Module to be covered from (dates) : to :
Métro 4 Vert for AQA Module 1 Études
Déjà vu pp 6-9 / Activity no.
Learning objectives / Classroom language
School subjects you like/dislike
Telling the time
AQA Themes and Topics / 1EExchange information and opinions about school subjects.
Grammar / Definite/indefinite/ possessive articles
le, la, les
un, une, des
mon, ma, mes
Present tense -er verb endings
Use of definite article before school subjects
Exam strategies / Always use definite article with school subject likes and dislikes
Listening / AT1 / Listen to and match classroom language and school equipment to pictures, complete a grid with subject likes and dislikes, understand 12 hour clock times / 1b, 2a, 3b, 4a
Speaking / AT2 / Respond and make requests in the classroom context, ask and answer questions about subject likes and dislikes, tell the time / 2c, 3c, 4c
Reading / AT3 / Match classroom language, equipment, school subjects and clock times to pictures / 1a, 2b, 3a, 4b
Writing / AT4 / Write sentences about subject likes and dislikes / 3d
Key language / Que veut dire ... en anglais?
Répétez, s’il vous plaît.
Je ne sais pas.
Je ne comprends pas.
Comment dit-on ... en français?
C’est correct?
Je peux avoir (un crayon) s’il vous plaît?
Tu peux me prêter (une règle), s’il te plaît?
J’ai oublié (mon cahier).
Je n’ai pas de (livre).
J’adore/J’aime/Je n’aime pas/Je déteste (l’allemand) + other school subjects
Il est (huit) heures (+ other times)
ICT Opportunities / /
Reinforcement / Vert workbook p2 ex 1, p8 ex 1
Extension / Grammar 2, p181; 3.2, p182; À l'oral p18 ex 1
Resources / Cassette A, side 1
CD 1, track 2
Module to be covered from (dates) : to :
Métro 4 Vert for AQA Module 1 Études
Unité 1 pp 10-11 Emploi du temps / Activity no.
Learning objectives / Talking about your timetable and school day
Giving reasons for liking/disliking school subjects
Saying for how long you have been learning something
AQA Themes and Topics / 1EExchange information and opinions about school subjects and school timetables.
Grammar /

Depuis – J’apprends le français depuis 4 ans

Exam strategies / Note key words whilst listening; Give more than one reason for opinions if possible using car/parce que
Listening / AT1 / Understand key information about a French school, why people like or dislike subjects, and how long people have studied languages / 1b, 2b, 3a
Speaking / AT2 / Ask and answer questions about the school day, and say how long you have been learning subjects / 1d, 3b
Reading / AT3 / Understand and complete statements about a school timetable, match opinions on subjects with pictures / 1a, 2a
Writing / AT4 / Write sentences about your own school, and about subject preferences with reasons / 1c, 2c
Key language / Mon collège s’appelle …
Le collège commence/finit à …
La pause de midi est à (12h30)
Il y a une récréation à (11h)
On a (4) cours le matin et (3) cours l'après-midi.
Un cours dure 50 minutes.
Comme matières j’ai …
J’aime/je n’aime pas (les maths) car …
le prof est trop (sévère).
Je suis fort(e)/faible en (maths)
C’est facile/difficile/intéressant/ennuyeux
Le prof est sympa.
C'est très utile.
J'ai trop de devoirs.
J’apprends (le français) depuis … ans.
ICT Opportunities / Set out and print your own school timetable
Reinforcement / Vert workbook p2 ex 2, p3, p4 ex 4b
Extension / Grammar 3.2, p183; À toi! p160 ex 1, p161 ex 3
Resources / Cassette A, side 1
CD 1, track 3
Module to be covered from (dates) : to :
Métro 4 Vert for AQA Module 1 Études
Unité 2 pp 12-13 Mon collège / Activity no.
Learning objectives / Describing a school
Giving opinions about school uniform
Saying what you are not allowed to wear to school
AQA Themes and Topics / 1EExchange information about: school routine and extra-curricular activities, your school: size, location, facilities, school terms and holidays.
4CExchange information and opinions about school uniform.
Grammar / Il faut/il est interdit de + inf.
Exam strategies / /
Listening / AT1 / Understand general descriptions about schools, school clubs, and opinions about school rules and uniform / 1b, 2b
Speaking / AT2 / In pairs ask and answer questions about your own school, its clubs and rules, and give opinions about school uniform / 1c, 2c
Reading / AT3 / Understand descriptions of a school, its facilities and rules, and opinions about uniform / 1a, 2a
Writing / AT4 / Write out the interview in 1c about your own school / 1d
Key language / C'est un collège (mixte)
Il y a (700) élèves et il y a (42) professeurs.
Il y a (36) salles de classe.
Il y a (une bibliothèque, une cantine et des laboratoires)
Il y a un club de (judo, basket, foot)
Je suis pour/contre l’uniforme scolaire parce que …
C’est (démodé/pratique).
Il faut porter l’uniforme scolaire.
Il est interdit de (porter du maquillage/des bijoux)
J’aime porter (des vêtements à la mode)
ICT Opportunities / Look on the internet for information about your partner school or other schools in France
Reinforcement / Vert workbook p4 ex 6, p6, p7 ex 8b
Extension / Grammar 3.1, p182; À toi! p160 ex 2; From TG p21: Students make up a set of rules for their ideal school
Resources / Cassette A, side 1
CD 1, track 4
Module to be covered from (dates) : to :
Métro 4 Vert for AQA Module 1 Études
Unité 3 pp 14-15 Vous aimez la vie scolaire? / Activity no.
Learning objectives / Talking about the good and bad aspects of school
Describing your ideal school
AQA Themes and Topics / 4CExchange information and opinions about: issues at school such as homework, teaching, ideas for improving study and social facilities at school.
Grammar / Il y a/Il n’y a pas de + noun
On peut + infinitive

J’aimerais …/Je voudrais …(conditional)

Exam strategies / Practise using nouns after il n'y a pas de…, and the infinitve after on peut…
Listening / AT1 / Understand opinions about education, school life and its hardships / 1b, 2a
Speaking / AT2 / Ask and answer questions about your own school life, teachers and homework / 1c
Reading / AT3 / Understand people criticising aspects of the school system, and a song about the problems of being a student / 1a, 2b, 3a
Writing / AT4 / Complete a poem about life after school, and describe your school's facilities and what facilities you would like / 2c, 3b
Key language / J’aime/Je n’aime pas mon collège.
Je pense que les professeurs sont (trop) stricts etc.
J’ai (2) heures de devoirs par jour.
C’est trop/Ça va.
Les cours sont (trop longs).
J’aime bien la récréation/le club de … etc.
Il n’y a pas de (cours).
On peut (jouer).
Dans mon collège il y a (une bibliothèque) + other rooms.
J’aimerais aussi (une patinoire/un sauna).
ICT Opportunities / Word processing song/poem with illustrations
Reinforcement / Vert workbook p4 ex 5, p5 ex 7
Extension / Grammar 3.7, p185; From TG p23: Conduct a class survey rating school facilities in order of importance
Resources / Cassette A, side 1
CD 1, track 5
Module to be covered from (dates) : to :
Métro 4 Vert for AQA Module 1 Études
Unité 4 pp 16-17 Après le collège ... / Activity no.
Learning objectives / Talking about further education plans and future plans
AQA Themes and Topics / 1EExchange information about future plans in the coming months
Grammar / The near future tense with aller + inf.
Using si …
Exam strategies / Construct sentences a bit at a time; Use si for more complex sentences; Think about grammar structures you should use when filling in forms
Listening / AT1 / Understand people talking about their future plans / 1a
Speaking / AT2 / Speak about what you plan to do next year / 1d
Reading / AT3 / Read and fill gaps in in a letter about future plans, complete a form with information from emails about future plans / 1b, 2
Writing / AT4 / Translate short sentences about future plans into French / 1c
Key language / Je vais passer mes examens en juin.
Je vais (quitter le collège).
Je vais (passer) mon bac.
Je vais (aller) à l'université.
Je vais (continuer mes études).
J'espère être (ingénieur).
Il/Elle va aller au lycée technique.
D’abord … Après … Ensuite …
ICT Opportunities / Write an email about your future plans like those on p17
Reinforcement / Vert workbook p7 exs 9 and 10, p8 ex 2
Extension / Grammar 3.5, p184; Vert workbook À l'oral p9; À toi! p161 ex 4; À l'oral p18 exs 2 and 3; À l'écrit p19
Resources / Cassette A, side 1
CD 1, track 6
Notes / Coursework opportunity:
Á l’écrit p 19: 1.5 Advertising my school / college.