Tumwater Historical Association
PO Box 4315 Tumwater, WA 98501-0315
Please read the criteria for this scholarship carefully and answer the questions in each area completely. Incomplete applications will not be considered. This scholarship of $600 is open to all senior students at Black Hills High School and Tumwater High School. The Tumwater Historical Association mission is to preserve and educate both adults and students about the Pioneer history and heritage of New Market and the surrounding area. Applications can be submitted to Mr. Cooksey by e-mail at , or by mail addressed to him at Tumwater Middle School, 6337 Littlerock Road, S.W., Tumwater WA. 98512. Applications should be submitted not later than Friday, May 15th, 2015
- PERSONAL INFORMATION: Be sure to fill this section out carefully to make sure all personal information is complete and accurate.
Mailing Address:
(Address, city, state, zip code)
Home Phone: ()E-Mail:
Parent(s) Name:
- ACADEMIC INFORMATION: (If you attended a middle school or high school outside of the Tumwater area please provide the name of the school and the city and state where it is located.)
High School Attending:
Middle School Attended:
TMS Homesteader: ☐Yes☐No
Elementary School Attended:
Current Cumulative GPA: Anticipated Major:
What College/University will you attend:
What degree will you pursue?
- ACTIVITIES & INTERESTS: List the extracurricular and volunteer activities you have been involved in during high school and/or middle school. Please provide a brief description of the experiences you had in these activities. (Attach on extra page if needed.)
Organization / Job/Position / Dates of Involvement
Description of Activities:
- ESSAY QUESTION: In the space below identify who is the most important figure in history that you admire? Describe what qualities about them you admire, and how would you teach others about this person? Maximum word count – 500 words. (Attach extra page if needed.) B
ox 4315 Tumwater, WA 98501-0315