Updates on Global Fund (GF) for DPG Health Meeting, September02, 2015

1.TNCM Meeting, August 20, 2015

  • Request of DPs to consider pooled procurement mechanism for lab commodities. Recommendation will be sent to the Management Committee which will channel it to the different constituencies for decision.

2.Status of Malaria / HSS Concept Note:

  • CN screening for eligibility and completeness: After submission, the writing team received a series of issues from the GF for further clarification; the response was provided as requested and re-uploaded on 4th August 2015.
  • Next step after the Technical Review Panel (Aug 31-Sep 6) and the Grant Approval Committee (Oct 1-2) have approved the CN will be Grant Negotiations and Grant Making.
  • Challenges during the CN development process:
  • Communication: It took about one month for DPs to responds to the official request on financialand expertisesupport. The process was silent and created a vacuum which did not consider the urgency of the process and meeting deadlines.
  • Lack of resources such as finances and technical expertise which resulted in unnecessary delays and uncertainty during the writing process.
  • Local expertise (Surveillance, Monitoring and Evaluation, Finance, Procurement and Supplies and Health System Strengthening) were not availed during the writing process with the exception of Lead Consultant for Malaria; and Governance for HSS.
  • Lessons learned from the CN development process:
  • Experience needs to be shared more within the existing system, i.e. within the MoHSW who also dealt with the HIV/TB CN and knew how to work with the templates.
  • Budgets for CN writing needs to be put into MTEF as part of resource mobilisation so that the government needs to be rely less on external support.
  • Requests to DPs need to come in time so that there is time to address them.

3.Oversight Committee:

4.GFATM visits

  • Debriefing from OIG mission planned for beginning of September. No date shared yet.

5.Recruitment of TNCM Executive Secretary

  • Contract of the TNCM Executive Secretary Juma Chum has expired. The M&E Officer Adella Mpina from the TNCM Secretariat has been appointed by the PMO as interim TNCM Secretary.
  • Recruitment Process: 93 applications screened, 30 of which were reviewed. The top 13 candidates ranked for further consideration. 6 selected to complete written evaluation and an interview. Dr. Rachel Makunde has been selected from all applicants. Contract negotiations to start now.

6.TNCM Governance Manual

  • TNCM members agreed on changes in structure and membership accepting that TNCM members are split in three groups: state actors (incl. government, judiciary and parliament) with 7 representatives, development partners with 4 representatives, non-state actors with 13 representatives incl. a new representatives of Key Population, having one international and local NGO representative and two representatives for the private sector – one from formal and one from informal private sector). The total number of members of TNCM members is now 24. The term of office for non-state TNCM members has been extended to three years, once renewable.
  • Management Committee will prepare a proposal how to implement a phased change of TNCM members and include this in the final draft of the Governance Manual within the next three weeks.
  • Until the next TNCM meeting in November the elections of the new NSA TNCM members will be conducted. So that the new members will already participate in the TNCM meeting and the members to join the Management and Oversight Committee will be selected.

7.TNCM Budget

  • Two members of the Oversight committee will sit with the TNCM secretariat to review on the expenditure report and the new TNCM work plan and budget. Internal auditor from PMO, MOH or TACAIDS should support the review.
  • Draft budget for the next two years has been shared with Oversight Committee.

8.PR Save the Children Headquarter Charges

  • Save the Children as PR budget of US$ 13,059,126.00 and is requesting a total amount of US$ 922,905.00 be allocated for programme management. (a) Direct HQ costs during pre-financing periodApril - June 2015USD 30,172; b) Direct HQ costs during grant implementation Jul 2016 – Dec 2017USD 221,200; c) Total Indirect Cost Recovery (7%) Fee USD 671,533.00) – a) and c) approved by TNCM.
  • Management Committee will work with the LFA to find out about current guidance from the Global Fund with regards to percentage of the grant budget that can be used for programme management and what previous non state PRs used. The recommendation with regards to how to proceed with costs under item b) will be circulated for electronic approval by the TNCM members.
  • In future PR selection processes the budget should be considered in the selection criteria.

9.Next ordinary TNCM MeetingNovember 20 (TBC)

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