AAPI Nexus: Asian Americans and Pacific Islander Policy, Practice and Community, UCLA Asian American Studies Center
Abstracts in Social Gerontology: Current Literature on Aging, Sage Publications, The National Council on Aging
Academy of Management Review, Academy of Management
ACTA Sociologica, Taylor and Francis, Ltd, Scandinavian Sociological Association
Administration & Society, Sage Publications
Administrative Science Quarterly, Cornell University
Advertising & Society Review, Advertising Educational Foundation, Johns Hopkins University Press
Aging & Mental Health, Taylor & Francis Group
Amerasia Journal,UCLA Asian American Studies Center
American Behavioral Science, Sage Publications
American Educational Research Journal, American Educational Research Association
American Ethnologist, American Ethnological Society
American Journal of Economics and Sociology, Babson College
American Journal of Education, University of Chicago Press
American Journal of Evaluation, American Evaluation Association
American Journal of Sociology, University of Chicago Press
American Quarterly, Johns Hopkins University Press
American Sexuality Magazine, National Sexuality Resource Center, San Francisco State University
American Sociological Review, American Sociological Association
American Sociologist, Transaction Publishers
Annals of Tourism Research, Elsevier Science
Annual Reviews of Sociology, Annual Reviews, Inc.
Anxiety, Stress & Coping, Taylor & Francis Group
Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography, Blackwell Publishers
Armed Forces & Society, Transaction Publishers
Australian Feminist Studies, Taylor and Francis Group
Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers, Psychonomic Society, Inc.
Berkeley Journal of Sociology: A Critical Review, University of California
Black Scholar: Journal of Black Studies and Research, The Black World Foundation
Body & Society, Sage Publications
British Journal of Criminology, Oxford University Press, Centre for Crime & Justice Studies
British Journal of Sociology, Wiley-Blackwell
Business & Society, Sage Publications, International Association for Business and Society
Canadian Journal of Sociology, University of Alberta
Canadian Journal of Urban Research, University of Winnipeg
Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology, The Canadian Association of Sociology and Anthropology
Canadian Studies in Population, Canadian Population Society, University of Alberta
Capitalism, Nature, Socialism: A Journal of Socialist Ecology, Guilford Press
Childhood: A Global Journal of Child Research, Sage Publications, Norwegian Centre for Child Research
Children and Youth Services Review: An Multidisciplinary Review of the Welfare of Young People, Elsevier Science
Chinese Sociology and Anthropology, M.E. Sharpe Publishers
City & Community, Blackwell Publishers, ASA Community and Urban Sociology Section
Clinical Sociology Review, Sociological Practice Association
College Teaching, Heldref Publications
Communication Research, Sage Publications
Communication Theory, Oxford University Press
Community, Work & Family, Taylor and Francis Group
Comparative Political Studies, Sage Publications
Comparative Studies in Society and History, Cambridge University Press
Conflict Management and Peace Studies, Peace Science Society International
Consumption, Markets and Culture, Taylor & Francis Group
Contemporary Justice Review, Justice Studies Association
Contemporary Sociology, American Sociological Association
Contexts, American Sociological Association
Contributions to Indian Sociology, Sage Publications
Crime & Delinquency, Sage Publications
Crime, Law and Social Change: An Interdisciplinary Journal, Kluwer Academic Publishers
Criminal Justice: The International Journal of Policy & Practice, Sage Publications
Criminal Justice Policy Review, Sage Publications
Criminal Justice Review, Georgia State University
Criminology: An Interdisciplinary Journal, American Society of Criminology
Criminology & Public Policy, American Society of Criminology
Critical Criminology, American Society of Criminology - Division on Critical Criminology
Critical Demography Plenum Press, Kluwer Academic Press
Critical Public Health, Taylor & Francis Group
Critical Sociology, Brill
Cross-Cultural Research: The Journal of Comparative Social Science, Sage Publications
Cultural Dynamics, Sage Publications
Cultural Geographies, Arnold Publishers
Cultural Studies - Critical Methodologies, Sage Publications
Culture, Health & Sexuality: An International journal for research, intervention and care, Taylor & Francis Group
Current Sociology, Sage Publications, International Sociological Association
Dementia, Sage Publications
Demography, Population Association of America
Development: Journal for the Society of International Development, Sage Publications
Development Policy Review, Blackwell Publishers, Overseas Development Institute
Disasters: The Journal of Disaster Studies, Blackwell Publishers, Overseas Development Institute
Discourse & Society: An International Journal for the Study of Discourse and Communication in their Social, Political and Cultural Contexts, Sage Publications
Discourse Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Study of Text and Talk, Sage Publications
Economic and Industrial Democracy: An International Journal, Sage Publications, The National Institute for Working Life
Economic Development and Cultural Change, University of Chicago Press
Economy and Society, Taylor and Francis Group
Education and Urban Society, Sage Publications
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, The American Educational Research Association
Educational Researcher, The American Educational Research Association
Educational Technology Research and Development, Association for Educational Communication and Technology
Environment and Behavior, Sage Publications, Environmental Design Research Association
Ethnic and Racial Studies, Routledge Press
Ethnic Studies Review, National Association for Ethnic Studies
Ethnicities, Sage Publications
Ethnography, Sage Publications
European Journal of Communication, Sage Publications
European Journal of Cultural Studies, Sage Publications
European Journal of Industrial Relations, Sage Publications
European Journal of Political Theory, Sage Publications
European Journal of Social Theory, Sage Publications
European Journal of Women's Studies, Sage Publications, The European Women's Studies Association
European Societies, Taylor and Francis Group
European Sociological Review, Oxford University Press
European Urban and Regional Studies, Sage Publications
Evaluation: The International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice, Sage Publications, The Tavistock Institute
Evaluation Review: A Journal of Applied Social Research, Sage Publications
Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal, Sage Publications, American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences
Family Relations: Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied Family Studies, National Council on Family Relations
Feminism & Psychology: An International Journal, Sage Publications
Feminist Economics, International Association for Feminist Economics
Feminist Media Studies, Routledge Press
Feminist Review, Routledge Press
Feminist Studies, University of Maryland
Feminist Theory: An International Interdisciplinary Journal, Sage Publications
Field Methods, Sage Publications
Free Inquiry in Creative Sociology, Oklahoma Sociological Association
Futurics: A Quarterly Journal of Futures Research, Minnesota Futurists
Gender & Society, Sage Publications, Sociologists for Women in Society
Gender Issues, Transaction Publishers
Generations, American Society on Aging
The Gerontologist, Gerontological Society of America
Global Social Policy: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Public Policy and Social Development, Sage Publications
Globalization, The International Consortium for Alternative Academic Publication
GLQ: Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies, Duke University Press
Government Information Quarterly: An International Journal of Resources, Services, Policies and Practices, Jai Press
Group & Organization Management: An International Journal, Sage Publications
Hagar: International Social Science Review, Herbert H. Humphrey Institute for Social Research
Harvard Educational Review, Harvard Education Publishing Group
Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine, Sage Publications
Health Education and Behavior, Sage Publications, Society for Public Health Education
Health Promotion Practice, Sage Publications, Society for Public Health Education
Health, Risk & Society, Taylor & Francis Group
Health Services Research, Health Research and Educational Trust
Hispanic Journal of Behavior Sciences, Sage Publications
History and Theory: Studies in the Philosophy of History, Blackwell Publishers, Wesleyan University
History of the Human Sciences, Sage Publications
Howard Journal of Criminal Justice, Blackwell Publishers
Human Communication Research, Oxford University Press
Human Development, Karger Publications
Human Ecology: An Interdisciplinary Journal, Plenum Press, Hunter College
Human Ecology Review, Society for Human Ecology
Human Relations: Toward an Integration of the Social Sciences, Sage Publications
Human Rights Quarterly, Johns Hopkins University Press
Humanity and Society, The Association for Humanist Sociology
Humboldt Journal of Social Relations, Humboldt State University
Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power, Taylor & Francis Group
Identity: An International Journal of Theory and Research, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
Illness, Crisis & Loss, Sage Publications
Indian Journal of Gender Studies, Sage Publications
Indicators: The Journal of Social Health, M.E. Sharpe Publishers
Industrial and Corporate Change, Oxford University Press
Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Cornell University
Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy & Society, Blackwell Publishing
Information, Communication & Society, Taylor and Francis Group
The Information Society: An International Journal, Taylor and Francis Group
Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research, Taylor and Francis Group
Innovative Higher Education, Institute of Higher Education
International Feminist Journal of Politics, Routledge Press
International Interactions: Empirical and Theoretical Research in International Relations, Taylor & Francis Group
International Journal of Aging & Human Development, Baywood Publishing
International Journal of Comparative Sociology, Sage Publications
International Journal of Contemporary Sociology, Joensuu University Press, Auburn University
International Journal of Cultural Studies, Sage Publications
International Journal of Group Tensions, Kluwer Academic Publishers
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, Academic Press
International Journal of Japanese Sociology, Blackwell Publishing
International Journal of Sexuality and Gender Studies, Kluwer Academic Publishers
International Journal of Social Research Methodology, Taylor & Francis Group
International Journal of Sociology, M.E. Sharpe Publishers
International Journal of the Sociology of Language, Morten de Guyter
International Journal of the Sociology of Law, Academic Press
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Blackwell Publishers
International Migration Review, Center for Migration Studies
International Journal of Cultural Studies, Sage Publications
International Journal of Sexuality and Gender Studies, Kluwer Press
International Review of the Sociology of Sport, Sage Publications
International Social Science Journal, UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
International Social Science Review, Pi Gamma Mu
International Sociology, Sage Publications, International Sociological Association
International Studies Quarterly, The International Studies Association
International Studies Review, The International Studies Association
IRB: Ethics and Human Research, The Hastings Center
Isis, University of Chicago Press, History of Science Society
Jewish Journal of Sociology, The Maurice Freedman Research Trust Ltd, 187 Gloucester Place, London NW1 6BU, UK
Jewish Social Studies: History, Culture and Society, Johns Hopkins University Press
Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, Blackwell Publishers
Journal of Addictive Diseases, American Society of Addiction Medicine
Journal of Adolescence, Academic Press
Journal of Adolescent Research, Sage Publications
Journal of African American Studies, Transaction Publishers
Journal of Aging and Health, Sage Publications
Journal of Aging and Identity, Kluwer Press
Journal of Aging Studies, Elsevier Science
Journal of American Ethic History, Transaction Publishers
Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, Sage Publications, The NTL Center for Applied Behavioral Science
Journal of Applied Gerontology, Sage Publications, Southern Gerontological Society
Journal of Asian Studies, Association for Asian Studies
Journal of Asian American Studies, Johns Hopkins University Press, Association for Asian American Studies
Journal of the Association for Research on Mothering, Center for Research on Mothering
Journal of Bisexuality, The Haworth Press
Journal of Black Studies, Sage Publications
Journal of Children and Poverty, Taylor and Francis Group
Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, BUBL Journals, Haworth Press
Journal of Classical Sociology, Sage Publications
Journal of Communication, Oxford University Press
Journal of Comparative Family Studies, University of Calgary
Journal of Conflict Resolution, Sage Publications, The Peace Science Society
Journal of Consumer Affairs, University of Wisconsin Press
Journal of Consumer Culture, Sage Publications
Journal of Consumer Research, University of Chicago Press
Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, Sage Publications
Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, Sage Publications
Journal of Contemporary History, Sage Publications
Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, University of Illinois Press
Journal of Democracy, Johns Hopkins University Press
Journal of Developing Societies, Brill Academic Publishers
Journal of Early Adolescence, Sage Publications
Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, Sage Publications
Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, The American Educational Research Association
Journal of European Social Policy, Sage Publications
Journal of Family and Economic Issues, Kluwer Publications
Journal of Family History, Sage Publications
Journal of Family Issues, Sage Publications
Journals of Gerontology: Social Sciences, The Geronotological Society of America
Journal of Health and Social Behavior, American Sociological Association
Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement, Institute of Higher Education
Journal of Historical Sociology, Blackwell Publishing
Journal of Homosexuality, The Haworth Press
Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, The Haworth Press
Journal of Human Rights, Routledge
Journal of Interpersonal Violence, Sage Publications
Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, Institute for Interdisciplinary Research & International Christian Studies Association
Journal of International Women's Studies, Bridgewater State College
Journal of Labor Research, The Locke Institute, George Mason University
Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, Oxford University Press
Journal of Lesbian Studies, The Haworth Press, Inc.
Journal of Marriage and Family, National Council on Family Relations
Journal of Material Culture, Sage Publications
Journal of Mathematical Sociology, Taylor & Francis Group
Journal of Mental Health, Taylor & Francis Group
Journal of Modern Jewish Studies, Taylor and Francis Group
Journal of Negro Education, Howard University
Journal of Peace Research, Sage Publications, International Peace Research Institute
Journal of Poetry Therapy, Taylor & Francis Group
Journal of Political and Military Sociology, University of Northern Illinois
Journal of Political Economy, University of Chicago Press
Journal of Poverty: Innovations on Social, Political, and Economic Inequalities, The Haworth Press, Inc.
Journal of Quantitative Criminology, Northeastern University
Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, Sage Publications, National Council on Crime and Delinquency
Journal of Research on Adolescence, Society for Research on Adolescence
Journal of Rural Studies, Elsevier Press
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, Sage Publications
Journal of Sexual Aggression, Taylor & Francis Group
Journal of Social, Political & Economic Studies, The Council for Social and Economic Studies
Journal of Socio-Economics, Jai Press
Journal of Sociology, Sage Publications, Australian Sociological Association
Journal of Sport and Social Issues, Sage Publications, Northeastern University
Journal of Sports Economics, Sage Publications
Journal of the History of Behavioral Sciences, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Journal of the History of Sexuality, University of Texas Press
Journal of Urban Affairs, Urban Affairs Association
Journal of Urban History, Sage Publications
Journal of Visual Culture, Sage Publications
Journal of Women and Aging, The Haworth Press, Inc.
Journal of World-Systems Research
Journal of Youth Studies, Taylor and Francis Group
Journalism: Theory, Practice & Criticism, Sage Publications
Knowledge, Technology & Policy, Transaction Publishers
Language in Society, Cambridge University Press
Latin American Perspectives: A Journal on Capitalism and Socialism, Sage Publications
Latin American Politics and Society, Lynn Rienner Publishers
Latin American Research Review, Latin American Studies Association
Leisure Studies, Routledge - Taylor & Francis Group
Liberal Education, Association of American Colleges & Universities
Marketing Theory, Sage Publications
Martin Journal of Peace and Conflict Research, Martin Institute, University of Idaho
Marriage & Family Review, The Haworth Press, Inc.
Mathematical Sociology, Taylor and Francis Group
Media, Culture & Society, Sage Publications
Men and Masculinities, Sage Publications
Mental Health, Religion & Culture, Taylor & Francis Group
Meridians: Feminism, Race, Transnationalism, Smith College
Michigan Sociological Review, Michigan Sociological Association
The Milbank Quarterly: A Journal of Public Health and Health Care Policy, Milbank Memorial Fund
Modern China: An International Quarterly of History and Social Science, Sage Publications
Mortality: Promoting the interdisciplinary study of death and dying, Taylor & Francis Group
Multivariate Behavioral Research, Lawrence Erlbaum, Inc., Society of Multivariate Experimental Psychology
National Women's Studies Association Journal, National Women's Studies Association
Nature, Society, and Thought: A Journal of Dialectical & Historical Materialism, Marxist Educational Press
New Media & Society, Sage Publications
The New York Sociologist, an online annual journal published by the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, SUNY-Cortland
The New York Sociologist, an online annual journal published by the New York State Sociological Association. (Any paper presented at a NYSSA conference is eligible for submission to the journal.)
North American Journal of Psychology,
NWSA Journal: Journal of the National Women's Studies Association, Indiana University Press
Omega: Journal of Death and Dying, Baywood Publishing Company
Omertaa, Journal for Applied Anthropology
Oncology by OncologyStat
Online Journal of Justice Studies
Orbis, Foreign Policy Research Institute
Organization: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Organization, Theory & Society, Sage Publications
Organization Studies, Walter de Gruyter
Patterns of Prejudice, Sage Publications, Institute for the Jewish Policy Research
Peace & Change: A Journal of Peace Research, Blackwell Publishers
Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, Society for the Study of Peace, Conflict, & Violence: Peace Psychology Division of the American Psychological Association; and Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
Peace Review: A Transnational Quarterly, Carfax Publishing Company
Perspectives, Association for General and Liberal Studies
Phi Kappa Phi Forum, The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi
Philosophy & Social Criticism, Sage Publications
Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Sage Publications
Planning Theory, Sage Publications
Policy & Practice of Public Human Services, American Public Human Services Association
Policy Studies, Taylor and Francis Group
Political Power and Social Theory, Elsevier Press
Political Theory: An International Journal of Political Philosophy, Sage Publications
Politics & Society, Sage Publications
Population and Development Review, The Population Council
Population Research and Policy Review, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Southern Demographic Association
Population, Space, & Place, Wiley Interscience
Population Studies, Population Investigation Committee
Praxis International, Basil Blackwell Publisher, Ltd.
Progress in Human Geography, Arnold Publishers
Psychology & Health, Taylor & Francis Group
Public Opinion Quarterly, University of Chicago Press, American Association for Public Opinion Research
Punishment & Society: The International Journal of Penology, Sage Publications
Qualitative Sociology, Kluwer Academic Publishers
Quality of Life Research, Kluwer Academic Publishers
Quarterly Journal of Ideology, Louisiana State University in Shreveport
Race & Class: A Journal for Black and Third World Liberation, Sage Publications
Race and Society, Association of Black Sociologists
Radical Society: Review of Culture and Politics, Taylor & Francis Group
Rationality and Society, Sage Publications
Reading Research Quarterly, International Reading Association
Research in Higher Education, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Association for Institutional Research
Research in Political Sociology, JAI Press/Elsevier Science
Research in the Sociology of Work, Elsevier Science
Research on Aging: A Bimonthly Journal of Social Gerontology and Adult Development, Sage Publications
Research Policy, Elsevier Science
Rethinking Marxism: A Journal of Economics, Culture, and Society, Guilford Publications, Association for Economic and Social Analysis
Review: A Journal of the Fernand Braudel Center, Fernand Braudel Center, Binghamton University
Review of the Black Political Economy, Transaction Publishers
Review of Educational Research, The American Educational Research Association
Review of Higher Education, Johns Hopkins University Press, Association for the Study of Higher Education
Review of Radical Political Economics, Elsevier Science, Union for Radical Political Economics
Review of Religious Research, Religious Research Association
Review of Research in Education, The American Educational Research Association
Routledge Journal Atlantic Studies, Atlantic Studies Literary, Cultural and Historical Perspectives