specialty doctor in general adult psychiatry

waterside resource centre

Information pack

reF: 31621d

Closing Date: noon 31st january 2014



Post: specialty doctor in general adult psychiatry

Base: Waterside Resource centre

Applications are invited for this Specialty Grade post based at the Waterside Resource Centre. Duties involve the follow-up out-patient care of patients with severe and enduring mental illness, as well as the assessment of new patients. There is an emphasis on multi-disciplinary work, and you would provide immediate medical advice to the multi-disciplinary team. The post holder would also support the team in its role in assisting the discharge planning of in-patients.

The Specialty Grade would work as a core member of the multidisciplinary team and provide a comprehensive assessment and treatment service for the patients. AMP status is desirable and training towards AMP status would be supported. There is an active teaching programme at Leverndale and Continuing Professional Development, Audit and Research are encouraged and supported. You should have full medical registration and at least 4 years post graduate experience, 2 years of which should be in psychiatry.

This is a 5-session post, and all duties will be undertaken during working hours. There are no on-call duties.






5 Sessions per week


Ref: 31621D


NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde

Job Description – Specialty Grade (5 sessions)

Waterside Team, Rossdale Resource Centre

Current Service Provision

Mental Health Services in Glasgow are delivered in conjunction with the Glasgow CHP and other outlying CHCPs for the whole of Greater Glasgow. The Lead Assistant Medical Director for Health and Learning Disability is Dr Michael Smith who is based at William Street. The Management Team for South Glasgow is based at Leverndale Hospital; the Head of Mental Health is Mr Calum McLeod and the Clinical Director is Dr Gwen Jones-Edwards.

The post is based in South Glasgow which has a total population of 320,000. Community services are based in six general adult Resource Centres. Inpatient beds are based at Leverndale Hospital. There are excellent clinical and non-clinical support services available including the full range of psychiatric sub-specialities. Community services are well established and based around generic community mental health teams enhanced by the Crisis teams, a First Episode Psychosis team (Esteem), a Perinatal team, an Eating Disorder team, Addictions teams and Primary Mental Health Care teams.

Leverndale Hospital has 224 inpatient beds. This includes 72 acute general adult beds, 12 intensive psychiatric care unit beds, 14 rehabilitation unit beds, 38 acute old age psychiatry (18 organic and 20 functional), 48 forensic beds and 40 adult slow stream rehabilitation beds. The Psychotherapy Services are based at Leverndale. The Perinatal Services are currently based at the Southern General Hospital, but will be transferred to a purpose-built unit at Leverndale at the beginning of 2014. There are also 150 long stay elderly dementia beds split between Darnley (28) and Rutherglen (48), and 63 adult long stay partnership beds.

There are six General Adult Resource Centres covering Gorbals/Govanhill, Castlemilk, Rutherglen/Cambuslang, Govan/Ibrox, Pollok/Darnley/Waterside and Eastwood. In addition there is a Crisis Service, an Eating Disorder Service, and the ESTEEM team, which provides first episode psychosis intervention. Child and Adolescent Services are based at the Twomax Building in the Gorbals, but the inpatient beds are provided at the Skye Unit at Stobhill Hospital. Learning Difficulty and Addictions beds are based at Gartnavel Royal Hospital.

Medical Staffing

Dr Wai Lan Imrie - General Adult Psychiatry (South Sector Glasgow CHP)

Dr Stephen Byers - General Adult Psychiatry (South Sector Glasgow CHP)

Dr Neeraj Bajaj - Addictions Psychiatry

Dr Anupam Agnihotri - Addictions Psychiatry

Dr Siobhan Murphy - Psychotherapy

Dr Jane Naismith - Psychotherapy

Dr Adam Burnel - Liaison Psychiatry

Dr Roch Cantwell - Perinatal Psychiatry

Dr Susie Brown - Esteem (First Episode Psychosis)

Dr Alison Cheyne - General Adult Psychiatry (South Sector Glasgow CHP)

Dr Gwen Jones-Edwards - General Adult Psychiatry (South Sector Glasgow CHP)/Clinical Director

Dr Mike Taylor - General Adult Psychiatry (South Sector Glasgow CHP)/IPCU

Dr Carole Mitchell - General Adult Psychiatry (South Sector Glasgow CHP)

Dr John Summers - General Adult Psychiatry (South Sector Glasgow CHP)

Dr Graham McMillan - General Adult Psychiatry (South Sector Glasgow CHP)

Dr Shalini Reddy - General Adult Psychiatry (South Lanarkshire CHP)

Dr Derek Palmer - General Adult Psychiatry (South Lanarkshire CHP)

Dr Lucy Carrick - General Adult Psychiatry (ER CHCP)

Dr Sarah Holmes - General Adult Psychiatry (ER CHCP)

Dr Veena Math - General Adult Psychiatry (ER CHCP)

Dr Ciara Kelly - Rehabilitation

Dr Rekha Hegde - Old Age Psychiatry (South Lanarkshire CHP

Dr Alison Mitchell - Old Age Psychiatry (South Sector Glasgow CHP)

Dr Elizabeth Quinn - Old Age Psychiatry (South Lanarkshire CHP)/CD Old Age Psychiatry

Dr Julia Gray - Old Age Psychiatry (ER CHCP)

Dr Sarah Ward - Old Age Psychiatry (South Sector Glasgow CHP)

Dr Ewan Neilson - Old Age Psychiatry ((South Sector Glasgow CHP)

Dr Stuart Ritchie - Old Age Psychiatry (South Sector Glasgow CHP)

Dr Una Graham - General Adult Psychiatry (South Sector Glasgow CHP)

Dr Justin Crean - General Adult Psychiatry (South Sector Glasgow CHP)

Dr Pavan Srireddy - General Adult Psychiatry (South Sector Glasgow CHP)

Other Consultants

Dr Dianne Forsyth - Adolescent Psychiatry

Dr Robin McGilp - Learning Disability Psychiatry

Dr Elita Smiley - Learning Disability Psychiatry

There are also 22 Junior Doctor posts, 17 Speciality Grade posts and a varying number of Specialist Registrars/


The Duties of the Post

Clinical Work

This post is a 0.5wte Specialty Grade post, based at the Waterside Team/Rossdale Resource Centre. There are no weekend or on-call duties. The postholder will join a comprehensive, multi-disciplinary Community Mental Health Team and will be responsible to Dr G Jones-Edwards, Consultant Psychiatrist. The team provides psychiatric services based on GP practices in the South East of Glasgow. The GP population for this inner city area is 18,970 (18-65 years). Acute inpatient beds for the team are in Ward 4a, Leverndale Hospital.

The team comprises of the following:


1 WTE Consultant Psychiatrist

1 0.5 WTE Specialty Grade Psychiatrist

1 WTE Nurse Team Leader

1 WTE Band 6 CPN

1 WTE Band 6 OT

3 WTE Band 5 CPN

2 WTE Band 3 HCA

1 WTE Medical Secretary Band 4

1 WTE Team Secretary Band 3

1 0.6 WTE Psychology

Dr Gwen Jones-Edwards, Consultant Psychiatrist, provides the medical input along with her ST1-3 Trainee. The team also has well established links with Primary Care, other psychiatric services and local community resources.

The Specialty Grade post would be regarded as a core part of the clinical team, providing continuity of care and medical back up on site. The main clinical responsibilities would be aimed at patients with severe and enduring mental illness but with scope to see new patients. This would be organised through one clinic per week plus acute work and domiciliary visits. Approved Medical Practitioner (AMP) status would allow the postholder to become fully involved in the implementation of the new Mental Health Act. If the postholder does not possess AMP status, it is expected that the successful applicant will apply for this when eligible. The postholder would participate fully in the team’s clinical review process. Consultant supervision would be provided with regard to the post holder’s clinical caseload.

The post holder will agree a job plan with their supervising Consultant, the Clinical Director and Medical Director. They would be expected to take part in the Specialty Grade appraisal process. The post holder may also be expected to cover for colleagues in line with the arrangements set out in the National Terms and Conditions.


Leverndale Hospital is a teaching hospital and, as such, it aims to provide high quality teaching for all health care personnel. Medical students from Glasgow University are attached to the consultant psychiatrists on a 5 week clinical clerkship basis. The students receive teaching in both the hospital and community settings to enable as rounded an experience in psychiatry as possible. The speciality grade psychiatrist will be expected to participate, under supervision, in informal and formal teaching of medical students, as well as teaching students of nursing, social work, and occupational and other therapists. The speciality grade psychiatrist would be encouraged to participate in audit and research and ongoing projects with supervision.

Occasional Emergencies

The speciality grade doctor will also perform duties in occasional emergencies between the hours of 9am and 5pm (including detention of inpatients on STDC when the patient’s own Consultant was not on site) and, in unforeseen circumstances, at the request of the Clinical Director, in consultation where practicable with his/her colleagues both senior and junior.

Continuing Education

The postholder will be encouraged to utilise his/her full entitlement to study leave. Attendance at fortnightly case conference/journal clubs would be expected and individuals could negotiate attendance at the external MRCPsych course, if they were planning to sit exams, or if this was required for their Continuing Professional Development. The facilities of the medical libraries at Leverndale Hospital and the Southern General Hospitals, as well as the main library at Gartnavel Royal Hospital, will be available. There is also an online library, which includes a literature search facility, to which all staff may have access. Advice on continuing postgraduate education and careers counselling is available from both the college tutors and other senior staff.

Other Information

Informal enquiries are welcome to Dr Gwen Jones-Edwards, Clinical Director, Leverndale Hospital (Tel: 0141 211 6602).

Job Plan

Specialty: / General Adult Psychiatry
Grade: / Specialty Doctor
Effective Date of Job Plan:
Next Expected Review Date:
Contract: / Part Time
Weekly PAs: / 5
Weekly APAs: / 0
Total Hours: / 20
Principal Place of Work: / Waterside Team, Rossdale Resource Centre
Other Regular Work Places: / -
On-Call Availability Supplement / None
Out of Hours Work: / Predictable: / 0 / PAs
Unpredictable: / 0 / PAs
Managerially Accountable to: / Dr Gwen Jones-Edwards, Clinical Director
Clinically Responsible to: / Dr Gwen Jones-Edwards, Consultant Psychiatrist

a)  Timetable of activities that have a specific location and time

Day / Hospital/Location / Description of Work / Category / PA Type
DC / SPA / AR / ED / PA / APA
Monday /
Tuesday /
p.m. / Waterside RC / Home Visits/
Emergency Work / √ / √
p.m. / Various
Waterside RC / Postgrad Teaching
Clinical Admin/
OP Clinic / √ / √ / √

p.m. / Waterside RC
Waterside/Various / Multidisciplinary Team Meeting/
Admin/Home Visits / √
√ / √

From/To /
From/To /

b)  Description of activities that are not undertaken at specific locations or times (this section should include details of activity category and PA/APA allocation for such activities)

Working times might need to be adjusted flexibly so as to accommodate Mental Health Tribunal Hearings

c)  Description of activities during premium rate hours of work, i.e. hours outwith 7am-7pm Monday to Friday (this section should further define activities that have already been included at a) in terms of location and timing)

d)  Additional Programmed Activities (this section outlines the reason for allocation of APAs including the expected duration of the APAs)


The conditions of service are those laid down and amended from time to time by the Hospital and Medical & Dental Whitley Council.

GRADE AND SALARY / Specialty Doctor
£ 37,176 £ 69,325 per annum (pro rata)
New Entrants to the NHS will normally commence on the minimum point of the salary scale, (dependent on qualifications and experience). Salary is paid monthly by Bank Credit Transfer.
HOURS OF DUTY / Part Time 20.00
SUPERANNUATION / New entrants to NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde who are aged sixteen but under seventy five will be enrolled automatically into membership of the NHS Pension Scheme. Should you choose to "opt out" arrangements can be made to do this via: www.sppa.gov.uk
REMOVAL EXPENSES / Assistance with removal and associated expenses may be given and would be discussed and agreed prior to appointment.
EXPENSES OF CANDIDATES FOR APPOINTMENT / Candidates who are requested to attend an interview will be given assistance with appropriate travelling expenses. Re-imbursement shall not normally be made to employees who withdraw their application or refuse an offer of appointment.
TOBACCO POLICY / NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde operate a No Smoking Policy in all premises and grounds.
DISCLOSURE SCOTLAND / This post is considered to be in the category of “Regulated Work” and therefore requires a Disclosure Scotland Protection of Vulnerable Groups Scheme (PVG) Membership.
CONFIRMATION OF ELIGIBILITY TO WORK IN THE UK / NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) has a legal obligation to ensure that it’s employees, both EEA and non EEA nationals, are legally entitled to work in the United Kingdom. Before any person can commence employment within NHS GGC they will need to provide documentation to prove that they are eligible to work in the UK. Non EEA nationals will be required to show evidence that either Entry Clearance or Leave to Remain in the UK has been granted for the work which they are applying to do. Where an individual is subject to immigration control under no circumstances will they be allowed to commence until the right to work in the UK has been verified. ALL applicants regardless of nationality must complete and return the Confirmation of Eligibility to Work in the UK Statement with their completed application form. You will be required provide appropriate documentation prior to any appointment being made.
REHABILITATION OF OFFENDERS ACT 1974 / The rehabilitation of Offenders act 1974 allows people who have been convicted of certain criminal offences to regard their convictions as “spent” after the lapse of a period of years. However, due to the nature of work for which you are applying this post is exempt from the provisions of Section 4 of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 by virtue of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions Orders 1975 and 1986). Therefore, applicants are required to disclose information about convictions which for other purposes are “spent” under the provision of the act in the event of employment, failure to disclose such convictions could result in dismissal or disciplinary action by NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. Any information given will be completely confidential.
DISABLED APPLICANTS / A disability or health problems does not preclude full consideration for the job and applications from people with disabilities are welcome. All information will be treated as confidential. NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde guarantees to interview all applicants with disabilities who meet the minimum criteria for the post. You will note on our application form that we ask for relevant information with regard to your disability. This is simply to ensure that we can assist you, if you are called for interview, to have every opportunity to present your application in full. We may call you to discuss your needs in more detail if you are selected for interview.
GENERAL / NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde operates flexible staffing arrangements whereby all appointments are to a grade within a department. The duties of an officer may be varied from an initial set of duties to any other set, which are commensurate with the grade of the officer. The enhanced experience resulting from this is considered to be in the best interest of both NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde and the individual.
EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES / The postholder will undertake their duties in strict accordance with NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde’s Equal Opportunities Policy.
NOTICE / The employment is subject to three months’ notice on either side, subject to appeal against dismissal.
MEDICAL NEGLIGENCE / In terms of NHS Circular 1989 (PCS) 32 dealing with Medical Negligence the Health Board does not require you to subscribe to a Medical Defence Organisation. Health Board indemnity will cover only Health Board responsibilities. It may, however, be in your interest to subscribe to a defence organisation in order to ensure you are covered for any work, which does not fall within the scope of the indemnity scheme.