Meeting Minutes #9

I. Call to Order

Joseph Anderson, Speaker, called to order the regular meeting of the Undergraduate Student Government at 3:12 PM on April 6, 2015.

II. Roll Call

The following persons were present: Dean DuJuan Smith, Danielle Leibowitz, Jacob Schulz, Brandon Gaskew, Joe Anderson, Gabriella Bedolla, Flordalia Rodriguez, Priya Uppuluri, Joseph Washington, Mercedez Jones, Sun Choi, Christen Lee, David Zheng, Mateo Uribe, and Sarah Mustafa.

The following persons were absent: Serena Salem and Ryan Chiu.

III. Approval of the minutes from last meeting

There was motion to approve the minutes. The meeting minutes were approved.

IV. Approval of the agenda

Motion to approve the agenda. The agenda was approved.

V. Ceremonial Induction(s): None

VI. Guest Speaker(s): None

VII. Reports


Advisor / Dean DuJuan Smith / No report.
Student Member of Board of Trustees / Danielle Leibowitz / At the last GSC Meeting they have elected their new officers for the next year.
President / Jacob Schulz / Has met with his experience committee directors to discuss the upcoming student luncheon that will take place on Friday April 10th from 12-1:30 PM at the White Oak Room. Please RSVP if you are attending. Will call a special general meeting before the year ends since he will need the assembly to approve the recommendations of his special committees. Pending on the amount of money we have left the annual end of the year dinner could take place somewhere else rather than Francesca’s this year.
Vice-President / Brandon Gaskew / A reminder that the last dates for the Pop-Up Pantry will be on April 16 and 23 in room 604 in SCE from 11:00-4:00 PM. Carol has already created the flyers. The Pop-Up Benefit will be next Monday April 13 at 5:30 PM your name will be on the guest list if you would like to attend. Also he would determine the day when you will have to turn in your office key to him.
Speaker of the Assembly / Joe Anderson / Since next Monday would be our last meeting the month of April and March service hours will be combined. Those who have not yet signed up for lobby day there is still time. This is a perfect way to represent the student body. Office keys should be returned to Brandon.
Treasurer / Gabriela Bedolla / Managed to write proposals and met with the last of the student organizations. Finishing paper work for MedLife and Chicago Adaa. Sending approval of mass mails and catering.


Sustainability and Infrastructure committee / Priya Uppuluri / Has contacted David Moehring dealing with equipment renovations and information about lab equipment and maintenance. Also contacted Eric Simon to talk about the west campus rooms and we have gotten more support from dance groups and getting them another dance studio.
Interpersonal Relations committee / Joseph Washington / It’s On Us photo series first drafts have been sent to the committee, another photo shoot will take place on April 22. April is sexual assault awareness month will be working with CRC to make a social media raffle and spread awareness of the It’s on Us campaign. Will be giving out gift cards. Has attended the CHSEC meeting and will be having paper ballots in order to get more responses from residents.
University Relations Committee / Mercedez Jones / Tobacco Week will be on April 20-24, they have agreed on the shirts to produce that are not negative towards smokers. Will send Gabriela the medal information for the winners in the day to Bike 2 Campus this week. Officer Canizales has brought tricycles from the Police Department. SAA will not do another event so has contacted Sun to post it on social media.
Communications and Recruitment Committee / Sun Choi / The Videographer has sent her the complete long version of the USG promo video, will be sent to students through massmail. CRC will be thinking of purchasing a camera however details of this purchase are not yet set. Will work with the IRC director to combine the facebook event with spreading awareness on sexual assault. The photographer will come next Monday. Will work on completing a CRC guide for the next director.

VIII. Resolution proposals:

a. Resolution 2015-9S-521: Student Reimbursement: American Institute of Aeronautics- This proposal mentions that UIC’s chapter of the American Institute of Aeronautics fundraised $15,100 from different departments on campus and out of that, $5000 were used to manufacture a single machine. They entered 3 different teams and were able to get transportation costs through UIC transportation. The competition required lodging for 3 nights in Virginia and asked to be reimbursed for their lodging expenses of $877.50

b. Resolution 2015-9S-522: Student Reimbursement: Mexican Students de Aztlan Dream Gala- Students de Aztlan (MeSA) is a student org that addresses the needs of the Latino students on campus. MeSA focuses on education, politics, and cultural awareness. 9 members want to attend the dream gala and this gala is a social justice event that supports undocumented students. MeSA wishes to attend the gala and asks to be reimbursed for 4 of the 9 tickets ($229) at $57.37 each. Total of 229.48.

c. Resolution 2015- 9S-523: Student reimbursement for the American Society of Mechanical Engineers- The American Society of Mechanical Engineers and they would like to enter two teams into the student design competition and ASME gains recognition and membership by competing in competitions and there are $100 expenses for lodging, $52 for gas, and $1263.36 for registration for 14 members. Let it be resolved that USG approves reimbursed $631.68 at $90.24 for each student.

d. Resolution 2015-9S-524: Global Brigades at UIC reimbursement- They are an international non-profit org who propose to improve communities throughout the world. They traveled to Panama City in December (13-21) and they fundraised $6,880.70. They ask to be reimbursed half of their airfare expenses ($1,102.50)

e. Resolution 2015-9S-123: Secretary Spring Leadership Stipend- Fulfilment Report- has taken minutes for USG leadership stipend of 500.

f. Resolution 2015-9S-200: SIC Director Spring Leadership Stipend- SIC is advocating for students to receive sustainable benefits on campus and throughout the spring semester 2015 has worked on 3 initiatives involving printing quota, changing the reflection room to benefit dance groups and turn it into a dance studio, and working on lab maintenance in SEL and REF and is working on continuing the SEL lab initiative. SIC director is asking to be reimbursed partial compensation of $500 for her work during the 2015 spring semester.

g. Resolution 2015-9S-300: IRC Director Spring Leadership Stipend- IRC has operated as a committee of two members and has taken several strides in initiatives during the spring semester. Working on a photo series, partnering with the wellness center, and hosting the Safer Sex Fest and Its on Us campaign. IRC director is asking for full compensation of $900 for his work during the spring semester.

h. Resolution 2015-9S-400: CRC Director Spring Leadership Stipend- The CRC director has been responsible for the USG website, Facebook page, and twitter account and has been working on promotional events all semester. And the CRC director asks to be recognized for her work and be reimbursed full compensation of $900.

i. Resolution 2015-9S-401: Compensating USG photographer Stipend. Whereas the CRC committee hired the photographer last semester and it said the photographer will be compensated $300 after completing the listed duties. Whereas the photographer completed 5 hours worth of work throughout the semester. Let it be resolved that the photographer gets compensated $50 for his work this semester.

j. Resolution 2015-9S-402: Compensating USG Videographer Stipend- The CRC committee hired the videographer last semester and it was said the videographer would get compensated $500 after completing duties. The videopgrapher worked on the promo video and finished in on April 4th. The videographer was supposed to record the student elections but didn.t He has only worked on the USG promo video. CRC claims that $900 is enough for his works towards USG promotion. Let it be resolved that the assembly compensates $0.00 for the spring semester foe 2015.

k. Resolution 2015-9S-702: Director or URC Compensation Accountability- Mercedez Jones is the URC director. Full compensation of $900.

l. Resolution 2015-9S-519: Treasurer Spring Leadership Stipend- Gabriela Bedolla. Full compensation of $1,000.

m. Resolution 2015- 9S-806: Speaker Leadership Stipend- Joseph Anderson, Full compensation of $900

n. Resolution 2015-9S-807: Vice- President Leadership Stipend- Brandon Gaskew. Has organized food drives and worked with various departments to organized the Pop-up Benefit.

o. Resolution 2015-9S-808: President’s Compensation Resolution- Jacob Schulz, increased USG usage of social media pages. Created special committees that assess the student experience. Compensation of $1,500 for the Spring Semester.

IX. New business: None

X. Service Hours: Next Week

XI. Items for Discussion:

a. Photographer will be coming to our next General Assembly meeting and so dress formally.

XII. Public forum and announcements:

a. Mateo mentions that fearless undocumented alliance will be hosting an event called “coming out of the shadows”. This event discusses undocumented students on campus.

XIII. Voting in new members: None.

XIV. Adjournment:

Joe Anderson adjourned the meeting at 4:52 PM.

Minutes submitted by Secretary of Assembly: Flordalia Rodriguez-Garcia

(7 minute limit)
President: Schulz’s Report

Student Experience Luncheon:

The Luncheon went quite well this past Friday and many of the students contributed some thought-provoking ideas, suggestions to our dialogue. Thank you to those of you who were able to attend the luncheon.

Special Meeting:

I am calling for a special meeting on Monday, April 27th. At that meeting, we will be voting on the recommendations from each of my three student experience committees.

End of the Year Dinner:

I sent out a Doodle Poll for the End of the Year Dinner. Please fill out that poll as soon as possible. Thank you!

(7 minute limit)
Vice President: Gaskew’s Report

Unfortunately, I will be unable to attend my last USG meeting due to preparing for the Pop-Up Benefit this evening.

Pop-Up Benefit: I hope you all are able to attend the event. As I stated previously all USG members will be granted free entry into the event. Its from 5:30pm-7: 30pm in the Illinois room. It is a causal event so don’t worry about dressing up.

Thank you so much to Flo and Omero for helping me prepare all the gift bags Friday evening !!

Pop-Up Pantry: Just a reminder the last two Pop-Up Pantry’s will be on 4/16 & 4/23 from 11:00am-4:00pm.

Vice President- elect: I received roughly 13 emails from the mass mail from prospective members. I emailed all of them to contact the Vice President-elect over the summer and next fall, because it is far too late in the semester for them to apply. After the Pop-Up Benefit and Pop-Up Pantry this week, I am going to start working with Flo on transferring my duties to her.

I would like everyone to turn in their office key by May 4th to me.

Resolution: I have written a resolution to request $800 in additional funds to support the Pop-Up Pantry and the Pop-Up Benefit. $500 will go directly to reimburse IRC for paying for two mass mails for me. The other $300 will go to cover a few expenses from the benefit, and the remaining funds will be used to replenish supplies for the Pop-Up Pantry. My entire budget has gone directly to serve the Pop-Up Pantry in some capacity. The Wellness Center has contributed equally a substantial amount to support the Pop-Up Pantry. I will not be at the meeting to advocate for the funds, but I hope you all understand the additional funds are all going to support the Pop-Up Pantry. As the Pop-Up Pantry has grown this year so many students depend of this resource, and USG should be proud that we are directly supporting so many students.

This is a list of all my expenses for the year.

(2) Mass Mail to promote the food drive / $300.00
FGI INC (Invoice #60106) Pop-Up Pantry Stickers / $454.80
FGS INC (Invoice #60679) Pop-Up Pantry T-Shirts / $661.91
Can openers for Pop-Up Pantry / $99.75
(1) Mass Mail to promote the 2nd food drive / $250.00
Secretary Business Cards / $59.00
Mass Mail to promote the pop-up pantry / $250.00
Can openers for Pop-Up Pantry / $41.00
(3) Mass Mails to promote the Pop-Up Pantry / $750.00
Mass Mail to promote the pop-up pantry / $250.00
(2) Mass Mail to promote the food drive / $500.00
(1) Mass Mail to promote the Pop-Up Benefit / $250.00
Party City Gift Bags for Benefit / $203.85
(1) Mass Mail to promote the Pop-Up Benefit / $250.00
Flirty Cupcakes for benefit gift bags / $270.00
Vistaprint order for benefit gift bags / $211.42
Chicago Coalition for the Homeless speakers / $200.00
(2) Mass Mails to promote the Pop-Up Pantry / $500.00
(7 minute limit)
Speaker of the Assembly: Anderson’s Report

I would like to congratulate everyone on a very successful year. I would also like to thank all the graduating members that are leaving us after this semester. You all have done so much for this organization and UIC as a whole. I wish you all the best and I know all of you will successful in your future endeavors!

Service Hours:

We will go over every one’s office hours today. If you have not handed in your office hours for March/April, please do so as soon as you can. Either by email/ or drop them off in my mailbox. Thanks.

Committee Directors:

I am very proud of all you and the accomplishments that you have been able to achieve with your committees this semester. For the directors that are graduating and/or leaving us, I think it would be helpful for you to go over your role/duties to any prospective members that will be seeking the position in the fall.

I look forward to seeing everyone at the special meeting held on the 27th, and I look forward to seeing those who are going to lobby day in a few days! Thanks for letting me your speaker this semester and good luck on finals everyone!

(7 minute limit)
Treasurer: Bedolla’s Report
Assistant Treasurer: TBA / Members: / Meeting Times: Tues. 2-4PM

I am really happy the semester is almost over!! We finally get to enjoy the weather on Monday afternoons. Congratulations to everyone on a great USG year; we’ve done so much work to be proud of!