Minutes of the Laceby Parish Council Meeting held at the Stanford Centre Cooper Lane Laceby on Tuesday 4 October 2016 at 7.30 p.m.

11571Present: Councillor D. Marshall – Chairman.

Councillors: Mrs. S. Turner. P. Schofield. Mrs. R. James.

Mrs. J. Howells.

Also Present: Ward Councillors: Mrs. M. Dickerson & D. Hasthorpe.

Humberside Police – PCSO R.Hesletine.

One member of the public.

Debbie Weatherill – Clerk.

11572Apologies: Councillors Mrs. B. Metcalf – Vice Chairman.

11573The Chairman, Councillor Marshall, welcomed all present and requested that all stand for a minutes silence in respect to Mr Martin Greenbeck, former Councillor, who had recently passed away.

11574Minutes of the Laceby Parish Council meeting held 6 September 2016 – proposed by Councillor Schofield, seconded by Councillor Turner that these minutes should be signed as correct.

11575Minutes of the Laceby Parish Council planning meeting held 20 September 2016 – proposed by Councillor Turner, seconded by Councillor Howells and signed as correct by the Chairman.

11576Dispensation Requests – none received.

11577Declarations of Interest – none received.

The Chairman then suspended the meeting to take Public Forum:-

Noted parking of cars on the grass verges at the end of Caistor Road had stopped.

Laceby in Bloom suggested wild flowers for Victoria Park and the bank at the play area was also mentioned.

Councillor Marshall then re-convened the meeting to consider other agenda items:-

11578Police Matters

PCSO Heseltine gave a brief report and stated that items from sheds and garages had been stolen. Police brief was considered. Concerns raised were:-

  • Speed of traffic on Grimsby Road Laceby
  • Traffic parking on verges at Laceby Lodge
  • Cyclists on footpaths cycling rapidly.

Suggested that now there was a new Crime Commissioner things might change.

11579Planning Matters

Noted the Laceby Gardens plans were done under two separate numbers by the Planning Authority – Councillor Schofield stated if they had been the same numbers the conditions should have been transferred.

DM /0906/16/FUL – Erect single storey, self-contained residential annexe in rear garden to include the installation of roof lights at 12 Lealand Close Laceby

Concerns were raised and objections held for the following reasons:-

  • The proposed dwelling annexe represented tandem development on the site. (Driveway to be shared access.)
  • Proposed dwelling was noted to be extremely close to the boundary with the neighbouring property at the end of the small cul de sac with limited parking.
  • Allowing the planning application would set a precedent for other similar applications.
  • Resolved unanimously to object to the planning application.

NELC enforcement letter noted regarding blocking of footpath in Keith


11580Reports from Previous Minutes

Email from NELC regarding bus manoeuvring in the Square was noted – no plan attached, Clerk to acquire the plan and bring to next meeting.

Email from resident regarding dropped kerbs on High Street/Butt Lane area was noted. Noted this had already been discussed and reported in the LARSP report.

Footpath through from Aylesby to Laceby – Councillor Marshall informed all that there were definitely cars going up and down – agreed to measure the largest scooter and put in bollards at the Laceby end.

11581Financial Matters

Proposed by Councillor Turner, seconded by Councillor Schofield that the following accounts should be paid:-

D Weatherill – reimbursed telephone & broadband expensed from BT paid 20 Sept 2016 / 48.91
Stanford Centre Group – hall hire for February/March 2016 paid 20 Sept. 2016 / 60.00
ERNLLCA Councillor Training on 8 Nov. 2016 paid 20 Sept. 2016 / 90.00
Cheques numbers 003973 & 003974used for re-issuing wages cheques which were lost in the post. / ------
Wages for the end of October for three employees total / 1,442.18
Post Office Ltd – Income Tax and National Ins. payment / 116.86
D Weatherill – Clerk’s petty cash / 75.00
D Marshall – Chairman’s Allowance plus £2.89 for bolts and washers for metal plates for play area / 22.89
PKF Littlejohn Accountants – annual return for the Laceby PC to end March 2016 / 240.00
ARG Groundworks (A. Robinson) for various work carried out at the Laceby Cemetery / 2,245.00
A Ringrose – groundsman’s petty cash / 35.00
D Marshall – Chairman’s additional payment for £15.60 for travel expenses to monumental masons with Councillor S. Greenbeck in respect of quotations for WW1 Memorial. / 15.60

Total Payments for the month of October 2016 = £4,391.44

PK Littlejohn’s Audit of Accounts was completed – but the Assets figures were to be reconsidered. Agreed to place the matter of Assets valuation on the agenda for next month.

Noted that the interest rate on the NELC accounts had been reduced again.

Capping of Precepts email was to be sent to all Councillors and placed on the agenda again for next month.

Clerk stated Staples were changing the way they offered credit and were stopping the use of the account card in favour of a credit account. Resolved that the Clerk contact Office Friends locally to request an account with them and close the Staples account.


Clerk reported10 tenants had not paid their second quarter invoices with a couple not yet paid their first quarters either.

Councillor Marshall informed all that there was one new allotment tenant but others on the list were difficult to get hold of.

11583Cemetery/Churchyard Matters

The contractor who was providing a quotation for the trees in theCemetery had been trying to email the Parish Council at the old email address.

WW1 Memorial this was to be left in abeyance until such time as Councillor S. Greenbeck felt ready to come back.

Repairs to the War Memorial – agreed to put on New Year’s agenda.

The Clerk explained there were several graves on which the Exclusive Rights had now expired and according to the Purchase Graves Book the graves had not been used. Resolved to discuss this again when the Cemetery was full and the new piece of unused Cemetery had been used.

11584Butt Lane Sports Field

No further information at present despite invitation to Kathryn Barratt having been sent.

11585St Francis Grove Sports Field

Noted the metal plates had been fitted then one had been removed.

Ziz zag upright was broken again – Clerk to contact Mr Morton and Wicksteed for quotations.

Clerk to obtain quotations for two dog signs in aluminium (no fixings) and Councillor Schofield stated he would mount them on hardboard, and put them up.


Noted letter from Wilkin Sharpe & Co to merge with SmethurtsBucktonchartered accountants.

Email from CPRE regarding their 90th Anniversary was noted.

11587The Stanford Centre Group

The next meeting of the Group was to be held 10 October 2016.

Councillor Marshall stated he had attended the presentation by the History Group and the winner was Sue Wink.

Requested the Stanford Group representative present ask that the outside light be replaced, impossible without a torch to lock up in the dark, and request that the heating be put on.

11588Nature Area

Noted this area had been weed killed again.

11589Information Exchange

Noted footpath 94 between the BMW garage and the offices on Grimsby Road was full of rubbish – Clerk to report this item to NELC.

Agreed Community spirit was phenomenal at present.

Meeting was closed at 9.30 p.m..

SIGNED………………………………………… 1 November 2016


Laceby Parish Council Meeting 4 October 2016Page 1