
Institutional Planning and Effectiveness Committee

Greg Turner Jennifer La Serna,Co-Chairs

Meeting Summary

Thursday, September 14, 2017


2:10– 4:00 p.m.


Members present:Jennifer La Serna, Greg Turner, Lauren Fishback, Juan Arzola, Ginger Robbins,Belen Kersten, Milena Seyed, Ryan Barry-Souza, Lisa Loewen, Michele Brock, Mehmet Ozturk, Mary-Catherine Oxford, Megan Baptista, Leangela Miller Hernandez

Members absent: None

  1. Call to Order

Jennifer La Sernacalled the meeting to order at 2:12pm

The committee conducted introductions for the new Student Representative.

  1. Approval of Minutes/Action Items

The minutes from the August 24, 2017 meeting were reviewed. Juan Arzola made a motion to approve, Ryan Barry-Souza seconded the motion. The motion was carried by unanimous vote.

  1. Information/Discussion Items
  1. Strategic Plan
  2. Feedback on Task Force Meetings and Updates
  3. IPEC members sit on each Task Force for the Strategic Plan Summit and reported out that the Task Force meetings are going well.
  4. Task Force 1 suggested collecting feedback from the Summit in a survey monkey format, allowing each table to record their ideas and suggestions.
  5. IPEC discussed bringing in rolling white boards, easel stands for parking lot information, and to assign a recorder at each table.
  6. Task Force 2 mentioned that their Task Force meetings were going well and they are working on dissecting the data and reporting out techniques.
  7. Task Force 3 met once and have a good grounding on the material. Another meeting is set to review the data material.
  8. Task Force 4 has met and feel confident on their progress.
  1. Strategic Plan Summit
  2. Details: September 29, 2017, 9am-2pm
  3. Overview of IPEC Responsibilities during Summit
  4. Summit Planning Task Force update
  5. RSVP List
  • IPEC reviewed the details of the Summit including the drafted agenda, power point, objective worksheet, and IEPC responsibilities for the Summit.
  • COSeNews will be sent out every day of the week of September 18th with the top reasons to attend the Summit.
  • Additional details were discussed: Summit invite going to Debbie Douglas and Ginger to send to Student Senate, Megan will be putting together prizes, confirmation on table seating (how many at each table), and other logistical details.
  1. Annual Report
  2. Review Timeline
  3. This item was tabled until the next meeting
  1. Action Items
  2. Vote on 2017-2018 Initiatives
  • The 2017-2018 initiatives were approved and IPEC agreed to removed Initiative #2 since Trac-Dat was the final decision last semester for Annual Report organization.

V. Other

1. Review next meeting times

September 28

October 12

October 26

November 9

November 30

December (date pending)

Meeting adjourned at 4:00pm.

Summary submitted by Lauren Fishback

Institutional Planning Committee Mtg. Summary

8/24/2017 1