Lesson Planning Guide

Title: Reading a Ruler / Time Required: 180 minutes
Lesson Submitted By: Kim Litz

Lesson Contextualized Toward: ☒Career Pathway: Basic Machining
Content Standards Benchmarks Taught: M.1.1.3, M.2.2.1
Digital Literacy Skills Taught: navigating an internet browser to a website, use of interactive web site, mouse skill practice
Objectives/Learning Goals: The ability to read the ruler, and apply this knowledge to measurement technique.
Rationale: Machinists are required to read rulers to measure parts and read measurements from blueprint drawings.
Materials/Resources Needed:
Rulers, tape measures, pencils, graph paper, computers with internet access. Worksheets, quizzes, and tests for the entire class. Ability to project a Power Point presentation. Bushings, spockets, pulleys and other samples of machined parts that the students may produce in their machining careers.
To access the materials listed below, hold down control and click your mouse.
Floor Plan.jpg
Floor Plan Dimensions.jpg
Floor Plan Bath.jpg
Hinge 100.JPG
Ruler pre test.doc
Color ruler measurement.pdf
Ruler Blank.jpg
Ruler answer.jpg
Procedure/Instructional Outline:
Modeling: Show students a variety of drawings and objects that include dimensions. Every student will have a ruler on their desk. They will be asked to examine the ruler. The teacher will point out the importance of measurements in manufacturing and construction.
Students will be given the Ruler pretest to test their prior knowledge and to have a baseline to compare to when they have completed the unit.
The teacher will then cover the use of a ruler by utilizing a Power Point presentation on measuring. As the Power Point Presentation is shown on measuring students will complete a work sheet that follows along.
Guided Practice: The instructor will review reducing fractions. Students will be given a Blank ruler. They will fill in all fractions on the ruler. They will first label the fraction as shown “unreduced” and then reduce each one to lowest terms. This allows students to see the relationship between 1/16 and other fractions. Students will then go to either the ruler game website or the funbrain website for online practice reading a ruler.
Independent Practice: Students will now be given one of the objects to measure. They will record the measurements.
Assessment: Students will be evaluated on:
·  the completion and accuracy of their data worksheet.
·  teacher observation in the capacity center.
·  observation of participation and accuracy in the centers.