Auto Lube

Software Requirements Specification

Version 1.0

Group Id: < F13029004D

Supervisor Name :< Sarfraz Ahmad Awan

Revision History

Date (dd/mm/yyyy) / Version / Description / Author
26/11/2013 / 1.0 / Auto lube will provide the facility of maintaining the record of oil change shop as well as for customers to change their vehicle’s oil at their doorstep. / MC120400935 MC120403155

Table of Contents

  1. Scope (of the project)
  2. Functional Requirements Non Functional requirements
  3. Use Case Diagram
  4. Usage Scenarios
  5. Adopted Methodology
  6. Work Plan (Use MS Project to create Schedule/Work Plan)

SRS Document

Scope of Project:-

Auto Lube is a web base application. It is about computerizing the record of an oil changing shop. It provides the facility of maintaining record of their customers and dealings. With the help of auto lube shopkeeper can create inventories, records, promotions and other useful data .This application automate the business records with correctness and in an efficient way.

This application provide the facility of maintaining records either they are some kind of regular or walk-in customers. This application also reminds the customer on exact date of expiry of oil and tells him about to change the oil. It is on the user to change oil of vehicle at his own door or he wants to go on shop. Auto lube keeps record of oil change history and provides encouragement to the regular customers. When the date of oil change arrives, automatically a SMS will be given to the customers.

Why we need this application? Why we are computerizing the record of shop? The answer to these and this type of questions is that computer provides result with accuracy and efficiency. We can view and update the records easily. Auto lube provides freehand to both administration and customers. Everyone can access the shop from home.

The importance of this application can be determined easily. We know that it is an era of computer. With the help of Auto lube we can also keep record of suppliers. We can appreciate users and maintain the quality of shop by acquiring feedback from our customers.

Functional and non Functional Requirements: -

Ø  Functional Requirements:-

Auto Lube has the following functional requirements.

Functional Requirement / Functional Requirement Description
Registration / System should provide a link for sign up for the Users Registration.
Login / Administrator and Member User can login by entering user name and password and they can perform their duties according to their role.
Manage user / The administrator should manage users in such a way that there must be a valid difference between regular and walk-in customers.
Manage Customer / After Registration, administrator should add the customer in record.
Manage Supplier / Administrator should add the person in record who supplies oil to them.
Add Vehicle / System should keep record of the vehicles with their registration numbers and other important things for the sake of some security reasons
View Reports / Administrator should view reports from users timely that may be taken by questionnaire or feedback to keep quality of company better.
Manage Inventory / System should add inventory on daily basis so that admin will be aware of the stock remaining and other needs.
Manage Transaction / Administrator should manage transactions to keep record of cash received from customers or given to the supplier.
Manage Door-step Request / Administration should manage the door step request in such a way that they must have some skilled workers who can do their job on the requested customer’s home.
Control Incentive / System should provide the incentive to their regular customers to appreciate them and make their way easy to the shop.
Offer Promotions / Company should offer promotions to the customers by some elite dealings and sometimes by prizes
Print Bill / System should print the bill after dealing with customer.
View Oil change record / Member should have the facility to view his own history of oil changing for some useful work.
Receive Feedback / Application should receive the feedback from user about auto lube and administration staff.
Act on feedback / Administration should act upon the feedback given by customers .i.e. if there is any need of improvement or change in behavior etc.
Logout / System Should provide the facility to Administrative and Member users that they can use the Logout facility after completing the work.

Ø  Non-Functional Requirements:-

Auto Lube has the following Non functional requirement.

Non functional Requirement / Non functional Requirement Description
NFR-001 / Application will be able to work on any sort of operating system which has a browsers and internet connection.
NFR-002 / System is web based application and can be hosted on Linux and window operating system.
NFR-003 / The interface should be user friendly system.
NFR-004 / Application will be able to work with a sufficient speed of internet connection.
NFR-005 / A user has Approval.
NFR-006 / The Application System should be capable of supporting multiple users at a time.
NFR-007 / Secure and reliable system.
NFR-008 / There should be a strong backup system in order to face any problem in data that may be caused be virus.

Use Case Diagram(s):-

Usage Scenarios:-

Use Case ID: 1

Use Case Title: / Registration
Use Case Id / 1
Actions / 1)  Administrator and Member Users will register themselves for Login on Auto Lube Website.
Description / Registration is necessary for further actions.
Alternative Paths / None
Pre-Conditions / None
Post Conditions / If Registration will done then users are able to login.
Author / F13029004D
Exceptions / 1)  Entered the Data Properly in the fields.
2)  In alphabetic fields don’t entered the numeric data and vice versa.

Use Case ID: 2

Use Case Title: / Login
Use Case Id / 2
Actions / 1)  User will provide his unique ID and password already registered with the Database and click on login.
2)  System will check for the Id and password.
3)  If it exist then it will ok, user will be login to the Database to manipulate the data.
4)  If the Id and password are not valid then system will display an error message.
Description / Login option will allow user to enter in his account.
Alternative Paths / ·  ID is created in the Database
·  A user enters wrong username or password
·  The user is not registered already
Pre-Conditions / The user must have an account and clicks the login link.
Post Conditions / Connect Server or successfully logged in to the system
Author / F13029004D
Exceptions / User will not be able to get access if he does not enter the right data or wrong user name or password. User will not use application if he is not connected to Database

Use Case ID: 3

Use Case Title: / Manage User
Use Case Id / 3
Actions / 1)  Administrator should login into his\her account.
2)  Administrator should register the regular customers.
3)  Administrator should click on back button to return to main panel.
Description / Application will differentiate between regular and walk-in customers.
Alternative Paths / None
Pre-Conditions / Administrator should have account.
Post Conditions / Data must be saved in database accurately.
Author / F13029004D
Exceptions / If administrator adds a customer name that already had been created then the system will generate an information message that this record already exist.

Use Case ID: 4

Use Case Title: / Add Customer & Supplier
Use Case Id / 4
Actions / 1)  Operator log into his/her main panel.
2)  Click on customer\supplier link.
3)  After that will click on add customer\supplier link.
4)  Will provide customer\supplier name, ID and then saves the information by pressing submit button.
Description / Application will add the customer record in the database.
Alternative Paths / None
Pre-Conditions / Should add the customer or supplier in their respective database.
Post Conditions / After creating the record application will move to the main panel.
Author / F13029004D
Exceptions / If admin add a customer\supplier name that already had been created then the system will generate an information message that this record already exist.

Use Case ID: 5

Use Case Title: / Add/ Manage Vehicles
Use Case Id / 5
Actions / 1)  Administrator log into his/her main panel.
2)  Click on vehicle link.
3)  Will provide vehicle name, vehicle number and then saves the information by pressing submit button.
Description / Operator will add the vehicle record in the database.
Alternative Paths
Pre-Conditions / Should have an administrator account and is logged in.
Post Conditions / After creating the record application will move to the customer information page.
Author / F13029004D
Exceptions / If admin add a vehicle record that already present then the application will generate an information message that this record already exist.

Use Case ID: 6

Use Case Title: / Manage Inventory
Use Case Id / 6
Actions / 1)  Administrator should login into his\her account
2)  Click on the inventory link.
3)  Click on back button to return to the main panel.
Description / Admin will see the stock to maintain items and keep them available.
Alternative Paths / None
Pre-Conditions / Admin account must be logged in.
Post Conditions / Non available items should be purchased
Author / F13029004D
Exceptions / None

Use Case ID: 7

Use Case Title: / Manage Transaction
Use Case Id / 7
Actions / 1)  Administrator should login into his\her account.
2)  Click on transaction link to open transactions.
Description / Application will provide record of transactions to manage cash.
Alternative Paths / None
Pre-Conditions / Administrator account must be logged in.
Post Conditions / Total cash must meet as per given in application.
Author / F13029004D
Exceptions / None

Use Case ID: 8

Use Case Title: / Manage Promotions
Use Case Id / 8
Actions / 1)  Administrator should login into his\her account.
2)  Must check the regular customers.
3)  Award promotions to them.
Description / Application will award promotions to regular customers to appreciate them.
Alternative Paths / None
Pre-Conditions / Must have access to database.
Post Conditions / Promotions will be given to customers maintaining company’s profit.
Author / F13029004D
Exceptions / None

Use Case ID: 9

Use Case Title: / View Promotions
Use Case Id / 9
Actions / 1)  Customer should login into his account.
2)  Click on the promotions link.
3)  Click on accept button.
Description / Application will view promotions to customers.
Alternative Paths / None
Pre-Conditions / User must have access to the internet.
Post Conditions / After promotions remain in touch with company.
Author / F13029004D
Exceptions / None

Use Case ID: 10

Use Case Title: / Manage Door-Step Request
Use Case Id / 10
Actions / 1)  Operator log into his/her main panel.
2)  Click on door step link.
3)  Will add the customer information and vehicle information.
Description / Operator will add the total information of the oil changed at the door step.
Alternative Paths / None
Pre-Conditions / Should have an administrator account and is logged in.
Post Conditions / After adding the information and data of the customer door step oil change request it will move to the billing page.
Author / F13029004D
Exceptions / None

Use Case ID: 11

Use Case Title: / Manage Incentive
Use Case Id / 11
Actions / 1)  Admin should login into his\her account.
2)  Click on print bill link.
3)  Add incentive in discount box.
Description / Application will give discount to the regular customers.
Alternative Paths / None
Pre-Conditions / Must have administrative rights to give incentives
Post Conditions / Incentive should be given to only regular customers.
Author / F13029004D
Exceptions / The profit on item should be enough for company.

Use Case ID: 12

Use Case Title: / Generate Bill/Print Bill
Use Case Id / 12
Actions / 1)  Operator log into his/her main panel.
2)  Click on print bill link.
3)  Will provide price of items and quantity.
4)  Click on print button.
Description / Application will print bill according to the record.
Alternative Paths / None
Pre-Conditions / Must have printing device attached with computer
Post Conditions
Author / F13029004D
Exceptions / None

Use Case ID: 13

Use Case Title: / View Oil Change History
Use Case Id / 13
Actions / 1)  User will click on history link.
2)  Click on ok button to return back to main panel.
Description / User will see oil change history to keep record of vehicle.
Alternative Paths / None
Pre-Conditions / Admin account must be logged in.
Post Conditions / After viewing the oil change history application will move to the oil change reminder page.
Author / F13029004D
Exceptions / Only administrator can change or edit history other users can only see.

Use Case ID: 14

Use Case Title: / Submit Feedback
Use Case Id / 14
Actions / 1)  Customer should open the Auto lube website.
2)  Click on the feedback link.
3)  Write his own views.
4)  Click on submit button.
Description / Application will get feedback from customers to improve quality of shop.
Alternative Paths / None
Pre-Conditions / Customers should have access to website of company
Post Conditions / Bad language is prohibited
Author / F13029004D
Exceptions / None

Use Case ID: 15

Use Case Title: / View Feedback
Use Case Id / 15
Actions / 1)  Administrator should login into his \her account.
2)  Click on the feedback button.
3)  See the feedbacks from user and act on it to improve quality.
Description / Administrator can see the feedbacks and try to make the shop better.
Alternative Paths / None
Pre-Conditions / Must have access to the administrator account.
Post Conditions / Act on only those feedbacks which are better for company.
Author / F13029004D
Exceptions / None

Use Case ID: 16

Use Case Title: / View Reports
Use Case Id / 16
Actions / 1)  When the Member User posts the questionnaire and Guest User will fill the questionnaire then member user can take the different reports.
Description / Reporting will describe the data in form of figures or in the form of Graphs.
Alternative Paths / None
Pre-Conditions / Guest user has to fill the questionnaire.
Post Conditions / By Preparing the Reports they can do the decision making easily.
Author / F13029004D
Exceptions / None

Use Case ID: 17