Digital Photography SyllabusPeriod 3 or 4 in computer lab 125

Objective: Students will be able to take pictures using Issaquah School District issued digital cameras and be able to convert these photos into both PowerPoints and Adobe PhotoShop incorporating Mr. An’s “theme of the week.”

Fee: $15 cash or check payable to Maywood Middle School. Please give fee to Ms. Alexander in the main office. Mr. An does not take fees for this class.

What does student need to bring to class(?): Your own flashdrive. Plan on saving your work in 2 places. You will create a folder on your desktop and put your work there in addition to saving work onto your flashdrive. Student(s) who wish to use their own camera need to bring Mr. An a note from their parent/guardian prior to use giving permission of usage.

What does a typical week look like in class(?): The first week and a half are spent looking at/discussing photos, looking at student samples from Trimester 1, and creating PowerPoints utilizing photos found on the Internet. Students will begin utilizing PhotoShop and be able to take photos on the Maywood campus between weeks 2 and 3 until the rest of the trimester. Mr. An will give students a theme for the week for students to focus on in incorporating photos they take on campus which are put into PhotoShop/PowerPoints.

As a student, how am I graded and do I do have any homework in this class (?): There is no homework in this class. From time to time, students may be asked to bring in copies of photos from home. Students are not restricted from doing work at home but do not receive extra credit for doing so. Students receive participation points (a weekly grade) typically consisting of a cumulative of 5 points a day or 25 points for a full week. Participating includes being on task in the computer lab, taking pictures on campus, treating all with respect, commitment to doing work in class, and presenting once (minimum) every week or two weeks.

Responsibility of the Student: This class is unique in that students utilize technology and have freedom to choose pictures from the Internet. Students are not allowed to listen to music while working and must follow MMS technology guidelines for using “School Appropriate” photos and pictures on their work-not doing so may result to disciplinary action such as suspension of computer rights. If a student is not sure, she/he will ask Mr. An. In addition to this, students are not allowed to take pictures in school bathrooms or wander off campus or behind buildings where they cannot be seen. Students are expected to act with respect (noise, behavior, no physical play) in order to ensure the safety of everyone in class in addition to not disturbing other classes conducting business in their respective classrooms.


Please have your student detach and return this bottom portion (below the dotted lines) to Mr. An for 10 points as part of their grade by or before Monday, Dec. 5. Students will receive 2 extra credit points if this is returned by Friday, December 2.

Points: ___/10

I have read and understand the terms in this syllabus for Digital Photography:

Student Name (please print): ______

Student Signature: ______

Parent/Guardian (please print): ______

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______