Church Officers
Rector: The Revd Derek A Baines – Tel: 01772 641521; E:
Mr Eric Barker OBE JP – Tel: 614385; E:
Mr Robert Hawthornthwaite – Tel: 612952
Churchwarden Emeritus:
Mr William G Carr. Tel: 01772 615321. E:
PCC Secretary
Mrs Andrea Susnik – Tel: 617679: E:
Deanery Synod Representatives: Mrs Jane Elphick
Stewardship Recorder/Gift Aid Secretary
Mr Philip Norton – Tel: Tel: 615336; E:
PCC Treasurer
Mrs Barbara Wood –
07970 798345; E:
Magazine Editor
Mrs Erika Penrose – Tel: 613816. E:
Magazine Secretary:
Mrs Elsie Kirkham – Tel: 615832.
Flower Secretaries
Mrs Julie Bayldon – Tel: 613144 and Mrs Jean Aughton – Tel: 614598
Electoral Roll Secretary
Mrs Julie Tanham – Tel: 612992
Verger: Mrs Irene Pickles – Tel: 615708
Assistant Verger: Mr Stuart Tighe – Tel: 612963
Weekly Giving Envelopes: Please contact the Churchwardens.
Sunday School – meets 10.15 in School, first three Sundays of the month.
Leader: Mrs Kathleen Leigh – Tel: 612196. E:
Hoole Church Ladies’ Group – meets 7.30pm, 3rd Tuesday, in School.
Leader: Mrs Erika Penrose. Contact details as above.
St Michael’s Men’s Fellowship – meets 7.30pm, 2nd Tuesday, in School.
Secretary: Mr Stuart Tighe – Tel: 612963.
Friends of St. Michael – Caring for the fabric of our ancient church
Chairman: Mr Eric Barker – Tel 614385.
Secretary: Mr David Turner – Tel 617485.
Social Committee – Contact: Sheila Taylor, Tel: 616850
Hoole St Michael C E Primary School
Head Teacher: Mrs Jo Duckworth – Tel: 613219.
1st St. Michael’s Hoole Scout and Guide Groups – Group Scout Leader: Mandy Clark – Tel: 01772 305452; E:.
Church Websites: and
The Rector’s Ramblings
The month of November has flown by! When Sharon and I spent the week in Worcestershire the trees were changing to their autumn colours, with the change in weather that process accelerated and we had the most vivid and wonderful views as we drove around Wyre Forest and into Bewdley and Ludlow. We have a beautiful country which shows us so much of the loving care that God has for us.
However, there is evil in the world and as we watch the news we shudder at the events that overtake people and create suffering through malicious action. Satan is at work.
How do we balance our own lives, watching the horror and observing the beauty – a conflict that creates all sorts of emotions? We all recognise that God understands suffering through his actions when he walked amongst us. Jesus suffered, was tortured and died in a most horrendous way but does that help us mentally as we juggle the news and our faith?
The Magi prepared themselves with books, charts and study for something momentous in the history of the world. How do we prepare ourselves in 2014 to welcome the greatest gift of love that has ever been given? I commend Psalm 139 the first 13 verses as a starting place for quiet reflection and preparation for the joy of Christmas. In it we are reminded that without God we are nothing and his love will protect us and carry us through life – we simply need to keep pedalling.
Faith is difficult – the Oxford dictionary defines it as: Strong belief in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual conviction rather than proof.
Conviction rather than proof! When we look at the world our faith in humanity is stretched, our faith in God is put to the test.
As we prepare for Christmas and, provided we prepare well, the inevitable recharging of spiritual batteries, we must look to God for guidance in prayer and we should approach Advent in a reflective way, arriving in church we sit quietly, as we should every week, placing ourselves in God’s hands and with a deeper focus on our own lives and our own journey of faith.
Our prayer should initially centre on ourselves, the dark as well as the light, seeking God’s redemption and glory through all of our being. We then pray for our families, the church community, the country and then the world asking God to forgive all of the sins that are simply caused by neglect or thoughtlessness or the world’s sins that follow evil.
Finally we pray that God’s arrival as the Christ child can become a wonderful signpost for all people and in our case to enable us to show the villages that his love conquers all.
I hope and pray that you all have a peaceful and blessed Advent and that the joy of Christmas leads to a wonderful 2015.
Your brother pilgrim,
Looking back, with a glance forward!
November this year has been quite special in so many ways.
We began with All Saints. At 10.30 we welcomed the Friends of St Michael’s and gave thanks for their work within the church, but more importantly on this occasion for the upkeep of the churchyard which is so loved and visited by many people. At 2.30 we welcomed a large congregation at the Memorial Service. Comments were that the service was meaningful. Thanks to those who helped with candles and refreshments.
During the week I visited Little Hoole School for an All Saints themed Assembly and St Michael’s School came into church for their All Saints service.
The Archbishop of York visited the Diocese and unfortunately I was, amongst many others, turned away as the Tower Ball Room was full. However the clergy day with him on the next day was fantastic and I managed a short word with him about Uganda and he knew Bishop Geresom so we had something in common. Like Geresom he is a very charismatic and holy man.
The World War 1 concert evening was wonderful with a very moving monologue and some marvellous singing. Old Mill Court held their Christmas Fair and it was nice to see parishioners there.
On Remembrance Sunday we had a fantastic turn out, medals being worn and the recognition of the effect of WW1 on our lives. We welcomed members of the new Rainbow unit. The new Centenary memorial banner, created for us by Beryl Blakeley, was blessed and the files with the genealogical details of the fallen were opened for us. Thanks to Peter Blakeley for his detective work and to Bill Carr for his editorial work in creating this wonderful piece of history. The service included the bringing up of a candle for each of our fallen and they were left alight until the end of the baptism service which took place after our remembrance.
You welcomed the Reverends Marc Wolverson, Nick Procter and Nick Mansfield who covered the services when I was away.
The Diocesan presentation “Brother in Arms” was another excellent, true, story of local twin brothers, one a chaplain and the other a doctor. This production will be offered to Deaneries and Parishes during 2015. If you get the opportunity to see it I commend it to you.
Hoole craft fair was held and although the number of craft stalls was down the day was another success for the joint churches in Hoole.
Our Ministry team will meet at the end of the month – a report next time.
30th November is Advent 1, the school service will be in church on Monday 1st December and all congregation members are welcome.
I begin the sessions in the schools with infants looking at the Christmas story. The Ladies’ Group and Men’s Fellowship meet during the month celebrating for Christmas.
See the list of services for the Christmas programme – please note that the Christmas Day Family Communion service is at 9.30am this year.
I have been given an opportunity to lead worship at St Leonard’s Penwortham on the morning of Advent 2. Nick Procter kindly offered me the chance and Nick Mansfield (Vicar of St Leonard’s) has graciously given permission. Nick M has often said that I could do a Sunday swap with him but we never seem to have got around to it so thanks Nick P – Sharon and I look forward to that rare occasion when we can worship together.
Services for December:
Monday 1st December
9.15 School Advent Service (all welcome)
Sunday 7th December – Advent 2
9.00 BCP Holy Communion –
Revd Nick Procter
10.30 Holy Communion –
Revd Nick Procter
3.00 Evening Prayer
Sunday 14th December – Advent 3
9.00 Holy Communion
10.30 Family Praise with Michael’s Club play and St Michael’s CE School Choir.
6.30 Service of 9 lessons and Carols
Friday 19th December
1.45 School Carol Service in Church
Sunday 21st December – Advent 4
9.00 BCP Holy Communion
10.30 Holy Communion
12.30 Baptism
3.00 Evening Prayer
Wednesday 24th December
5.00 Crib Service
11.30 Midnight Holy Communion
Thursday 25th December
9.30 Family Communion
Sunday 28th December – Holy Innocents
9.00 BCP Holy Communion
10.30 Family Praise
12.30 Baptism
Sunday 3rd January 2015 – Epiphany Transferred
9.00 BCP Holy Communion
10.30 Holy Communion
3.00 Evening Prayer
We are a family orientated church and welcome you to our festivities as we celebrate the birth of the Christ child
1st, 2nd and 3rd Sundays of the month
Michael’s Club, our junior church for children from toddlers to teenagers opens at 10.15 in school and we finish the session in church with the congregation.
Every Monday (unless advertised otherwise)
7.00 Evening Prayer
Every Thursday (unless advertised otherwise)
10.15 Said Communion service
Every month on the 3rd Saturday (unless advertised otherwise)
3.30 Messy Church (in School). No Messy Church in December
From the Parish Registers
Holy Baptism “We welcome into the Lord’s Family”
ESMAE JANE SHARP, daughter of Craig Stuart Sharp and Sarah Jane Ainsworth, of Much Hoole.
ANNABELLE GRACE TAYLOR, daughter of Jack Philip Taylor and Lisa Joanne Parrington, of Penwortham
JUDE HENRY SLINGER, son of Jon Slinger and Alina Joanne Law, of Walmer Bridge
Holy Matrimony “Those whom God hath joined together”
No weddings.
The Departed “Rest eternal grant unto them”
No funerals.
From the Register of Services
Attendance / Communicants / CollectionsOct / 26th / 119 / 30 / £406.81
Nov / 2nd / 203 / 62 / £547.29
9th / 179 / 17 / £719.05
16th / 72 / 50 / £355.21
Baptisms: £319.85
Church Flowers Rota
Date Arranger Donor Children’s Corner
Dec 7th A Slater E Kirkham Mr Barker
21st Mrs Coxhead
Jan 4th A Slater & E Kirkham Mrs Birtles
Sidespersons’ Rota
Dec 7th 9.00 Jeremy Leigh
10.30 Jean Aughton, John Aughton and Scott Eckersley
3.00 Peter Smallwood
14th 9.00 Ken Bishop
10.30 Bill Carr, Peter Blakeley & Beryl Blakeley
Carol service 6.30 David Turner, Lisa Turner & Ted Hopkins
21st 9.00 Rob McMurray
10.30 Norman Skellorn, Tom Wignall & Jock Davidson
3.00 Sylvia Douglas
28th 9.00 Mike Redshaw
10.30 Bill Carr, Peter Blakeley & Beryl Blakeley
Jan 4th 9.00 Jeremy Leigh
10.30 Jean Aughton, John Aughton & Paul Johnson
3.00 Clifford Orritt
Readers’ Rota
If you cannot read as specified on the rota please find a substitute and inform a churchwarden of any changes.
9.00 10.30 3.00
Dec 7th
--- Rona McLure Isaiah 40: 1-11
J Wilson M Kirkman 2 Peter 3: 8-15a
Rector 1 Kings 22: 1-28
Romans 15: 4-13
Dec 14th
--- J Dewhurst Isaiah 61: 1-4 & 8-11
S Tighe J Ashcroft 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-24
6.30 Service of Lessons & Carols
Dec 21st
--- E Hopkins 2 Samuel 7: 1-11 & 16
K Leigh B Wood Romans 16: 25-27
Rector Zechariah 2: 10-end
St Luke 12: 39-55
Dec 28th
--- C Bamber Jeremiah 31: 15-17
M Redshaw D Turner 1 Corinthians 1: 26-29
Jan 4th
--- G Slinger Isaiah 60: 1-6
J Wilson S Eckersley Ephesians 3: 1-12
Rector Isaiah 60: 1-9
St John 2: 1-11
A complete list of readings through the year can be found on the kitchen notice board.
Tea/Coffee Rota following our 10.30 services
Dec 7th Beryl and Rona
14th Carole and Gill
21st Pauline and Barbara
28th Althea and Erika
Jan 4th Beryl and Rona
If you are not available on the dates allocated or wish to change the published date, please could you find a replacement or arrange a swap.
We have lost a few volunteers since the refreshments facility started and really do need a few more to come forward. Please consider if you could give a little extra time to what is an enjoyable addition to the morning service. Please contact Erika on 613816.
Ladies’ Group
The Victoria Dancers delighted us with their entertainment last month and some of our members enjoyed joining in (if not always keeping to the right steps!)
Our annual fund raising event, the Christmas Coffee Evening, is to take place on Tuesday 2nd December. This is to be an Open Evening – all are welcome and entrance is by ticket only – kept at a reasonable £5.00 per person – the entertainment is by the Mawdesley U3A Ukulele band: Ukes3A, who came along to our harvest supper last year and are a very talented group of musicians. There will be a bring and buy stall, raffle and a buffet supper. Tickets are available from me on 613816 and Joan Wilson on 613063.
As I think you all know by now, it will be the Ladies’ Group 40th anniversary next February and we shall be celebrating at the Rufford Arms on our meeting night that month. Jennifer is collecting names and deposits for what will be a special event. We do hope you will be able to come!
We wish a happy Christmas and peaceful New Year to all our members.
As most of you in the envelope scheme will be well aware, throughout the latter half of this year I have been updating our records to ensure we are complying with all those pesky rules and regulations that apply to information held on a database (as we do about you) and also to comply with HMRC gift aid processes. Just about everyone has responded to either my letters, emails or phone calls very positively and this has been most helpful. From that sentence, you will gather that there are one or two stragglers still…………!