Spring Brook’s Birthday Book Club!
Are you looking for a fun way to honor your child’s birthday? Spring Brook’s LMC has the answer! Donating a book to Spring Brook’s LMC helps build our library collection and make your child feel special at the same time.
How it works:
Enroll your child at the beginning of the school year. This gives us an opportunity to know approximately how many children will be participating and then we can plan for the Birthday Book Cart to have plenty of fresh titles.
During the month of your child’s birthday, we will call him/her down to the LMC one morning at the start of the school day to choose a book from our Birthday Book Cart. If your child’s birthday falls during the summer months, we’ll recognize him/her on their half birthday.
Your child poses for a picture with that book.
We print the picture on a bookplate and put it in the inside cover.
Your child gets to be the first one to check it out from the LMC. As years pass, he/she will enjoy seeing other children check out “their” book from the LMC. It’s also fun for other kids to check out books with pictures of their friends in them!
If this sounds like something in which your family would be interested in participating, please fill out the form below and return it to school along with a check for $15.00 made payable to Spring Brook School. We’d love to have your family be part of our Birthday Book Club!
If you have any questions, please call the LMC at 428-6605. Thank you!
Miss Hoyle, LMC Director
------cut and return to school ------
Student’s first and last name : ______
Student’s teacher : ______
Birthday Month: ______(Summer birthdays will be celebrated at the half birthday- June/December, July/January, August/February)
Please send a check to school for $15.00, made payable to Spring Brook School. If possible, we’d like to have all students enrolled by September 18.