Dear Students and Parents,

Welcome to the Ankeney Middle School Choral Department!

This handbook will serve as a guide for you while you are a member of the Ankeney Choral Department. I expect that both parents and students will take the time to read this handbook as it outlines my policies in choir as well as those within the Beavercreek City School System. If you have a question, refer to this book first.

I’m very excited about this years’ group as we have expanded in numbers and will be able to perform some wonderful music! I have some great music and trips planned for the year and invite you to share your ideas about music or programming at any point in the year!

I expect all members to work hard and your hard work will pay off in the end! The best part of performing an outstanding show is the blood, sweat and tears that go into the rehearsal. The successes we’ve experienced in the past are attributed to the dedication of the performers and parents. You make the Choral Program what it is and can be!

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. My email is: My phone number at school is 429-7567~Ext. #2650.


Mrs. Smith, AMS Choral Director

Webpage address:

Accompanists: Carla Grossman-6TH Grade Choir

(Needed: Accompanist for 7/8 Grade Choir for OMEA Large Group Contest in May ~ Position pays :$150.00 )

Handbook information includes: Concert Dates & Events, Classroom Rules, Concert Dress Code Requirements, Private music lessons information, Concert Attendance Policy &last 2 pages to return with signatures.

Choral Handbook Index

Page 1………………….Introduction

Page 2 & 3…………………About the Choirs

Page 4………….Choir Classroom Rules & materials(to be brought in by students)

Page 5……………………..Behavior Expectations/Consequences

Page 6…………………….Vocal Solos and Choir Awards

Page 7…………………..Grading Policy

Page 8…………………..Choir fund raiser(s)

Page 9 & 10 ………….Concert Dates/Events

Page 11………………..Concert Dress Code & Concert Etiquette

Page 12…………………Concert Attendance

Page 13………………Concert Credit Report

Page 14…………………Literature Selection Policy

Page 15………………….Private Lessons/Information

Page 16………………..Trip Release, Waiver & Indemnity Agreement

Page 17………………….Alternate Transportation Request Form

Page 18………Parent Contact/Volunteer/Information Sheet (to be filled out, signed & returned) NOTE: Keep this copy in your handbook~Additional copy has been given to students to return with signature)

Page 19……………Emergency Medical Authorization Form (to be filled out, signed & returned) NOTE: Keep this copy in your handbook~Additional copy has been given to students to return with signature)

About the Choirs

The 7th & 8th Grade Choir


The 7th & 8th Grade Choir is an un-auditioned mixed voiced choir (male and female) representing grades 7 and 8. The 7/8th Grade Choir performs some challenging literature from the choral repertoire text books as well as arrangements written by some of the top arrangers in the world. This choir has consistently scored ratings of “I” (outstanding) or "II" (excellent" at OMEA Large Group contest in Class "A" or "B" which is held every year in May. The Choir performs regularly throughout the school year. Throughout the year, 7/8th Grade Choir members focus on sight-reading skills and developing solid vocal technique.

The Choir meets during regular class time five days a week. The students perform a variety of literature ranging from Ethnic, Pop, Broadway and Classical music throughout the school year. They also perform music sung in languages other than English.

March/ April/May are contest months, with the choir participating in the

OMEA Contest, namely 'Solo & Ensemble'(optional contest) 'Large Group Contest'(mandatorycontest). May features the final Spring Concert with all choirs receiving awards for their participation in choir and ‘special recognition’ awards for outstanding achievement.

In addition to the traditional concerts, the 7th & 8th Grade Choir is invited 2X a year to sing at the Trinity Community Retirement Village((Pending administrative approval). In any given year, the 7th & 8th Grade Choir may performadditional concerts by invitation.

The 6th Grade Choir

The 6th Grade Choir is an un-auditioned mixed voiced choir (male and female) for 6thGrade students. The 6th Grade Choir performs literature from the choral repertoire text book as well as modern arrangements. They perform beginner to intermediate literature ranging from Ethnic, Pop, Broadway,and Classical music throughout the school year.

In 6th Grade Choir, members focus on sight-reading skills anddeveloping solid vocal technique using their adopted textbook approved by the Board of Education.

In addition to the traditional concerts, the 6thGrade Choir is invited 2X a year to sing at the Trinity Community Retirement Village.(Pending administrative approval)

The 6th Grade Choir competes inOMEA Large Group Contest in May and for two years in a row, have received an overall rating of a SUPERIOR RATING! May also features the final Spring Concert with all choirs receiving awards for their participation as well as ‘special recognition’ awards for outstanding achievements.

Ankeney Select Vocal Ensemble

The Select Vocal Ensemble is an audition based performance group whose prerequisite is to demonstrate keen sense of A cappella singing during vocal tests and outstanding sight reading skills. During the 4th quarter of the previous school year, students who receive a high score on their sight reading test along with the rhythm test are invited to participate as a member of this group. The cost to be in this group is: $12.00 (t-shirts)

*Members meet in the morning hour (7:30am) before school starts on Mondays(girls) & after school (4:00pm -5:pm) on Mondays (boys). Thursdays are for either boys or girls or both depending on the need(either before OR after school)Rehearsals are during 1st semester only. They sing some cappella arrangements, pop songs, and vocal jazz standards. The music chosen must be suitable for the vocal ranges of the singers within group. (Either SAB, SSA, TB, or SATB) The group is made up of students who are members of the 7th & 8th Grade Choir. Students in this group serve as “choir ambassadors”, symbolizing literally, ‘the voice’ of AMS Choral Dept. The group performs for publicity purposes for special occasions throughout the district and at our annual concerts at B.H.S. auditorium in promoting the Ankeney Choral program. Some of their performances may appear on Youtube to help to further promote Ankeney’s Choral Department.

Ankeney 'Connection Show Choir'

The Connection Show Choir is an audition based group for both male and female students representing grades 6, 7, & 8. The group auditions in the (May) Spring of the 'previous year'. They perform a 20 minute show at 5 major competitions plus all of the AMS Choir Concerts throughout the school year. The group learns choreography at a summer camp in August before school starts. They rehearse after school hours throughout the school year at Ankeney in the choir room on Tuesday afternoons and some Saturday rehearsals at Main Elementary School.

The group has matching outfits and host several fund raisers throughout the school year to help afford their outfits, charter busses and contest music and fees. This group is a highly motivated. They are a successful organization that has brought home several 1st Place trophies throughout the school year. Their tradition of excellence continues year after year. For more information about getting involved in this group, contact: Jason Enneking (Ankeney Middle School teacher) at : .

Girls’ and Boys’ Vocal OMEA Ensembles

Students in 7th & 8th Grade have the option to voluntarily participate with the OMEA Girls’ or Boys’ ensembles that compete at the OMEA Contest in March or April. These groups sign up to participate and learn the music during class time. The Ensembles perform at the Choir concert in March as well as the OMEA Solo & Ensemble Contest in the Spring. These groups have successfully brought home Superior Ratings at contest and have earned 'certificates and pins' for receiving a Superior or an Excellent rating. The music for these groups is selected from the OMEA suggested list for OMEA contest for SA, SSA, TB, or TTB voicing. There is no cost to be in an OMEA ensemble.

Ankeney Choir Classroom Rules

“No one person shall interfere with another person’s “right to learn.”(Lee Cantor)

Please read the following rules carefully so there is a clear understanding of the students’ expectations as a member of the Ankeney Choral Music Program. When you return the acknowledgment sheet in your choir handbook, you are also confirming acknowledgment of the choir concert dates, class rules, and other policies regarding absence.

Classroom Rules

1. (L) Come to class on time& have a 'pass' if you are late. Do not leave the room without asking permission and fill out the proper forms/passes.

2. (T) No talkingwill be permitted during attendance, warm ups, announcements, choir rehearsal or classroom instruction. Stay focused & pay attention!

3. (M) Students are to be prepared for the day’s activities with their choir materials. Put materials away at the end of the period. Points are lost for failure to comply. (Check the weekly schedule on the wall near the folder cabinet to see what materials are required for that particular day)

4. (G) NO GUMpermitted in the choir/band wing.

5. (C) Be trustworthy, respectful, responsible, fair, & caring of others. Students also need to be faithful in representation of Citizenship. Keep the Character Pillars in mind at all times.

Classroom Materials

Please preserve the choir departments equipment and music by being careful. Some music is permanently out of print and cannot be replaced and equipment replacement is very costly.

1. Student must provide two #2 pencils and one heavy duty vinyl folder with 2 pockets (any color other than black) (*5 Star Vinyl 2 pocket vinyl folder). (this counts for 3 points toward your grade for Quarter #1)

2. Music is provided for each student and is to remain in the choir room in the students' slot. Other members of the choir may share the same folder or book.

3. Materials provided by school: Music, sight singing books & a vocal music repertoire text book.

4. Students may go online to the AMS website/Mrs. Smith’s teacher webpage & click on Mp3 downloads to practice at home! (a loaner folder can be supplied upon request)

*The cost to replace damaged music, book, folder or sight reading booklets are as follows: Costs are: folder (.3.50) Music (price depends on the song/medley) Book ($25.00), Sight reading book ($25.00), small sight reading books $6.50. Students are held accountable to keep their folder and book in tact without tears or writing on the book, music or folder. Please preserve the choir departments equipment and music by being careful. Some music is permanently out of print and cannot be replaced and equipment replacement is very costly.

Permissible: Students may bring a water bottle to class on a daily basis in a clear container with your name written on the bottle in permanent marker so as not to confuse with another students. (keep in your locker and fill up at the fountain and bring with you to choir!) No eating in the classroom unless the class has special permission as an entire group.

Student ID #'s / week one / week 2 / week 3
1234567 / t,t,t,DT-T, m,L,G
1234572 / L,m, G
1234574 / t,m,m

Categories for marks are as follows:

(L) –This stands for arriving late to class without a pass.(Students have 4 minutes in between class) (Three L’s = a lunch detention.)

(T) This stands for talkingduring attendance, warm ups, instruction or rehearsal~(Three T’s = a lunch detention)

(M) This stands for failure to have classroom materials, leaving your materials out in the classroom, or putting your folder/book in the wrong slot. (Three M’s = a lunch detention)

(G) This stands for chewing Gum (the choir/band area is a NO GUM ZONE) Eating in class is also not permitted~(3 G’s = detention) Water bottles are permitted in choir.

(C) This stands for failure to comply with one of the character pillars

Failure to comply with following rules or following basic classroom directions will result in the following consequences:

  1. Student receives their FIRST MARK: This will result in one point deducted from their daily participationscore. Student earn one point daily. If the student receives two marks in the same class, they are informed verbally. Points lost are tracked daily in attendance bookand recorded under Participation grade weekly.
  1. When a student receives 3 marks within the same category (ex. Three L’s for LATE) they will receive a lunch detention. (DT-"L" means student received a detention for getting 3 marks in the 'late' category.)
  1. After a student is issued a detention in that category, we begin counting from ONE again within that category. Each student begins each quarter with a clean slate.

* Demerits will be issued for all other offenses like: disregard of rules during emergency evacuation drills, insubordination, disrespecting another person or property, cursing or inappropriate dialog, leaving the classroom without asking for permission or without a hall pass, destruction of school property, playing around with another student in an extreme manner, not reporting to designated rehearsal/concert area as directed, not following performance etiquette during a concert, not performing as requested during rehearsal, demonstrating unruly and uncooperative behavior during rehearsal, or misbehavior for a sub when the Director is absent (automatic 3 demerits)

Sight Singing scores determine Vocal Solos!

Choir students who score high on their vocal sight singing tests per quarter will be ‘eligible’ to audition for a vocal solo in the choir. In order to score high on your sight singing tests, students’ are strongly suggested to take their sight singing sheets home to practice that they receive each quarter. Their assignment is to write solfege syllables underneath each note and turn in for a grade. When they get it back, they can take them home to practice prior to the test (usually 2 weeks before the end of each quarter). *Students are then graded individually in a sound proof practice room each quarter.

♫ Students who scored high (Usually scores of 38/40 or higher) are then asked to audition during classin front of their peers for any song that requires a solo and are rated using a vocal test rubrics sheet. (Students may see their score after the audition is over in an effort for ‘self-improvement’). Students should consider their scores to determine what area of improvement they need to focus on in order to strive for improvement throughout the year.

The ‘rubric sheet’ used in scoring students can be seen on my teacher webpage listed under ‘Choir assignments’ and then ‘Sight Singing test sheet’.

Students’Earn Points for Choir Awards!

On my teacher webpage, students can see how awards are determined by clicking on the link at the left side of the page that says, “Want to see how awards are chosen?”

Students earn points throughout the year for things like: Selling quota of 15 items in Cookie Dough sale, Selling quota of 3 booklets for Community Days sale, chosen for Star Spangled Banner Solo for concerts & basketball games, participation in Show Choir, participation in Select Vocal Ensemble, Participant in Talent Show, etc. (every grade level choir is different because they have different activities).


Choir Star Character Award: This award is given out to students who have received no more than 2 marks per quarter & received no detentions and no demerits in choir, volunteered to help out during lunch, before, during or after school with extra choir events, fund raiser sales, or classroom organization, etc.

Most Valuable Vocalist: This Acrylic award is given out to students who have earned the most points throughout the school year (see excel sheet on teacher webpage under: ‘Want to see how awards are chosen?” You can enter your points to see how many points you’ve earned online!

Outstanding Vocal Soloist: This exclusive award is given out to one student per grade level who has sang the most number of vocal solos throughout the year. (This includes Select Vocal Ensemble, OMEA Solos, Show Choir, Talent Show, Trinity Community voluntary soloist, Fine Arts Night, Star Spangled Banner, etc.

Select Jazz Vocal Ensemble: Students will receive a ‘Music Trophy’ for being in this group for the school year and representing the AMS Choral Dept. as an ‘ambassador’ of the Choir program. These students encourage participation of others into the program and are a ‘good’ mentor for all grade levels. They perform with the group at extra concert events and are generally a dedicated and loyal choir member.


*Each choir can receive class rewards. This is determined based upon their progress & conduct as an entire class. Choir Rewards to be earned: Karaoke Sing-a-long(end of quarter); a Reward Movie; Any Choir who receives straight superior ratings at OMEA contest will receive a pizza party ~ (Courtesy of Mrs. Smith.)