Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Cronks Café – 12:00 Noon

The regular called Airport Commission meeting of the City of Denison, Iowa, was held pursuant to law on the above date and hour. Chairman Crabb called the meeting to order with the following commission members present: Crabb, Brandt, Berry, Quandt

Also Present: Peter Crawford, Ryan Oster, Seefeldt, Bretey, Jay Mendlik, Gordon Wulf

MINUTES Minutes O.K as mailed.

BILLS Motion moved by Brandt/Berry to approve bills. Motion

carried unanimously.

OSTER REPORT Acting manager Ryan Oster gave his report. He has the airport

information on three web sites. He also presented a quote for a snow blade that could be used on the bigger tractor. 120” blade - $4,860 – 132” blade - $4,999. This would relieve the use of the smaller tractor that is utilized for mowing. Also Ryan has been contacted by Net-Jet on using our airport for larger aircraft – 3000# single engine, 42200# would be accommodated – 60000# needs to have approval.

SNOW REMOVAL Motion by Berry/Brandt to approve the preliminary plans, EQUIPMENT BUILDING specs for the snow removal equipment building. Quandt stated

that he thought the existing building would only need a new door and siding and that a new building would be better utilized next to the corporate hangar. . Roll call was: AYES: Berry, Brandt, Crabb – NAY: Quandt – Motion carried.

Peter Crawford also mentioned that the snow blade would be eligible for grant monies and it would be worth looking into as an add on, or an alternate. Motion by Quandt/Berry to include the blade as part of a grant as an add on, or Option I. Motion carried unanimously.

MASTER PLAN Peter Crawford reported on the Master plan grant. A final UPDATED draft and report has be submitted. He has received back from

the F.A.A. concerns that need addressing, and he will be responding to them. One area of concern was the forecasts of touch downs that needs support. Also the 5500 foot runway would not be an option, that 5300 feet x 100 wide would be considered. The Denison Muni, KDNS Denison Iowa, has been selected as one of the NON Part 139 Airports that will receive LPV/VNAV minimums due to the Congressional Mandate to develop 300 LPV FY 2008. The revised RNAV (GPS) Rwy 12, with LNAV/VNAV and LPV minimums is scheduled for charting on 9/25/08 and will provide improved landing minimums for IFR aircraft.

CROSS-WIND RUNWAY The county has been contacted for the cross-wind runway that

would extend over the county road on the south end of the airport. The county will be discussing this.

HANGAR RENT Quandt brought up that Charles Hawley was not paying rent for

his aircraft. He has 2 planes, and to retain his business activity, hangar space will be free of charge. He also has some equipment that probably could be cleared.

F.B.O & OPERATION The fixed base operator contract has been sent – no respond MANAGER UPDATED from them has been received. The commission would like to

state that Ryan Oster has done a great job in the operation of the airport, and has gotten the information and gas prices out.

AIRPORT CONFERENCE The airport conference will be held on April 23 & 24 in Des

Moines. Commission members need to check their schedules to see if they could be in attendance.

Bills Paid for January

Bomgaars Supplies $42.91

D.M.U Service $196.35

Doug’s Cleaning Service $146.70

Franck, Rick Contract $55.00

Franck, Rick Lease & Grant $143.00

Frontier Service $141.07

Kropf Fire Extinguisher Inspection $93.00

Newton Home Oil Co. Jet Fuel $12,608.70

Oster, Ryan Paint $12.94

Postmaster Stamps $8.20

Quill Supplies $36.37

R & S Waste Service $78.00

Rainbow Glass Maint & Repairs $54.29

Siemer Plumbing Maint & Repairs $366.53

Sioux City Foundry Co Blades $810.00

Sundquist Eng Airport $1436.25

Verizon Service $25.38