List of authors (only the first authors can be included followed by et al.only one line is allowed)

Title (only one line is allowed so, it is possible to use a short title, if necessary)

PAPER TITLE – recommended length max 50 words

Ioan POPESCU1, Eugen IONESCU2,*, Constantin BRANCUSI2

1.University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Faculty of Applied Chemistry and Materials Science, Department Science and Engineering of Oxide Materials and Nanomaterials; 1-7 Gh Polizu st, 011061 Bucharest, Romania;

2.University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Faculty of Electronic and Information Technology, Department Electronic devices; 30Iuliu Maniu st, 006002 Bucharest, Romania (*)


The abstract should be representative and concise, the length should not exceed 250words. The font should be Arial, 10pts, Italics. It should contain the main purposes, results and conclusions of the manuscript. If appropriate, a graphical abstract is recommended and will be published online, along with the paper.The graphical abstract is designed to attract the interest of the readers and will not be included into the manuscript.

Keywords: Up to 6 keywords are recommended to be provided along with the manuscript. The keywords can be a singular word or a sentence of words (describing a singular concept) and must be separated by semicolon (i.e. Nanostructured Composite Biomaterial for Bone Grafting; Drug Delivery System; Osteoporosis; …)

AdvMatTechEnv: 2017: 1(1):1-13ISSN: 2559 - 26371

List of authors (only the first authors can be included followed by et al.only one line is allowed)

Title (only one line is allowed so, it is possible to use a short title, if necessary)

1. Introduction

The state of the art will be presented clearly indicating the references [1-3]. Each manuscript should avoid the unappropriated length (verbose is strongly discouraged) as well as the unnecessary citations. The proper citation of the sources must be provided.

The structure of this section is solely decided by the authors, they can use as many paragraphs as they consider relevant. If tables or figures are used the Copyright should be obtained by the authors and provided along with the submitted manuscript. The figures should have a resolution of minimum 300dpi.

The last paragraph is devoted to the main objective(s) as defined by the authors. The usual length of this paragraph is no longer than 250words.

2. Material and methods

Provide sufficient detail to allow the work to be reproduced. Methods already published should be indicated by a reference; only relevant modifications should be described concisely. If for certain papers this section is not appropriate, please replace it accordingly. If useful, different sections can be considered such as: materials, methods, standards, all these sections being formatted as subheading as presented below:

2.1. Materials

Usually this section will contain data about the materials and reagent used in the work and will be strongly dependent on the topic of the manuscript. No restrictions about the length and structure are imposed. When possible, it is recommended to use adequate citations instead of describing the characteristics of the materials, etc.

2.2. Methods

Usually this section will contain data about the methods used in the work and will be strongly dependent on the topic of the manuscript. No restrictions about the length and structure are imposed. When possible, it is recommended to use adequate citations instead of describing the methods of synthesis, etc.

2.3. Standards

Where appropriate, the reference to standards (methods, materials, …) can be presented/described.

3. Results and Discussion

This section should explore the obtained results, highlighting their significance. Extensive citations and discussion of published literature should be avoided. Preferable proper citation of the sources must be provided. The discussions about the composition – structure – properties and performances are welcome. The journal is encouraging an explanative approach instead of descriptive one.

The use of figures and tables is the solely responsibility of the authors but it is mandatory to use a tabular or graphical representation of the data and not both. In tables, the recommended font is Arial, size 10.

Tables: For tables, the recommended fonts are Arial, size 10 pts. The table title will be centered, bold. The caption will be written in italics (10 pts), aligned to the right, above the table. The number of decimals will be chosen according to the significance of the decimals, usually with 0, 2 or 4 digits.

Table 1. Porosity data ….

Compound / Porosity (%) / Density
MCM41 / 55 / 1.20
MCM48 / 65 / 1.10
SBA15 / 75 / 0.95

Figures: The Figures will be centered. The legend will be written with 9 pts characters, bolded, below the image(s). The recommended size of the image should be less than 10x10 cm2 but the final size will be decided after acceptance.

AdvMatTechEnv: 2017: 1(1):1-13ISSN: 2559 - 26371

List of authors (only the first authors can be included followed by et al.only one line is allowed)

Title (only one line is allowed so, it is possible to use a short title, if necessary)

Figure 1. The Figs will have a centered legend (9 pts, bold)

AdvMatTechEnv: 2017: 1(1):1-13ISSN: 2559 - 26371

List of authors (only the first authors can be included followed by et al.only one line is allowed)

Title (only one line is allowed so, it is possible to use a short title, if necessary)

All the figures should be provided in TIFF, JPEG or BMP format at a minimum resolution of 300dpi. The tables should be provided in editable mode, preferable as a word file.

Subheading can be used as presented above. The structure of the section will be decided by the authors.

4. Conclusions

The paper will end with one or more paragraph(s) concerning the original results obtained and their possible applications (if any).Usually, this section does not contain references.

The title “Conclusions” will be numbered, it will be written in small characters (12 pts), bold, indented 1.27cm. The main text will be written with TNR 12pts, indented 0.5cm. The recommended length of this section should not exceed 200(at most 250) words.


This section should include the corresponding acknowledgements for the Funding Agencies as well as for the people who contribute with analyses, advices, etc.

Conflict of interests

If applicable, any conflict of interest should be clearly indicated.

All the manuscripts will be provided along with an Author Agreement Form which certify that the manuscript is original, unpublished and is not under evaluation in other journals (please use thisform).

AdvMatTechEnv: 2017: 1(1):1-13ISSN: 2559 - 26371

List of authors (only the first authors can be included followed by et al.only one line is allowed)

Title (only one line is allowed so, it is possible to use a short title, if necessary)

AdvMatTechEnv: 2017: 1(1):1-13ISSN: 2559 - 26371

List of authors (only the first authors can be included followed by et al.only one line is allowed)

Title (only one line is allowed so, it is possible to use a short title, if necessary)


The bibliography will respect the quotation within the text it will be numbered currently and the text quotations will be made in square brackets, e.g. [1]. For multiple references please use [1-5] or [1, 3-4] format.

The reference section must respect the proper Endnote Style of the journal and can be downloaded following this link.

Some examples are listed below for papers and books. The other categories of works should include as much information as considered representative but avoiding unnecessary data.

Journal papers:

[1] Ficai D, Sandulescu M, Ficai A, Andronescu E, Yetmez M, et al. Drug Delivery Systems for Dental Applications. Curr Org Chem. 2017;21(1):64-73.

[2] Cavalcanti A. Assembly automation with evolutionary nanorobots and sensor-based control applied to nanomedicine. IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology. 2003;2(2):82-7.

Books and chapters:

[3] Hollinger JO. An Introduction to Biomaterials. Second Edition ed: CRC Press; 2011.

[4] Albu MG, Titorencu I, Ghica MV. Collagen-based Drug Delivery Systems for Tissue Engineering. In: Rosario P, editor. Biomaterials Applications for Nanomedicine. Rijeka, Croatia: InTech; 2011.

[5] Shunmugaperumal T. Biofilm Eradication and Prevention: A Pharmaceutical Approach to Medical Device Infections: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, U.S.A.; 2010.

AdvMatTechEnv: 2017: 1(1):1-13ISSN: 2559 - 26371