
Date: ______

Primary Adopter (full name)______

Married ______Single ______Children ____ Yes _____ No _____ Ages ______

Full Address ______Apt#______Zip______

Home Ph ______Work Ph ______Cell Ph______

Alternate Cell Phone ______Email ______

Adopter 2 (full name) ______

Cell and Work______Email ______

Alternate Contact #______


Employed full time _____part time ______Do you own/rent?______house/apt______# bedrooms______

Landlord’s Name______Phone #______

Describe the rabbit you are looking for: ______

Is this your first rabbit? ____yes _____no. Please detail your rabbit experience. How long did you have the rabbit(s)? How long did it/they live and what happened to your rabbits?


Were they spayed/neutered? Yes _____No_____

Have you visited AllAboutRabbitsRescue.org______Rabbit.org______Myhouserabbit.org______

What other websites have you visited? ______

What do you plan to feed your rabbit?______


Are you interested in a bonded pair? ______

Would you consider fostering or volunteering with rabbits? ______

What other pets have you had in the past? Please describe. Were they spayed and neutered?

What pets do you have presently? Are they spayed/neutered? ______

Have you ever turned an animal into a shelter? if yes, please explain.


Would you agree to an All About Rabbits Rescue rescue visit your home pre- and/or post-adoption? ______

What kind of living arrangement are you planning for your rabbit, including cage size, placement of cage, other considerations? If you already have a set up, please attach pictures. (we advise you do not purchase housing & products until consulting us) ______



If you have cats/dogs/other predatory animals/young children, how do you plan to keep your rabbit safe?


______Who will be the caretaker(s) of the rabbit? ______

How much attention and out time will your rabbit have each day? Free Range or what space will it have for out time? ______


What kind of toys/enrichment do you to provide? ______


Does anyone in the family have allergies? Yes ____No____ If yes, how do you plan to handle this?______

Does anyone in the household smoke? ______

If you go away for a few days, or on vacation, who will take care of the rabbit?


If you move, will you take the rabbit with you? ______

Are you ready to adopt today? _____If not, why? ______

Why are you choosing to adopt instead of purchasing a rabbit?


Do you currently have a rabbit trained veterinarian for yearly wellness visits or if your rabbit becomes ill or injured? If yes, please provide name and number ______

______May we contact? ______

What is your estimate of costs? ______Are you financially able to handle the daily cost of rabbit maintenance and vet costs? ______


Please list any questions you have about rabbits or rabbit care______

The adoption fee is $75

All rabbits are spayed/neutered as part of the adoption process