IMI, Eltics to Develop an
Invisible Reactive Armor Protection - IRAP

The New IMI Armor will Integrate Eltics Thermal Stealth Technology
with IMI's Passive and Reactive Protection to Enhance
Combat Vehicle's Multi-Layered Defense

IMI and Eltics are integratingActive Stealthand reactive technologies to introduce 'Invisible Reactive Armor Protection' (IRAP). The new technology integrates the combat proven hybrid armor modules, developed by IMI with breakthrough Active, Adaptive Multi-Spectral 'Black Fox' camouflage technology, developed by Eltics'. Providing comprehensive, multi-layered protection for combat vehicles, using Active Adaptive Multispectral Stealth, Black Fox is avoiding vehicles being detected and targeted by the enemy, denying effective engagement by anti-tank missiles, while improving the vehicle's protection against advanced threats, such as RPGs and different types of IEDs.

IRAP modules will be developed, produced and marketed by IMI and Eltics, addressing the world market of medium and heavy armored combat vehicles, including main battle tanks, armored infantry carriers and Mine Protected Vehicles (MRAP, MPV). The IRAP will be provided as a medium weight solution, to be employed as part of the vehicle's multi-layered survivability system.

"IMI Land Systems Division is expanding its armor and survivability solutions, by integrating new technologies, broadening coverage countering new threats and meeting different aspects of battlefield survivability. The technology provided by Eltics is introducing substantially new capabilities to our protection suite." Said Rami Sokolower, IMI Marketing & Business Development manager for IMI's Slavin division.

"As an integrator of combat vehicles, and world class developer and manufacturer of protection solutions, IMI is an excellent partner bringing Eltics' new technology to the military marketplace" said Ronen Meir,CEO of Eltics.

About Eltics: The company has patented and is developing an 'Active, Adaptive Multi-Spectral Stealth technology', applicable to land, airborne and naval vessels. Under development since 2006, the technology has been demonstrated in field experiments. Eltics is located in Ashkelon, Israel.

About IMI: Israel Military Industries (IMI) is a diversified, high-technology company specializing in the development, manufacturing and deployment of a wide range of state-of-the-art, combat-ready weapon systems solutions. The company's is located in Ramat Hasharon, Israel. More information about IMI can be found at

For more information please contact:

Israel Military Industries Ltd. (IMI)

P.O.B. 1044 Ramat Hasharon 47100 Israel

Tel: 972-3-5485222 Fax: 972-3-5486125

Web Site:

Eltics Ltd

P.O.B 747 Ashkelon, Israel

Tel: 972 54 4297733