Meeting Minutes – May 21, 2015

Fritz’s Family Restaurant, Richville, MI 48734

Those Present:

District #1 Terry Schindler

District #2 John Densmore

District #3

District #4 Clint Stoutenburg, Chair

District #5 Allen Bischer

District #6 Ross Voelker, Vice Chair

District #7 Brian Stratton

District #8 John Krick, Treasurer

Shipper Representative

Executive Secretary Joe Cramer

Research Director Greg Varner

Others Present:

Nancy Nyquist MDARD

Kate Krepps Michigan Farm Bureau

Brad Ackerman Ackerman Marketing

Following introductions, the meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Stoutenburg.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Cramer distributed a revised agenda. (See attached.) A motion was made by Bischer with support from Schindler to accept the re-vised agenda. Motion passed.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: A motion was made by Voelker with support from Schindler to accept the meeting minutes dated March 11, 2015 as presented. Motion passed.

FINANCIAL REPORT: The financial reports for the month of March 2015 and April 2015 including monthly assessment reports, bank balances, year-to-date totals and budget comparison for both the Commission and PRAB were presented. A motion was made by Densmore with support by Schindler to accept the financial report as presented and be placed on file. Motion passed.

MDARD REPORT: Nancy Nyquist, MDARD distributed copies of Wine Country and Michigan Agriculture both of which highlight Michigan Agriculture for our review and a flyer promoting a MDARD workshop designed for people that are interested in exporting. Nancy explained that we can expect the addition of a MDARD division director position which will be filled in the next few weeks. Nancy plans to meet with Director Clover Adams in the next few days to discuss SCBG applications and will communicate the decisions as soon as possible thereafter.

MICHIGAN BEAN SHIPPERS REPORT: Commissioner French wasn’t able to attend so no report.


·  Planning is underway to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Michigan Bean Commission. Space has been reserved at the DoubleTree Hotel and Conference Center in Bay City for December 14, 2015.

·  Cuba – Kate Krepps, Associate Field Crops Specialist was present to explain that the Cuban Ambassador’s June 4 visit and tour has been postponed. Travel has been curtailed while policymakers continue to work toward the elimination of the embargo and open trade. MFB remains optimistic about the opportunities Cube has to offer Michigan agriculture. Cramer mentioned the trip to Cuba that MABA is organizing for industry participant this September and the possibility of MBC participation in a food show in Havana next fall. While Kate had the floor, she added comments on the challenges associated with funding road repair and maintenance in our state. She wrapped up by offering an invitation to attend MFB’s day trip to the FMI Show in Chicago on June 11th.

·  FY 15-16 Budget - Cramer presented a FY 15-16 budget for consideration. This will be reviewed and discussed further at our July meeting and adoption at our August meeting.

·  Study and discussion continues regarding the pros and cons of increasing the assessment.

·  Cramer mentioned that BCBS has notified us that our existing policy which terminates in July 2015 is no longer available. Cramer is seeking options.

·  Cramer commented very positively on last month’s Global Pulse Confederation and this month’s National Restaurant Show. If there is a seat available, Cramer plans to participate in the MFB’s FMI day trip on June 11th.

Grant Updates – Cramer and Research Director, Greg Varner updated the Commission on the status of our grants.

·  SCBG75 Harvest Aid is just underway this spring. This project involves Varner, Dr. Jim Kelly and Dr. Christy Sprague.

·  SGI250 Ingredient Project – Phase I is winding down. Spending concludes this month with our final report due June 30.

·  SGI200 Ingredient Project – Phase II has been approved and will be underway this summer.

·  OBB47 – this grant from the Ontario Bean Board has Dr. Kelly focusing on otebo breeding and production.

·  SCBG100 – this application is pending. If approved, this project will focus on diseases and fertility. Notification is expected in June.

Research Director’s Report

·  Varner updated the Commission on his participation on the National Sclerotinia Initiative (NSI) where he representing the dry bean industry. This initiative is a collaboration that studies white mold across several crops. The NSI has an annual budget of app. $1,050,000. Varner’s participation has been funded by the US Dry Bean Council.

·  Varner reviewed the research projects he has contracted for this growing season. It appears very positive. Revenue is expected to be up.

·  Varner has tentative dates in place for this year’s plot tours which begins in the UP on August 11th and concludes in Sanilac County on September 2nd. The schedule will be posted on www.michgianbean.org.

1.  August 10 – Kevin Klink – Delta County

2.  August 11 – Dan Smolinski - Alpena County

3.  August 24 – Brian Stratton – Montcalm County

4.  August 25 – VanHoost Farms- Tuscola County (Nomination Meeting)

5.  August 26 – Field Day – SVREC

6.  August 27 – Frank Farms – Bay County

7.  August 31 – Bebow Farms – Gratiot County

8.  September 1 – Claude Puvalowski – Huron County (Nomination Meeting)

9.  September 2 – Brian Aldrich – Sanilac County (Nomination Meeting)

USDBC Report

·  USDBC Executive Committee member Stoutenburg highlighted the naming of Rebecca Bratter as the new executive director of the USDBC. Bratter replaces the previous director who terminated his contract with a letter of resignation. Bratter started in time to participate in the USDBC IPC Strategic Planning session and attend some of the activities at the Global Pulse Confederation conference.

·  IPC Committee member Cramer commented positively on the recent IPC strategic planning session

·  A Food Aid Committee has been re-activated. Bratter is very experienced in this area.

·  Bratter, Cramer and NH’s Tim Courneya met with FAS administrators on May 14th. FAS assured the group that all is well.


·  Cramer attended the late March APA board meeting in Spokane. Discussions continue regarding the use of the term “pulses”. The next board meeting is in Minneapolis in late June. The APA continues to work on the Dietary Guidance Message and the International Year of Pulses.

Ag Leaders of Michigan

·  Cramer attended the Ag Leaders of Michigan Lunch and Learn this month. These luncheons are well attended and offer us the opportunity to talk about our industry to the state’s lawmakers and regulators through their staff.

·  On June 9, commodity groups will have the opportunity to tell our stories to the decision makers from the state’s universities and other institutions who are dealing with buy local mandates and nutritional mandates. This event will be held at the Brody Complex on the MSU campus.

·  The Summer Fly in will take place on July 14 and 15. MBC will share in the cost. Cramer plans to participate including a Commissioner is schedules allow.

PUBLIC COMMENT: there was none

Before adjourning, Cramer recognized and thanked Stoutenburg Farms and Frank Farms who recently made significant pledges to the building project at the Saginaw Valley Research and Extension Center. Both commitments come with the challenge to all growers and agri-businesses to also make a pledge.

With no further agenda items or discussion, Chairman Stoutenburg declared the meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.


Joe Cramer

Joe Cramer, MBC Executive Secretary