Name: ______Date: ______
Chapter 30 The Vietnam War Years (1954-1975)
Homework Guide
Section 30-1Moving Toward Conflict
- Read Section.
- Identify: (Define and explain the significance of)
Who: ______
Briefly Explain: Results? Impact? Why Important?
Dien Bien Phu:
When: ______
Who: ______
What: ______
Briefly Explain: Results? Impact? Why Important?
domino theroy:
What: ______
Briefly Explain: Results? Impact? Why Important?
Viet Cong:
Who: ______
- Answer:
- Why did the Ho Chi Minh Trail pose such a problem for US and South Vietnam forces?
- Describe the relationship between Ngo Dien Diem and his people?
- Why is it appropriate to say that Johnson “orchestrated” congressional support for the intervention in Vietnam? What is the significance of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution?
People to Know:
Ho Chi Minh:
Ngo Dien Diem :
Name: ______Date: ______
Section 30-2US Involvement and Escalation
- Read Section.
- Identify: (Define and explain the significance of)
A: ______R: ______V: ______N: ______
Definition Only: ______
What: ______
Why: ______
Briefly Explain: Results? Impact? Why Important?
Agent Orange:
What: ______
Why: ______
Briefly Explain: Results? Impact? Why Important?
credibility gap:
What: ______
Why: ______
Briefly Explain: Results? Impact? Why Important?
- Answer.
- Why did the US forces have difficulty fighting the Vietcong?
- How did search and destroy missions conflict with winning over hearts and minds?
C. What contributed to low morale as the Vietnam war continued?
People to Know:
Robert McNamara:
William Westmoreland:
Name: ______Date: ______
Section 30-3A Peace Yet to Come
- Read Section.
- Identify: (Define and explain the significance of)
conscientious objector:
What: ______
Why: ______
Briefly Explain: Results? Impact? Why Important?
New Left:
Who: ______
Why: ______
Briefly Explain: Results? Impact? Why Important?
Students for a Democratic Society (SDS):
Who: ______
What: ______
Why: ______
Briefly Explain: Results? Impact? Why Important?
Hawks v. Doves:
What: ______
Why: ______
Briefly Explain: Results? Impact? Why Important?
- Answer.
- Describe the type of man that tended to serve in Vietnam? How was racism a factor in this?
- What factors/events led to the increase in public opinion against the war? What was the media’s role in this?
- Do Difficult Decisions – p. 952 #1 & #2
- Do you think it was right for the government to imprison draft resisters?
Name: ______Date: ______
Section 30-41968: A Tumultuous Year
- Read Section.
- Identify: (Define and explain the significance of)
Tet Offensive:
Who: ______
What: ______
Briefly Explain: Results? Impact? Why Important?
Election of 1968:
Who: ______
What: ______
Briefly Explain: Results? Impact? Why Important?
- Answer.
- Why was John Lewis so upset on p. 954?
- Why is the Tet Offensive seen to be the turning point in the war?
C. Why was 1968 characterized as a year of “lost control” in America?
People to Know:
Walter Cronkite:
1968 Election:
Richard Nixon
Robert Kennedy:
Eugene McCarthy:
George Wallace:
Hubert Humphery:
Name: ______Date: ______
Section 30-5The End of the War and its Legacy
- Read Section.
- Identify: (Define and explain the significance of)
What: ______
Why: ______
Briefly Explain: Results? Impact? Why Important?
“peace with honor”:
Who: ______
What: ______
Briefly Explain: Results? Impact? Why Important?
“madman theory”:
Who: ______
What: ______
Why: ______
Briefly Explain: Results? Impact? Why Important?
silent majority:
Who: ______
What: ______
Why: ______
Briefly Explain: Results? Impact? Why Important?
My Lai Massacre:
When: ______
Who: ______
What: ______
Why: ______
Briefly Explain: Results? Impact? Why Important?
When: ______
Who: ______
What: ______
Why: ______
Briefly Explain: Results? Impact? Why Important?
Pentagon Papers:
When: ______
Who: ______
What: ______
Why: ______
Briefly Explain: Results? Impact? Why Important?
Fall of Saigon:
When: ______
What: ______
Briefly Explain: Results? Impact? Why Important?
War Powers Act:
When: ______
What: ______
Why: ______
Briefly Explain: Results? Impact? Why Important?
- Answer.
- Do History Through Photojournalism – p. 963 #1 & #2
- Summarize what led to the peace agreement to end the war in Vietnam?
C. Do Section 5 Assessments – p. 967 # 1 & #2
People to Know:
Henry Kissinger:
Seymor Hersh:
William Calley:
Daniel Ellsberg:
Nguyen Van Thieu: