
July Newsletter

2012 Executive Committee2012 Executive Committee

CCC Minutes – June 5, 2012

CCC Minutes – July 2, 2012

Next meeting is August 7th, at 7 PM, at Guadalajara in Elizabeth.

Remember, if you want to school at Spring Gulch …..

September 1, 2012, Spring Gulch Horse Fall Benefit

for complete listing of upcoming events

Check out MSEA-CCC Facebook Page!

Web site information

Year End Awards Volunteer Hours

Spring Gulch Horse Park Permanent Pavilion Fund Raiser with Nutrena

Abbe Ranch USEA Riding Clinic Information

Abbe Ranch Horse Trial XXXVII

Classified Advertisements

Tender Touch Animal Wellness LLC Advertisement

Central Colorado Chapter – MSEA 2012 CCC Membership Application

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July Newsletter

2012 Executive Committee2012 Executive Committee

Jennifer Boggs / Britany Crown
Co-President / Co-President
6393 N Powell Rd / 2271 S. Grant Street
Parker, CO 80134 / Denver, CO 80210
720-432-4096 / 303-917-6203
Ashley Demander
Vice President
6900 Hideout Circle
Elizabeth, CO 80107

Heather Petersen
12395 Gull Lane
Peyton, Co 80831

Scott Wehrli
9491 County Rd. 134
Kiowa, CO 80117

Rochelle Costanza
985 North Bluff Drive
Franktown, CO 80116

Jane McPeters
8425 E Lightening View Drive
Parker, CO 80134

CCC Minutes – June 5, 2012

Meeting called to order 7:13 PM, Guadalajara’s, Elizabeth, CO

Executive Board Members Present: Britany Crown, Jennifer Boggs, Heather Petersen, Ashley Demander, Rochelle Costanza

Members present: Carol Jones, Sam Landers, Gennifer Giustina

Minutes – Minutes were not taken in May. The meeting was entirely Spring Gulch preparation.

Treasurer’s Report –

Combined accounts stand at $14,794.88. Checking is $13,480.96; Savings is $1313.92.

After these numbers, Heather emptied the PayPal account that contained one entry, so another $193.90 was deposited.

Total income from the horse trials is at $20,870. Expense so far is $8715.77 but there are several outstanding bills and refunds that need to be issued. The water jump cost $114 to fill. $2500 was given to Friends of Spring Gulch to help cover Steve’s costs. The original $4500 we gave to Friends of Spring Gulch came out of the savings account. The recent check came out of checking. Gennifer will be reimbursed $640.61 for course maintenance costs, etc. The vet cost $650 but donated $100 back to Friends of Spring Gulch. We are still waiting on the bill from Comfort Suites.

Following the financial updates, the executive board discussed refunds to competitors based on dates scratched and other special circumstances. Heather will mail the refunds this week.

President’s Report

Jennifer heard good feedback on the awards we gave to the top placing riders in all divisions. It was nice to award more than first place with something to take home other than a ribbon. Jennifer asked where the profits from the event go and we discussed how much we put back into the course for upkeep, maintenance and continuing the event.

We need a group to volunteer for course upkeep for the month of June. Jennifer volunteered Mile High to do it. Jennifer will email Laura Backus, Mary Lewis (John Staples) and call Karen Paul to see if their groups could do July or later months.

There have been several requests that we open the water jump for schooling during the summer. Everyone discussed the man hours this takes and beating the jump itself takes with schooling. It was decided the water jump would only be opened for schooling after the Fall Benefit for a couple of hours. We will make an effort to mention other water jumps that are available for schooling if people email and we will push this in the newsletter.

There was a discussion of what counts for volunteer hours for CCC yearend awards. Only hours worked in conjunction with USEA recognized event or a CCC specific event will count.

There is a request from Libby Stokes to rent the CCC radios for her upcoming event. Ashley Demander moved that we rent the radios to Libby for $75. Britany Crown 2nd the motion, motion passed unanimously.

Vice President’s Report

Ashley would like to get Kirk Hall reserved for the 2012 Awards banquet. It was discussed – first date choice is January 19th, second date choice is January 26th.

September 1st is our Fall Benefit.

Delegate Reports

We are up in membership from last year according to Heather.

Website Reports

Jennifer mentioned that some links are not going to the right places on the website. Rochelle will check on this.

Spring Gulch Report

Gennifer will be doing more linseed oiling of the jumps this summer.

There was a review of the TD report. Overall, the report is pretty good with a few things to work on.

We will go to Costco next year and do boxed lunches for the volunteers – it will be cheaper and make things easier on the volunteers.

We will talk to Kari Randle about secretarying next year since Heather will not be able to be present and Scott would rather work on the organizer side of things.

If Kyle does control next year, we’ll work on having all jumps report and go away from the zone reporting to see if we can smooth things out. He did a good job for his first time and there are very few qualified people in the area to fill this position.

Carol will get us the missing pinneys’ list so we can work on collecting them from those who did not return them.

Steve is talking about switching the course again for next year and doing another approach to the water crossing due to the new clay wash that Highlands Ranch has put in. We need to move the track away from this area as it’s just too slippery and hard to negotiate.

Steve and Pete leveled the dressage area this year and it was very helpful.

Official suggestions for 2013 that Heather will work on:

TD – Tom Ordway

PGJ – Sheila, Anna or Deeda

Dressage judge – Loni or Gwen.

We are going to offer Highlands Ranch $1000 to put in a more permanent pavilion by the sheds – no sides, just a roof. They also made over $700 in park fees from the horse trials… Gennifer will talk to Bill.

Gennifer will also fix both dressage judge stands. The floor is falling out of one and we’ll just do maintenance the other one.

Old Business

All old business taken care of in Spring Gulch business.

Adjourned at 8:45 pm

CCC Minutes – July 2, 2012

Meeting called to order 7:15 pm, Pegasus, Castle Rock, Colorado

Executive Board Members Present: Britany Crown, Heather Petersen, Ashley Demander

Members present: Carol Jones, Susan Farmer ChelcieWerhli

Guests: Jodie Justice

Minutes – Minutes were emailed out before the meeting and approved.

Treasurer’s Report –

Combined accounts stand at $12,028.38. Checking is $10,614.35; Savings is $1414.03.

$2966.61 paid out or checks were cashed since the last meeting.

Jennifer currently has the debit card for the club.

We have received $200 in dressage arena rental fees from the ColoradoHorsePark.

$75 has been received from Libby Stokes to deposit for radio rental.

There has been a possible double charge for the skid steer rental for moving of jumps before Spring Gulch of $1300. Scott is investing the charges.

President’s Report

The Spring Gulch clean-up in June by Mile High did not happen due to fires and other things. They are rescheduling for July and we will push the other groups to August or later months. Britany and Jennifer will work on this.

Vice President’s Report

Kirk Hall has been reserved for January 19th. There is a $150 rental fee and a $300 damage/cleaning deposit. We wrote a total check to DouglasCounty for $450.

Should we start pushing the Advanced Rider Endowment again? Heather will figure out how much money should be in the Endowment currently based on previous years’ minutes. She will also bring the previous documents for review to the next meeting.

September 1st is our Fall Benefit.

Delegate Reports

No report – next MSEA meeting is September 28th at the ColoradoHorsePark. We need to email CCC to see if anyone is interested in MSEA president and vice president positions that are vacant for the coming year.

Website Reports

The website is up to date, Rochelle has removed old materials and added a few things.

Spring Gulch Report

Officials for 2013 – we need to talk to Rick Dunkerton and Kari Randle as secretary.

Nutrena tags – we should start collecting them as they can be turned in for $0.60 per tag. We will collect them and turn them in to help raise money to build a pavilion at Spring Gulch. If Highlands Ranch doesn’t approve, we’ll find another project to fund like the Advanced Rider Endowment.

We need to see what horse trials are rotating if any so we can make sure our dates are locked in.

Fall Benefit:

Double check EMT with Gwen – Heather will take care of.

Britany will ask Kathy Simard to judge.

Ashley will ask Emily to help with XC.

Carol will be the volunteer coordinator.

We will email CCC to see if anyone would like to help organize.

Old Business


New Business

Wendy Chase would like to rent one dressage arena – Executive Board voted yes for the standard $100 fee. We will talk dates of pick up with them and schedule it.

Adjourned at 8:15 pm

Next meeting is August 7, 2012 at 7pm in Elizabeth at Guadalajaras.

Next meeting is August 7th, at 7 PM, at Guadalajara in Elizabeth.

Remember, if you want to school at Spring Gulch …..

It is open 365 days a year, weather permitting.
Purchase of a daily pass or yearly pass is required.
Year Passes are available at:
Highlands Ranch Metro District Parks & Open Spaces
3280 Redstone Park Circle
Highlands Ranch, CO 80129

September 1, 2012, Spring Gulch Horse Fall Benefit

for complete listing of upcoming events

Check out MSEA-CCC Facebook Page!

Web site information

Contact: Rochelle at for more information (and, of course, there is that information on the website too!) Or you can call: Rochelle at 303-229-1081 with any questions.

Mountain States Eventing Association website:

Area IX Website:

Rocky Mountain Dressage Society

Pine Ridge Pony Club

Year End Awards Volunteer Hours

Now that the event season is in full swing I just wanted to remind everyone that you must have 4 volunteer hours in order to be considered for yearend awards. These hours must be at a CCC event or USEA recognized event. If you have questions please contact me at


Ashley Demander

Spring Gulch Horse Park Permanent Pavilion Fund Raiser with Nutrena

One of the amenities that Spring Gulch Horse Park lacks is a permanent shelter where we can get out of the sun and the rain. The CCC Board is offering Highlands Ranch $1,000.00 toward the construction of a permanent pavilion. Obviously, $1,000.00 is not going to be nearly enough money to complete this project.

Nutrena® is offering the CCC,20 cents to 50 cents, depending on the product, for each proof of purchase tag the club collects from any of their products. If we all collect our proof of purchase tags off our bags of feed and other Nutrena® products, we can make some serious money to put toward our Spring Gulch Horse Park Pavilion.

Now you are wondering exactly which Nutrena products count for this fund raiser. Check out the following list.

Life Design Horse products:





Empower Boost and Empower Balance

Triumph horse products

Showmaster Feeds

Loyall Pet foods

Nutrena Farmstore feeds

Cargill Milk Plus Pellets

And, if you don’t use Nutrena you can check out their products at (Gennifer has $5.00 off coupons)

Plus, you can donate directly to this project by giving to the Friends of Spring Gulch, and your donation is tax deductible.

OK, you say, I can do this! Now, what do I do with all these proof of purchase tags? Who do I contact for more information?

Gennifer Giustina

13624 Travois Trail

Parker, CO 80138


And hey, what if I don’t have time to mail these things to Gennifer? Contact Gennifer and arrange to have her pick up the proof of purchase tags!

Abbe Ranch USEA Riding Clinic Information

Abbe Ranch Horse Trial XXXVII

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Classified Advertisements

Classifieds ads up to 50 words are free to all CCC members, and $5.00 to non-members.

Advertising in the CCC newsletter pricing:

$25 - Full Page,

$15 - Half Page,

$5 - business card ad

We will run your ad for up to three months, but you need to notify of need to renew each month. Send your information to Jane McPeters at .

Tender Touch Animal Wellness LLC Advertisement

Chiropractic Care to keep your horse at top performance!

Caring for the whole horse by alleviating pain and

enhancing their overall well being.

Contact us today to set up an appointment!

Serving horses and small animals in the greater Colorado Springs Area


Central Colorado Chapter – MSEA2012 CCC Membership Application

Before January 1, 2012 / Fees / After January 1, 2012 add $5.00 late fee
Individual / $40.00
Junior / $35.00
Family* / $50.00 / Add $4.00 each additional member
Subscribing** / $25.00
Business / $60.00

*Family includes two members living under the same roof. Please include $4.00 for each additional member and include their name, birthday and USEA number.

** Subscribing has no voting or awards but receives the newsletter.


Name: ______

Address: ______

City, State & Zip: ______

Phone Number: ______E-Mail: ______

USEA Number: ______Birthday: ______

Type of Membership: ______Total Fees: ______

What job would you like to volunteer for? ______

Send me the newsletter by EMAIL or by the US MAIL. Circle one. Default is email.

Make check payable to CCC/MSEA and send to:

Heather Petersen

12395 Gull Lane

Peyton, CO 80831

Joining CCC will pay your MSEA (Area IX) dues and you will receive the local MSEA Omnibus.

This membership does not register your horse with MSEA or USEA.

I, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO HEREBY STATE THAT I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTOOD THE FOLLOWING: Under Colorado law, an equine professional is not liable for any injury to or the death of a participant in equine activities, pursuant to Section 113-21-120 Colorado Revised Statutes. 1) It is my choice to participate in the MSEA/CCC Club activities. I understand the inherent risks associate with equine activities in general. 2) I hereby indemnify and hold harmless MSEA/CCC and its officers with any activities in case of injuries to myself or my horse. 3) By signing this form I agree to assume all risks and responsibilities for myself, my property, including my horse. I will be responsible for damages incurred by myself or my horse. Under 18 have parent or guardian sign.


Member: Parent/Guardian if member is under 18: Date: ______

Jane A McPeters

8425 E Lightening View Drive

Parker, CO 80134

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Nutrena is a registered trademark of Cargill, Inc.
