Kathryn Bell McKenzie, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Department of Educational Administration and Human Resource Development

College of Education and Human Development

College Station, TexasA&MUniversity

Office: 535HarringtonTowerHome: Address5606 Polo Rd.

4226 TAMUCity: College Station, TX77845

Texas A&M UniversityPhone: 979-696-4516

College Station, TX77843-4226

Phone: (979) 458-3017

Fax: (979) 862-4347



Ph.D., Educational Administration, The University of Texas at Austin, Public School Executive Leadership (2001)

M.Ed., Educational Administration, The University of Texas at Austin (1994)

B.M., Bachelor of Music, SulRossStateUniversity, Alpine, TX (1975)


Assistant Professor, (August 2003 – present) Department of Educational Administration and Human Resource Development, TexasA&MUniversity, College StationTX

Deputy Director, AISD/UT School Leadership Academy, Austin ISD, Austin, Texas (2002-2003).Responsibilities included developing, implementing, and monitoring programs and training for teacher leaders, assistant principals, and principals to build leadership

Principal, Pleasant HillElementary School, Austin ISD, Austin, Texas (1996-2002) School profile—525 students, 73% Free and reduced lunch, 12% African American, 72% Hispanic, 1% Asian, 15% White


* McKenzie, K. (2009, in press). Emotional abuse of students of color: The hidden inhumanity in our schools. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education.

* McKenzie, K. & Lozano, R. (2008, in press). Teachers’ zone of self-efficacy: Which students get included, which students get excluded, and more importantly, why? The National Journal of Urban Education.

* Skrla, L., McKenzie, K. & Scheurich, J. (2007). Overview for Leadership for learning in the context of social justice: An international perspective. In Normore, A. (Ed.), Journal of Educational Administration, (45)6.

* Skrla, L., McKenzie, K. & Scheurich, J. (2007). Supporting excellent teaching, equity, and accountability. In C. Sleeter (Ed.), Facing Accountability in Education: Democracy & Equity at Risk (pp. 30-40) TeacherCollege Press: New York.

* McKenzie, K. & Scheurich, J. (2007). King elementary: A new principal plans how to transform a diverse urban school. Journal of Cases in Education Leadership, (10)2, 19-27.

* McKenzie, K. & Scheurich, J. (2008). Teacher resistance to improvement of schools with diverse students: A critical naiveté in the scholarship on school change. The International Journal of Leadership in Education.

* McKenzie, K., Suttmiller, E., Christman, D. et al (2008, in press).Educating Leaders for social justice: A design for a comprehensive, social justice leadership preparation program. Educational Administration Quarterly.

* McKenzie, K., Skrla, L. & Scheurich, J. (2006). Preparing instructional leaders for social justice. Journal of School Leadership,16(2), 158-170.

* McKenzie, K. & Scheurich, J.J. (2004). Corporatizing and privatizing of schooling: Critique, research, and a call for a grounded critical practice. Educational Theory, 54(4), 431-443.

* McKenzie, K., & Scheurich, J.J. (2004). Equity traps: A construct for departments of educational administration. Educational Administration Quarterly,40(5), 601-632.


* McKenzie, K., Capper, C., Hernandez, F., Christman, D, Gonzalez, M. Dantley, M., Cambron-McCade, N., & Scheurich, J. (Nov. 2007). Preparing Leaders for Social Justice: Lessons from exemplary programs across disciplines. University Council of Educational Administration (UCEA). Alexandria, VA.

* McKenzie, K., Dickerson, K., Skrla, L., Scheurich, J., Reyes, P., Fuller, E., Alexander, C. & Phillips, J. (Nov. 2007). Urban District Reform Research: A comparison of two urban district multi-year reform efforts. University Council of Educational Administration (UCEA). Alexandria, VA.

* McKenzie, K. & Shakeshaft, C. (Nov. 2007). Human Rights in Schools: An examination of sexual, emotional, and physical abuse of students by school faculty and staff. University Council of Educational Administration (UCEA). Alexandria, VA.

* McKenzie, K., & Horsford, S. (Nov. 2007). “Sometimes I Feel the Problems Started With Desegregation”: Exploring the Standpoint of Black Superintendents on School Desegregation Policy. University Council of Educational Administration (UCEA). Alexandria, VA.


Senior Researcher for School Context, Principal Investigator: Stephanie Knight & Ikhlef Athman Investigation and Impact of Education for a New Era Classroom and School Processes on Student Outcomes, Qatar National Research Foundation $750,000 (current)

Researcher for A Study of Instructionally Effective School Districts.Principal Investigators: Linda Skrla, Darlene Opfer, Gary Sykes, & Bruce Thompson. William and Flora Hewlett Foundation $600,000. (2004-2007)

Co-Principal Investigator:Kathryn Bell McKenzie, Jim Scheurich, Glen Nolley. Austin Leadership Development for Principals and Assistant Principals. $1,800,000. U.S. Department of Education. (2002-2004)

TEACHING - Courses Taught

EHRD 651Models of Epistemology and Inquiry

EDAD 604Elementary Principalship

EDAD 605Secondary Principalship

EDAD 691Research

EDAD 692Professional Study

EDAD 688 Proseminar: Analysis of Critical Issues in Education

EHRD 656Advanced Qualitative Research

EDAD 623Advanced Fieldwork Methods

EDAD 624Special Populations and Programs

EDAD 690NNaturalistic Inquiry

EDAD 690PProposal Writing