New Years Eve

Dance and light supper. Live band. 8pm – 12.30am.

$10.00 members and $15.00 non-members.

We don’t go out to make a profit when we have these functions but it would be good to cover our costs, so start by supporting us this New Year.

As you will see further down in the newsletter the Club will be 70 years old in January 09 so support the club and keep us going for another 70 years….

Annual picnic

Queen Elizabeth Park, Sunday 18th January 2009. Races start at 12 noon, lolly scramble, gum boot throwing. Get your tug-o-war team together now! Bring your friends and have a good relaxing time.

Green Tie Ball

Saturday 21st March. Wellington Town Hall. 8pm to 1.00am.

Tickets will be available in January 09. All profits to Wellington Free Ambulance, so let’s keep it that way. The more support the better the profit. Tables will be 10 to a table. Price in the New Year.

National Feis 2009

Dean Rogers is the chairperson for the 2009 Feis. We would like to hear from people willing to help. Phone Lillian 478-1995.


A big thank you to Agnes Connolly for having some photos enlarged and reprinted for display in the clubrooms. Come and visit – walk up the stairs and see some history hanging on the walls. Thank you very much.

We need you --

I myself was not at the Christmas Dinner (was in hospital) but I did get phone calls telling me how everyone enjoyed themselves. The food and music was great. If everyone had turned up that advised me they were coming along with some others it would have been a better success. Needless to say we made a loss on the Christmas Dinner, which was disappointing.

70th Anniversary

70th anniversary of the Wellington Irish Society. What a milestone so let’s keep it going. With your help and support we can.

27th February -1st March 2009

Please mark this weekend on your calendar, and keep it free, why you may ask,

because 70 years ago our club was founded, on 26th February 1939

The 70th Anniversary

of the Founding of the Wellington Irish Society

70 years, this is a great milestone in our Club’s History.

Many of us find the only time we meet friends of yesteryear, seems to be at funerals, so, it has been decided that a GATHERING is to take place, at the Club, bringing all those old friends together, to just sit and talk, enjoy each other’s company, and share memories, over a whole week-end, without interruption. No Ball, No Formal Dinner, just quality time together.

We can meet at the Club on Friday evening, the 27th February 2009, and socialize then at 2pm Saturday 28th, we GATHER again, talking to long lost friends, sharing our interests, and happenings of the last few years, and also sharing our Photos, and trying to put names to faces, we seem to have forgotten. A scanner will be available, so those treasured photos can be shared with others.

This is to be quite an informal GATHERING, a talking time, and there will be food available during the afternoon, and in the evening too, for those, wishing to stay into the wee small hours, and naturally enough the Bar will be open.

At 11am on Sunday, might be time to meet again, for nibbles, and then our farewells.

If you know of any person, who was at any time associated with the club, please tell them to contact us, as we would warmly welcome them all, to this Special Occasion.

For catering arrangements, it would be necessary to have the numbers wishing to attend, so

Please contact Colleen O’Donovan Tel. 04.3882.658, or

Indoor Bowls.

The following were winners for the 2008 season.

Singles: Robbie Smith

Pairs: Terry Moffat and Martin Egan

Triples: Joe Winkels, Ursula Carroll, and Jessie Moffat.

Rinks: Michael Lavan, Laurie Fairs, Maureen Braakhaus and Rose Winkels.

Ladies Singles: Jessie Moffat

Men’s Singles: Robbie Smith

Most Improved: Sr Basil

The 3 Interclub competition Wellington Irish beat Petone, Island Bay and Upper Hutt Cossie.

The Wellington Irish also won the C grade at the catholic interclub.

Congratulations to all.

Our deepest Sympathy --

To the Hagan Family on the death of their mother Kath.

Kath for many years was one of our catering staff and contributed a lot to the Club.

To the Buckley family on the death of their mother Monica.

May they Rest in Peace.

Nollaig shonasach agus athbhliain shuaimhneach.

(Wishing you peace and happiness for Christmas and the New Year.)

Lilian and Committee.