8:00 - 11:00 SELECT ONE / Room Number / 8:00 - 11:00 SELECT ONE / Room Number
Types of Reading
Choral reading, whisper reading, silent reading, oh my! Which one should I choose? Consider text, task, and reader as you discuss multiple ways to engage students in reading text in order to comprehend.
Presenters: Jen Carnes and Bitsy Pressley
ELA First and Second Grade / 111 / C.A.R.E. About the Code
Do your C.A.R.E. lessons need a boost? Come learn how to solidify your teaching of reading foundational skills. Through the use of practical, engaging strategies and higher order thinking, your C.A.R.E. lessons will provide the necessary foundation for reading comprehension.
Presenters: Katie Wheeler
ELA First and Second Grade / 112
Why Do I Need to Teach Handwriting?
How does teaching handwriting support students' ability to comprehend and write in response to text?
Presenters: Krista Lee and Sarah Buchman
ELA First and Second Grade / 113 / Advancing the Advanced in Small Group Instruction
Discover the hidden links to deepen students’ comprehension using complex text with advanced students. Presenters: Laura Taylor, Valerie Bronson, Olivia Davis
ELA Third, Fourth and Fifth / 114
Revamp Your Vapid Vocabulary
Understand how morphology supports comprehension within all types of texts. Walk away with vocabulary routines to implement in Reading, Math, Science, and S.S. Presenters: Lisa Moles, Jeanne Beattie and Jessica Wallis
ELA Third, Fourth and Fifth / 121 / NOTE: Two sessions from 8:00-11:00 – will NOT include planning time
The Power of Language (first half) Did you ever wish you had a superpower? Well, you do! The Power of Language session will explore the idea that how we say things to students has just as much impact as what we say. Learn how to frame expectations in a positive manner, what to say and what not to say to get the most impact, and how our body language can influence our message with students, parents and colleagues. Come away with an action plan to use your new language superpower for good not evil!Presenters: Jennifer Harvey and Sarah Fortney
Functional Communication (second half)
What is it and how do I make it happen in my classroom? This session will give you the inside scoop on how to do your part in fulfilling KCS's mission to give every child a way to functionally communicate.
Presenters: Jill Aldin and Julie Cobb
All TEACHERS K-5 / 124
Differentiating Small Group Instruction: Money
Presenters will be discussing information on differentiating instruction for small group settings for the skill of money which applies to individual / group ability levels. This will also include writing where students are explaining their thinking in response to problem solving.
Presenter:Ashley Anthony and TiffanyCollins-Colston
Math1-2 / 222 / Problem Solving Strategies for All Learners (1-2)
Teachers will learn how to use different models to help students understand and solve word problems, and they will learn different ways to model computation during problem solving.
Presenter: Rachel Babelay
Math 1-2 / 223
The What and How of Number Talks
Number Talks are purposeful, daily routines that develop deep conceptual understanding of and efficiency with numbers, operations and mathematics.
Presenter: Amy Bowles
MathK-2 / 224 / Writing in Math
Participants will see a strategy to use to encourage students to engage in deep mathematical thinking while refining writing skills like sequencing, persuading with evidence, supporting with content rich vocabulary, and communicating effectively.
Presenter: Jeanette Wysmierski
Math 2-5 / 133
InstrucTioNally READY for 3rd Grade
This session is to prepare teachers to be instructionally ready for the new TNReady assessments. You will have the opportunity to review the TNReady blueprints for your grade level and dive deeper into the major math content for your grade.
Presenter: Sarah Mercer
Math Grade 3 / 134 / InstrucTioNally READY for 4thGrade
This session is to prepare teachers to be instructionally ready for the new TNReady assessments. You will have the opportunity to review the TNReady blueprints for your grade level and dive deeper into the major math content for your grade.
Presenter: Leslie Taylor
Math Grade 4 / 141
InstrucTioNally READY for 5th Grade
This session is to prepare teachers to be instructionally ready for the new TNReady assessments. You will have the opportunity to review the TNReady blueprints for your grade level and dive deeper into the major math content for your grade.
Presenter: Rhonda Tharp
Math Grade 5 / 142 / Incorporating Writing in Science in Grades 3-5
Explore new ways to use process writing strategies to teach students to collect information in science class, engage and expand interest in science concepts, take better notes, compile information from research, record scientific data, use technology, and form more fluent writing pieces that encourage students to "show what they know" on assessments.
Presenter: Dawn Stacy
Science Grades 3-5 / 131
4th Grade Social Studies Doesn't SCARE Me!
A look at Standards, Curriculum, Assessments, Resources, and Excitement!
Presenter: Kristin Risdahl
Social Studies Grade 4 / 132


12:30 – 3:30 SELECT ONE / Room Number / 12:30 – 3:30 SELECT ONE / Room Number
Types of Reading
Choral reading, whisper reading, silent reading, oh my! Which one should I choose? Consider text, task, and reader as you discuss multiple ways to engage students in reading text in order to comprehend.
Presenters: Jen Carnes and Bitsy Pressley
ELA First and Second Grade / 111 / C.A.R.E. About the Code
Do your C.A.R.E. lessons need a boost? Come learn how to solidify your teaching of reading foundational skills. Through the use of practical, engaging strategies and higher order thinking, your C.A.R.E. lessons will provide the necessary foundation for reading comprehension.
Presenters: Katie Wheeler
ELA First and Second Grade / 112
Revamp Your Vapid Vocabulary
Understand how morphology supports comprehension within all types of texts. Walk away with vocabulary routines to implement in Reading, Math, Science, and S.S. Presenters: Lisa Moles, Jeanne Beattie and Jessica Wallis
ELA Third, Fourth and Fifth / 121 / Advancing the Advanced in Small Group Instruction
Discover the hidden links to deepen students’ comprehension using complex text with advanced students. Presenters:Laura Taylor, Valerie Bronson, Olivia Davis
ELA Third, Fourth and Fifth / 114
Why Do I Need to Teach Handwriting?
How does teaching handwriting support students' ability to comprehend and write in response to text?
Presenters: Krista Lee and Sarah Buchman
ELA Kindergarten and First Grade / 113 / C.A.R.E. About the Code
Do your C.A.R.E. lessons need a boost? Come learn how to solidify your teaching of reading foundational skills. Through the use of practical, engaging strategies and higher order thinking, your C.A.R.E. lessons will provide the necessary foundation for reading comprehension.
Presenters: Julie Schaefer and Myisha Dorsey
ELA Kindergarten / 122
Portfolio Collaboration and Planning
Presenters: TBD
ELA and Math Kindergarten / 123 / NOTE: Two sessions from 12:30-3:30 – will NOT include planning time
The Power of Language (First half) Did you ever wish you had a superpower? Well, you do! The Power of Language session will explore the idea that how we say things to students has just as much impact as what we say. Learn how to frame expectations in a positive manner, what to say and what not to say to get the most impact, and how our body language can influence our message with students, parents and colleagues. Come away with an action plan to use your new language superpower for good not evil! Presenters: Jennifer Harvey and Sarah Fortney
Functional Communication (second half)
What is it and how do I make it happen in my classroom? This session will give you the inside scoop on how to do your part in fulfilling KCS's mission to give every child a way to functionally communicate.
Presenters: Jill Aldin and Julie Cobb
All TEACHERS K-5 / 124
Problem Solving Strategies for All Learners (1-2)
Teachers will learn how to use different models to help students understand and solve word problems, and they will learn different ways to model computation during problem solving.
Presenter: Rachel Babelay
Math 1-2 / 223 / The What and How of Number Talks
Number Talks are purposeful, daily routines that develop deep conceptual understanding of and efficiency with numbers, operations and mathematics.
Presenter: Amy Bowles
MathK-2 / 224
Writing in Math
Participants will see a strategy to use to encourage students to engage in deep mathematical thinking while refining writing skills like sequencing, persuading with evidence, supporting with content rich vocabulary, and communicating effectively.
Presenter: Jeanette Wysmierski
Math 2-5 / 133 / InstrucTioNally READY for 3rd Grade
This session is to prepare teachers to be instructionally ready for the new TNReady assessments. You will have the opportunity to review the TNReady blueprints for your grade level and dive deeper into the major math content for your grade.
Presenter: Sarah Mercer
Math Grade 3 / 134
InstrucTioNally READY for 4thGrade
This session is to prepare teachers to be instructionally ready for the new TNReady assessments. You will have the opportunity to review the TNReady blueprints for your grade level and dive deeper into the major math content for your grade.
Presenter: Leslie Taylor
Math Grade 4 / 141 / InstrucTioNally READY for 5th Grade
This session is to prepare teachers to be instructionally ready for the new TNReady assessments. You will have the opportunity to review the TNReady blueprints for your grade level and dive deeper into the major math content for your grade.
Presenter: Rhonda Tharp
Math Grade 5 / 142
Incorporating Writing in Science in Grades 3-5
Explore new ways to use process writing strategies to teach students to collect information in science class, engage and expand interest in science concepts, take better notes, compile information from research, record scientific data, use technology, and form more fluent writing pieces that encourage students to "show what they know" on assessments.
Presenter: Dawn Stacy
Science Grades 3-5 / 131 / 4th Grade Social Studies Doesn't SCARE Me!
A look at Standards, Curriculum, Assessments, Resources, and Excitement!
Presenter: Kristin Risdahl
Social Studies Grade 4 / 132