Little Rock, Arkansas


Version 1—18 Nov 2002









Appendix 7.1Mission Contact Person10

Appendix 7.2Mission Support Class10

Appendix 7.3Definitions and terms11


Appendix 8.1Doctrinal Questionnaire12

Appendix 8.2Sample Mission Report Form13

Appendix 8.3An Interview for Church Leaders with Missionary14


Appendix 9.1Points on Church Growth17

Appendix 9.2Domestic versus Foreign Missionaries18

Appendix 9.3Advantages of Supporting Nationals or Americans 19

Appendix 9.4Number of Works20

Appendix 9.5Choosing and Training a Missionary20

Appendix 9.6Decision-Making in the Field22



  1. The purpose of our mission efforts is to fulfill the Great Commission (Matt. 28:19-20—Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.)
  2. Both domestic and foreign works will be supported. The elders will decide priority areas after research and prayer.

Mission Guidelines

  1. For the elders to guide the mission committee with an orderly and effective direction for the mission programs
  2. To ensure that each mission dollar is spent as God would have it spent
  3. To have a written, structural basis for making missions decisions
  4. To build confidence of the congregation in the mission program
  5. To provide orientation and to maintain consistency with the personnel working with missions


These guidelines are not to be taken as inflexible rules. They are not meant to rule out immediate needs or unusual circumstances, or the changing philosophy of the elders.


These mission guidelines should be reviewed every two years.


Send missionaries into the field

1.Support missionary until church has a permanent presence in the community, or until maintaining a presence is no longer productive, feasible, or desirable.

2.The thrust of our missions program will be church growth by preaching of the Gospel, baptizing, and making disciples. Results are anticipated and expected.

3.Each mission point should have a major evangelistic outreach.

4.Avoid works of social reform which seek to reform the native society through social institutions, such as hospitals, schools, et cetera, unless they are necessary to maintain the mission point.

Mission Goals

1.Provide long-term support to as many missionaries in the field as possible

2.Convert souls to Christ

3.Establish indigenous congregations to become self-supporting, self-governing, and self-propagating as quickly as possible

Short-Term Mission Goal

1.Encourage Pleasant Valley to be more involved in missions

2.Encourage some of Pleasant Valley’s members to consider the mission field


Long-Term Involvement

  1. Pleasant Valley will seek long-term involvement.
  2. Mission efforts will be prioritized according to (see also Part Three, section A):

a)Concentration in selected areas

b)Choosing the most qualified

c)Choosing the most receptive field.

  1. The congregation will endeavor to support the missionary with proper financial, spiritual, and emotional support.
  2. An adequate salary will be provided.
  3. Missionaries will receive working and travel funds from other sources. Traditionally at Pleasant Valley, the missionary will raise work funds, auto and travel funds.
  1. This congregation will concentrate on supporting missionaries by supplying salary and encouragement.
  2. Contributing to the purchase of land, buildings, et cetera, will be de-emphasized.
  3. The nationals who comprise the missionary congregation will be encouraged to provide their own place of worship, transportation, and local minister salaries. The elders must approve any exception.

Short-Term Requests for Assistance

  1. Pleasant Valley will attempt to be proactive in short-term missions and implement its own program.
  2. Help members who want to go on mission trips
  3. Involve more of the congregation in mission work
  1. Such a policy will not automatically rule out favorable response to mission projects, special appeals for temporary assistance, or emergency appeals.
  2. The elders have customarily budgeted annually a miscellaneous mission fund for use in these matters.
  3. Use of these funds for special and committee approved evangelistic efforts (e.g., summer campaign work) involving youth members from our congregation is encouraged. Others are encouraged to seek such support elsewhere.


Mission Point

  1. Works will be considered based on the following principles:
  2. The desire for Pleasant Valley to add or replace another missionary
  3. Compatibility and location near present mission points
  4. The best possible qualified missionary available
  5. Perceived receptivity of the Gospel in the area at the time the work is being considered
  6. When do we find a replacement missionary?
  7. When the work needs maturing
  8. If the church needs a missionary to maintain presence
  9. Missionary
  10. Character of missionary and family—References
  11. Doctrinal soundness—Doctrinal Questionnaire
  12. Wife also completing Doctrinal Questionnaire
  13. Background and training—Resumes
  14. Compatibility with Pleasant Valley—Interview
  15. Financial situation—credit and/or other background check may be considered
  16. Missionary’s plan and preparation
  17. Psychological testing
  18. Adequate support provided by Pleasant Valley and other sources
  19. Work funds, transportation (vehicle), and travel to the field are to be provided by missionaries from other sources.
  20. Mission Committee at request of elders
  21. Accept applications
  22. List top candidates
  23. Check background
  24. Make recommendations to elders
  25. Elders
  26. Interview
  27. Make selection
  28. Negotiate Contract
  29. Establish Salary
  30. Missions Committee
  31. Mission committee will explain mission goals, reports, and expectations to the chosen candidate
  32. Goals and expectations reviewed and approved
  33. Provide necessary services to help missionary while at PV
  34. Provide necessary transition period to congregation


Mission Goals in the Field

  1. Each congregation established by Pleasant Valley missionaries will be encouraged to become spiritually organized and to assume its own responsibilities as soon as possible.
  1. A review of the work will be conducted after three years. The elders will decide if the missionary is to return to the field. To this end, each mission point should share these goals:
  2. To convert individuals to Jesus Christ
  3. Individuals are not to be converted to an American church or to any American interpretation or concept of Christianity.
  4. To establish an indigenous congregation
  5. To assist this congregation in the process of growing and maturing and in the process of being responsible financially
  6. The intent of the missionary is to work himself out of a job as quickly as is feasible and wise.
  1. All missionaries presently supported are to present annually to Pleasant Valley a work plan for the upcoming year and evaluation of previous year. This report should include a self-assessment of the missionary’s work and evaluation of progress for the mission point.
  2. The Missions Committee will examine and recommend appropriate action on these plans before submitting them to the eldership.
  3. By December 1 of each year each missionary will present specific goals for growth in his field for the upcoming calendar year. These should include long-term goals and a plan of action for the mission point.
  1. Missionary Support from Pleasant Valley
  2. Contact Person, couples, or class
  3. Mission Minister for immediate needs
  4. Business person to handle Work Fund account
  5. Power of Attorney if needed (some prefer friend or family member)

Responsibilities of the Missionary to Pleasant Valley and the work

  1. This church expects the missionary to:
  2. Be open and honest about the work, membership, and progress
  3. Provide monthly Reports in an approved format
  4. Do not involve yourself in any other work or business except mission work without prior approval of the elders
  5. Treat supporting church as yoke fellow in Gospel not as employer in the spread of the Gospel
  6. Keep supporting church informed as to prayer needs
  7. Spend an appropriate proportionate amount of furlough time with the church in relation to the support received
  8. Refrain from asking individual members for extra contributions
  9. Direct all money requests, personal and work-related, to the mission committee or elders
  1. What Pleasant Valley expects from the missionary toward the mission church
  2. Honest and ethical behavior
  3. Learn their language
  4. Work within their social customs to establish a national church
  5. Total and complete attention to the preaching of the Gospel
  6. Teach and convert the nationals
  7. To plant churches
  8. To train new converts to take over responsibility of his role
  9. Keep mission church informed of supporting church's intent and support



  1. The proposed budget will be prepared annually by the Missions Committee/Elder Cluster.
  2. Each individual committee member is to review the financial needs in his area of responsibility along with any recommendation for new and additional work, and present his recommendations to the committee.
  3. Upon approval of the budget by the elders, the missionaries and mission-oriented functions that we support will be notified regarding any changes in salary.

Missions Training

  1. Financial assistance for preparatory missionary training prior to selection for the field will not be given.
  1. Missionaries who have been in the field for at least three years may be eligible for brief post-graduate continuing education that has been approved by the Missions Committee. Such spiritual education and renewal will be encouraged.
  1. Support adjustment
  2. The elders on the basis of review may alter individual support.
  3. The Missions Contact Person or staff member works directly with the missionary when financial crises arise in order to clarify the situation so appropriate adjustments can be made.
  4. Support levels are not normally changed during the year but can be reviewed should uncontrollable circumstances arise such as:
  5. Inflation overseas
  6. Emergencies in the field
  1. Designated giving
  2. Recommend giving by members to the general budget, i.e., discourages designated giving
  3. The elders and missions committee want to know about special projects by missionaries
  4. Designated gifts from members will be passed on; gifts of $500 or more should be reported to the elders
  1. One-time gifts
  2. Undesignated one-time gifts go into the special contribution fund (see below)
  3. Discuss with the donor various needs in the field to see what designations would be most appropriate
  4. Have several possible uses already planned so that any one-time gifts may be dispersed immediately upon receipt

  1. Special Contributions
  2. Mission committee may suggest expenditures as they arise from unexpected sources or missionaries
  3. Leave a partial balance until late in the year in order to help last minute requests
  4. Approximately one-half of funds should be designated for works new to Pleasant Valley
  1. One time requests
  2. Consider limit on such requests
  3. To come from special funds etc.
  1. Church buildings and training facilities
  2. Limit contributions to such facilities
  3. Prefer missionaries raise other support
  4. Will consider being the facilitator through missionaries’ work fund for collection
  1. Transportation
  2. Should be settled before missionary leaves for the field
  3. Prefer missionaries raise other support
  4. Will consider being facilitator through missionaries’ work fund for collection


  1. Review research and give choice of options with recommendations to elders on arising needs of missionaries
  1. Accept new missionary search from elders
  1. Handle month-to-month activities of mission business
  1. Policy and Decision Making
  2. Direct and supervise the missions program under the oversight and direction of the elders
  3. Assist the elders in their task of overseeing any and all missionaries supported in the field
  4. Establish purposes and goals to the satisfaction of the eldership as a whole
  5. Update the mission policy/guidelines as necessary
  1. Finances
  2. Properly steward the funds allocated to missions
  3. Develop/prepare the proposed mission budget (annually)
  4. Review and evaluate each mission request and make recommendations as needed
  1. Development and Analysis
  2. Be aware of and develop knowledge of various mission field opportunities and needs
  3. Select and recommend (fields, people, etc.) to the elders for work
  4. Constantly reevaluate all work in progress
  1. Communication
  2. Serve as a liaison between the church and the missionaries, striving to maintain good communication between the missionary and the congregation
  3. Urge on-field visits to missionaries whenever possible
  4. Consider mission contact person
  5. Send questionnaire to help with interview
  6. Have couple report back to mission committee
  7. Educate, stimulate, and keep the congregation informed about the mission work/program
  8. Publish regular reports from our missionaries, via the bulletin or mission publication
  9. Enable the congregation to have a meaningful relationship and fellowship in mission evangelism
  10. Encourage adults and youth from this congregation who want to go to the mission field
  11. Accountability
  12. Annual goals
  13. Self-evaluation
  14. Monthly reports



1.An individual/couple who serves the role of liaison between the missionary and the Missions Committee

2.Become comprehensively informed about his mission point and a student of that particular part of the world, and act as a resource person when information about that work and part of the world is necessary

3.Encourage someone to visit the mission point and missionary at a time acceptable to the missions committee and elders

4.Should receive a copy of the missionary’s monthly report and be notified of decisions by the elders affecting his welfare and work

5.To read reports and inform the Missions Committee regarding specific needs of the mission work or missionary and/or family

6.To provide information from the field to the Mission Support Class

7.The Contact Person should keep a current file on the missionary in order to facilitate good communication and prompt response between missionary and church. The file should also contain a history and outline of the work and will ensure continuity as the make-up of the committee changes.

8.To write and to solicit families to communicate with the missionary at regular intervals

9.The Contact Person should encourage the missionary with cards for birthday and anniversaries, care packages of seasoning mixes, subscriptions of journals, books, tapes, Bible school material, and other items not available in the field. These could be sent to the missionary and his family by arranging for various individuals or groups in the church to participate.


  1. Offer general encouragement to the missionary and family
  1. Communicate with the missionary at regular intervals by writing letters and e-mails, phone calls, etc.
  1. Become interested and informed about his mission point
  1. The Support Class can encourage the missionary by sending cards for birthday and anniversaries, care packages of seasoning mixes, subscriptions of journals, books, tapes, Bible school material, and other items not available in the field. These could be sent to the missionary and his family by arranging for various individuals or groups in the church to participate.

Appendix 7.3—Definitions

Indigenous: Indigenous in this context refers to a congregation that is rooted entirely in the native culture and environment. It implies that the congregation is void of any American identity. It should have a national flavor. An indigenous church thinks of the Lord as their God (rather than as a foreign deity), meets the needs of their people on their own, worships in ways they understand, follows leaders they appoint themselves, and initiates all of their activities on their own.

Self-supporting: Self-supporting means the mission congregation is able to pay its own way. It provides for its preacher, building and own ministries.

Self-governing: Self-governing is when a congregation has grown spiritually enough to have capable leadership to direct the affairs of the mission church.

Self-propagating: Self-propagating is when the mission congregation has reached the point of maturity that it is planting other churches. They have taken the great commission seriously and are preaching the Gospel to their fellow man.



Please answer on a separate sheet and identify by question number.

  1. What is your belief about the inspiration of the Scriptures?
  2. What is your belief about the essential nature of baptism?
  3. What is your attitude toward the use of instrumental music in worship?
  4. What is your attitude toward fellowshipping unbaptized people?
  5. What are your views on tongue speaking?
  6. What do you believe about possession of the Holy Spirit?
  7. What are your views on the millennium?
  8. What are your views on your relationship to the elders of the congregation?
  9. What are your views about the work of women in the church?
  10. What are your beliefs about the remarriage of divorced people?
  11. How would you deal with the problem of the practicing polygamist who wishes to be baptized?
  12. What are your opinions about Bible translations?
  13. What are your views toward fellowshipping baptized believers who belong to instrumental or other denominational groups?
  14. When and how frequently should the Lord’s Supper be eaten? Can it be taken on special occasions?
  15. What are your views on when life begins and abortion?


At Pleasant Valley, the mission reports will be distributed among the elders, missions committee, and contact person. The elders and missions committee want to receive reports from the field monthly. This is an essential part of communication between the missionary and sponsoring church. The missionary should consider the report as part of his work and make time for it.

There is a difference between a work report and a newsletter. A newsletter is meant to maintain connections between the missionary and all of his family, friends, and supporters. The newsletter is more likely to include human interest features. The work report should be more detailed about the actual mission work itself.