elected.
Duties of the Vice Presidents: (amended Oct. 7, 1962 – Killeen and May 17th, 2009 - Rockdale)
1st Vice President – Membership, Miss Flame, Resolution,
2nd Vice President – Program Chairman, By Laws & Constitution
3rd Vice President – Races Chairman, Poster Contest
4th Vice President – Registration Chairman, Credentials
SECTION 3: SECRETARY/TREASURER – It shall be the duty of the Secretary/Treasurer to keep a record of all the Association; to receive and receipt all monies due or belonging to it; to pay all authorized bills, and to perform such other duties required by the office. Theyshall prepare a roll of names of the delegates selected by the Fire Departments of the Association and shall present same to the Credentials Committee at the regular meetings. (amended May 21, 1967 – Frederiskburg and Oct. 8, 1978 – Georgetown). The Secretary shall have the authority to order flowers for deceased member of the present or past executive committee, theirspouse, and State Firemen’s Association Officials. The limit for flowers for the deceased members or spouse of members as previously named shall be left to the discretion of the Secretary of the Central Texas District. (Amended May 17th, 2009 – Rockdale)
SECTION 3a: ASSISTANT SECRETARY/TREASURER – It shall be the duty of the Assistant Secretary/Treasurer to provide assistance to the Secretary/Treasurer in the performance of District business.
SECTION 4: CHAPLAIN – In the hands of the Chaplain is placed the spiritual welfare of the Association, and we look to the Chaplain for Divine Guidance in all deliberation of the Association, thattheir influence and guidance may be helpful to the conduct of the meetings. The Chaplain shall compile a list of deceased members of this association for the past year and make all arrangements for holding an appropriate memorial service during the Fall District Meeting.
(Amended Oct. 7, 1962 Killeen and May 17th, 2009 - Rockdale)
SECTION 5: IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT – It shall be the duty of the Immediate Past President to preside over any meeting of the Past Presidents and to be a liaison between the Past Presidents and the Executive Board. The immediate Past President shall be a voting member of the Executive Board. They shall be the chairman of the auditing and nominations committee. (Amended May 21, 1995 – Georgetown and May 17th, 2009 - Rockdale)
SECTION 6: EXECUTIVE BOARD – The voting members of the Executive Board shall consist of the President, four Vice Presidents, Secretary/Treasurer, Assistant Secretary/Treasurer, Chaplain, and immediate Past President. (amended May 21, 1995 – Georgetown)
SECTION 1: EXCUTIVE COMMITTEE – The Executive Committee of the Association shall be composed of the elected officers of the Association and in their hands and keeping is placed the affairs of the Association when not in meetings..
SECTION 2: CREDENTIALS COMMITTEES – It shall be the duty of the Credentials Committee to meet immediately after the Association convenes for the purpose of passing on the credentials of the delegates and their dues, and to make their report to the convention as soon as they have completed their duties. (amended Oct. 6, 1957 – Brenham)
SECTION 3: AUDITING COMMITTEE – The Auditing Committee shall audit all bills of the Association and the books of the Secretary/Treasurer and make a report at the annual meeting in the fall
SECTION 4: PAST PRESIDENTS COMMITTEE – The Past Presidents Committee is established to support and assist the President towardstheir goals in advancing Fire Departments and Fire Prevention in an advisory capacity, and pledge their moral support and past experiences to the betterment of the Association. The Past Presidents Committee shall review all nominees and select the Firefighter of the Year and the EMS Responder of the Year for the District.
(Amended May 21, 1995 Georgetown and May 17th, 2009 - Rockdale)
SECTION 5: REGISTRATION COMMITTEE – The Registration Committee shall be responsible to check registration totals and certify for attendance prizes at the meetings of the Association. (Added October 1, 1989 – Cameron)
SECTION 6: RESOLUTIONS COMMITTEE – This committee shall be composed of three members. These members shall be selected by the President and shall serve for one year. If so needed, the incoming President may retain the committee members. The duty of the committee shall be to receive suggestions from members of the Association and present them to the general membership with committee recommendations as to approval of disapproval. After being presented at one meeting, the general membership shall vote at the next semi – annual meeting. This committee may submit courtesy Resolutions to express gratitude to individuals or organizations they deem necessary.
(Added October 1, 1989 – Cameron)
SECTION 7: CONSTITUTION AND BYLAWS COMMITTEE - The Constitution and Bylaws Committeewill review, study, and edit all proposed changes with the submitting body’s approval, publish and distribute with the committees recommendation for approval or rejection to the Executive Board. All proposed changes to the Constitution and Bylaws will be presented at the Semi Annual Convention by the committee for final action by the voting delegates. The Constitution and Bylaws committee is charged with the duty of keeping the Constitution and Bylaws current and correct and in keeping with the goals of the Association. The Constitution and Bylaws Committee may submit changes to the Constitution and Bylaws that are a clarification of an Article or Section, correct grammar or misspelling, and submit any Article or Section at the direction and approval of the Executive Board. (Added May 17th, 2009 – Rockdale)
SECTION 1:The dues of the Association shall be ($20) dollars annually for each department. Dues are to be paid in advance, at, or before the fall meeting. (Amended October 1984 – Cameron, April 1991 – Taylor)
SECTION 1:Each regularly organized Fire Department shall be entitled to five delegates to the conventions of the Association, and each delegate are entitled to one vote, provided requirements of Article 8 of this Constitution and By – Laws has been complied with. All delegates must stand when name of town is called. If all five delegates are not there, they will only be allowed the number of votes they have on the floor.
SECTION 1: The following order of business shall be carried out in conducting the business of the Association; Governed by “Robert’s Rules of Order”;
1. Roll Call
2. Report of Credentials Committee
3. Appointment of Committees
4. Reading of Minutes
5. Report of Special Committees
6. General Business
7. Report of Resolutions Committee
8. Election of officers
9. Selection of next meeting place
10. Adjournment
SECTION 1: The Constitution and Bylaws of this Association may be amended at any regular meeting by a two – thirds vote of the delegates present and voting. (amended May 21, 1995 – Georgetown)
SECTION 2: Any amendment to the Constitution and By – Laws of this Association must be prepared and submitted in writing to the Resolutions Committee prior to the start of any meeting. The Resolutions Committee shall then present the proposed amendment to the delegates present in the form of a first reading. The proposed amendment shall then be read again by the Resolution Committee at the next regular meeting of the Association. After this second reading, final action on the amendment may be taken by the voting delegates present. (amended May 21, 1995 – Georgetown)
SECTION 1:The provisions of the Constitution and By – Laws shall be operative immediately upon adoption
SECTION 2: POLITICAL DISCUSSIONS – No Political speeches shall be allowed on the floor of the conventions of the Association.
SECTION 3: Registration fees for any regular meeting of the Association shall be at the discretion of the host city not to exceed $15, with two ($2) dollars going to the District and the remainder going to the host city. Only those registered by 1:00pm on the meeting date shall be considered for trophies or prizes. The District will be responsible for name tags and registration cards for meetings and the flowers for the Memorial Service. Special meal fees for children not registered for the convention are established as follows; ages 0 – 6 free. Ages 7 – 12 the host city is to establish a charge to cover the meal, the charge to be approved prior to the convention. These children feed are to cover the cost the meal and will not count towards any award such as mileage or attendance trophies. (Amended May 21, 1995 – Georgetown and May 17th, 2009 – Rockdale)
October 4, 1953: Chief Vernon Rucker donated a Rucker Attendance Trophy. Rules and regulations are attached to that meeting.
May 6, 1956: All racing teams wanting to participate in races for prizes must pay registration fees. All contestants of all races and sports contest must be registered by 1:00pm on the day of the contest. The host city must offer Three Man and Three Ladies races, or they shall offer Water Polo for both men and ladies for the benefit of the departments who do not enough members for six person teams. The choice of three members races and water polo shall be announces at the prior convention. Individual three member teams and/or water polo teams shall put up their individual prize money and be divided 60%/40%.
October 7, 1962 Killen: The president shall appoint an Nomination Committee of three members at the Spring Convention to present names of at least two candidates for the positions of Fourth Vice President and Mascot.
May 3, 1964 – Llano:Vernon and Bernice Rucker donated two “Booby Trophies” for the men and ladies pumper teams.
October 1, 1967: Lampasas: Members voted that the outgoing President’s town has priority on the fall convention should they desire.
October 3, 1971:Hearne: Hearne Fire Department donated a Mileage Trophy which must be won three times in succession for permanent keeps.
October 7, 1973: Hearne: Incorporated a Miss Flame Contest according to the rules attached.
October 3, 1982: Brenham: Rules, guidelines, and requirements for the District Miss Flame Contest were adopted, and a Miss Flame Committee was created for the Miss Flame Contest, to be composed of three members appointed by the President to serve alternating terms to handle contest.
October 5, 1975: Gatesville: The Executive Board shall have the authority to appoint Sergeants – Of – Arms at all meetings
May 15, 1977: Fredericksburg: Mr. Joe Mikolag, a Charter Member and Secretary Emeritus of the Central Texas District, was granted lifetime membership with voting privilege.
October 4, 1981: Fredericksburg: The Executive Board has the privilege of voting for or against submitted State Resolutions in order to present to the State Constitution an By – Laws Committee prior to May 15 cut – off time. Those Resolutions from the cities to be in the hands of the District Executive Board by March 1.
May 1, 1993: Thorndale: If any six men or six ladies pumper race team wins first place at three consecutive district conventions, the district shall purchase a permanent trophy for that team.
October 7, 1984: Cameron: Trophies will be given for fire prevention poster winners instead of cash and ribbons. Distributors will hold Association membership and be registered at the convention.
May 5, 1985: Stonewall: Past Presidents become lifetime members with voting privileges
May 17, 1987: Burton: An annual scholarship was established for the A&MAnnualMunicipalFireSchool. Rules and Regulations for such in the minutes of this convention.
October 4, 1987: Georgetown: A Memorial Fund, established in the name of Dale Sarter and other deceased members of the district, was established. Monetary interest derived from this fund to assist with the cost of the A&M Scholarship.