CoDA UK Annual General Meeting

20th February 2010.

Swedenborg Hall 13.30 – 17.00


Tracey - Treasurer NSC, West Norwood – Joint Chair

Anouska - London & SE Region Liaison, GSR Clapham – Joint Chair

Dagmar – Secretary NSC, Exeter GSR - Minutes

Jane & Jess - Email Co-ordinators

Christian - Website Co-ordinator

Geraldine - Literature Representative

  1. Serenity Prayer and 12 Traditions

The Serenity prayer and 12 Traditions were read by the group.

  1. Approval of AGM Minutes for 2009

The minutes of the last AGM were approved.

  1. Update from the NSC

Anouska updated the meeting on the activities of the NSC over the past 12 months.

3.1 Supply of Literature

Fellowship Souvenirs are no longer endorsed by CoDA UK as suppliers of CoDA literature. All CoDA Inc. approved literature is now available from CORE estore

3.2 New Meeting Pack

There is now a dedicated page on the website, clear and concise, from which the NMP can be downloaded

3.3 New Sponsorship Guidelines

Are now published for download on the website

3.4 Sharing Guidelines

Are published for download on the website. They will be regularly updated and there is a facility for feedback

3.5 Tradition 7 reading

There is a Tradition 7 reading available on the website for those groups who are struggling to be self-sufficient

3.6 Website

The website has been refined and simplified. The NSC has allocated £1,000 to fund further work necessary to update the website and provides a central email facility. The current host is possibly contrary to our Traditions

3.7 Still to be dealt with:

a)Update service definitions for the NSC

b)The 14 Questions (A structured process through Steps 1, 2 & 3 developed by CoDA Australia)

c)Newcomers Pack

d)To re-instate the monthly newsletter

3.8 Matters Arising

3.8.1 There was a question about whether we should send delegates to the International Conference in Los Angeles in July 2010

3.8.2 Any questions about Sponsorship should be sent to the address on the website

3.8.3 The 14 Questions – what is it, is it approved, how is it available. NSC have approval from Australia to use the materials. The NSC to evaluate and consider its use in CoDA UK

3.8.4 Contributions to CoDA UK, should groups expect acknowledgement? The treasurer confirmed that a receipt would be sent if an sae was included with the contribution. This process can take some time because the post box is opened once per month. Details are on the website

3.8.5 Concern about email response. A member felt that he had had an unbalanced response on email about a query on the supply of literature. It was explained that the email responders forward queries that they are unable to respond to to all members of the NSC. The individual members of the NSC then share their particular experience

3.8.6 Step groups. There is a growing demand and trend towards Step Groups. There was discussion around whether Step Groups should be closed or open and concluded that this should be the decision of each group. Also whether there should be a list of people on the website willing to share and help new step groups set up.

Proposal – That a new local group service position of Step Group person be introduced. This could be combined with Sponsorship rep. That person would be available as a contact, to offer shares and to assist and support setting up new groups. To be added to NSC agenda.I don’t have any record of this item but will add to agenda?

I do however have record of it being agreed that the step group list would be removed from the website. I will add this to the agenda so it can be actioned and a discussion of what wording to put in its place for Step Groups section.

4 Retreats

4.1 The flyer and Minutes of previous year’s retreat is available.

4.2 This year’s Women’s Retreat is approved as long as it follows the Traditions and uses CoDA approved literature.

4.3 It was requested that the forms and information on the web for the Women’s Retreat is in the same format as that for the Mixed Retreat.

4.4 It was agreed that :

a) each retreat is individually approved to ensure that it always complies with the Traditions.

b) the flyer should always include an outline of events and contact people

4.5 Action: As there was no one representing the Mixed Retreat at the AGM

Tracey is to contact the person organizing this year’s Mixed Retreat in order to request they seek approval of the NSC

5. Regional Committees

5.1 There is currently only one regional meeting, London & South East region.

5.2 Since the previous secretary of LSE region stood down no meetings have taken place.

5.3.The meeting was asked if anyone was willing to take on the service of secretary. It was queried whether there were minutes etc to help the handover. The meeting was told that there is an email address and all documents and minutes of previous meetings are available. There is also a bank account

Action : Frank volunteered to be a resource & support

5.4 In order to run the region would need a Chair, Secretary & Treasurer service positions to be filled

Len volunteered to step up if others would join him.

Frank proposed that 3 people step up today, there is no requirement that they be GSRs

Roles of the service positions:

- Secretary: Receives and responds to emails from the designated email address. Sets up the agenda & takes and publishes the minutes

- Treasurer: Records the donations from the meeting, looks after the books and bank account. Books venues.

- Chair: Keeps the meeting going and ensures the agenda is dealt with .

  • Len volunteered and was seconded as Chair. He will to set up the first meeting
  • Jason volunteered and was seconded as Treasurer

Name? was not able to be at meeting because of sickness but had sent word to volunteer as secretary - an email was later received stating they were no longer available

5.5 South West region: Len at Bournemouth wants to be part of the SW region. Jess at Bristol is also possibly interested in being part of a SW Regionas well as Steve.

6. Website

6.1 As website person Christian reported that the website had been simplified and that all the items approved at last year’s AGM and at subsequent NSC meetings had been added to the website.

6.2 He has also been taking information from emails in order to update the “Where to Find” lists. This service position is vacant and available - currently Christian is undertaking this service but clarity is needed over whether Marietta is still doing this service and the correct information put on the website

6.3 Christian is discussing a more simplified platform with a web designer and an initial budget of £1,000 has been agreed for this work

6.4 There is an existing facility to sign up for the newsletter on the website though the service position for writing the newsletter is vacant and available.

There was a discussion around what the Newsletter might contain:

- business and events are already on the “Newspage”

- shares of experience, strength and hope ?

Action : Oluseyi, Nicolas and Tracey agreed to work together to explore the possibilities

7. Treasurer’s Report

7.1 Apologies – was absent for the first bit – could someone please fill in

There was an initial discussion about the PO Box and who is manning this and paying for it, what the address is etc - more information about this service is needed.

7.2 There was a discussion around whether CoDA UK should contribute to CoDA Inc and the matter of what would constitute a prudent reserve. 3 speakers were strongly opposed to contributing to the US because they have a very much larger membership than the UK and are well funded. The question was raised as to what access to information about CoDA Inc finances does CoDA UK have. There is currently a lack of transparency around their finances

7.3 Geraldine, CoDA Inc liaison and now on the Board of CoDA Inc , reported that it had been said, on one of the regular conference calls, that CoDA Inc sever links with countries who don’t make a contribution.

7.4 Geraldine said that at a conference in November she had requested that CoDA Inc make their finances more transparent.

7.5 Name ? said that they had emailed CORE and asked them whether they were profit-making. This in the light of CoDA UK withdrawing endorsement from Fellowship Souvenirs. He had not received a reply.

7.6 Geraldine reported that CoDA Inc were now very keen to work more internationally. They’ve demonstrated their commitment to closer links with UK by making two appointments to the Board, herself and Maria and funding their trips.

7.7. It was pointed out that we send money to the US through buying our literature from CoRE

7.8 Geraldine said that CoDA Inc had made a grant of $750 available to each country in order to fund delegates to the July 2010 conference in LA.. CoDA UK could apply for the Grant before the deadline and the delegates could be selected subsequently at the next NSC meeting

7.9 It was requested that Geraldine ask that the minutes of CoDA Inc be made available. A request was made to request information as to why donations are considered a requirement and why links would be severed?

7.10 The point was made that we do not have to justify not sending money to the US

7.11 Proposal– that we do not send money to the US at this time - this was approved

8. Literature

8.1 Supplies of the up-to-date literature from CoRE were available for purchase at the meeting

8.2 Jason reported a bad experience of ordering from CoRE and had preferred the service received from Fellowship Souvenirs. He had experimented with the ordering system online and found that the cost of carriage of the big books made them much more expensive than from FS.

8.3 He questioned the withdrawal of CoDA UK endorsement and was referred to the report prepared the previous year and available on the website - it was confirmed that Core Inc is the only literature provider endorsed by CoDA UK.

8.4 Dagmar reported that she had made 3 largeish mixed orders from CoRE estore including the supplies for the AGM and the carriage had worked out at about 30% of the value of the order. Taking into account the $ : £ exchange rate and some rounding the items were priced for sale at about 90p to the $

8.5 There was a request that all the literature be available on the website in PDF

8.6 Tracey reported that she had been approached by a person in the process of buying Fellowship Souvenirs to request future CoDA endorsement. The meeting agreed to appoint someone to liaise with & represent the NSC withthe prospective purchaserand report back to the NSC

  • Proposal: to request further information form CoDA Inc/ Core Us about profits and shipping costs - this was approved
  • Proposal: to enquire about the cost of purchasing the licence from Core US - this was approved

11 Nominations and Elections of Service Positions

- Chairperson

- Vice Chairperson

- Secretary (Agenda & Minutes) & Sponsorship Officer - Anouska

- Public Information Officer - Maggy

- Internal Communications Officer (includes keeping ‘Where to find’ list updated) - Oluseyi

- Newsletter Officers - Nicolas & Oluseyi

- Website Officer - Christian

- Literature Officer - Geraldine

- CoDA Inc Liaison 1 - Geraldine

- CoDA Inc Liaison 2 - Vicky

- Treasurer (2 year role inc booking meeting venue) - Dagmar

- General Committee members

- Email Coordinators - Jane & Jess

- Regional Representative - Frank

- NSC Email Responder - Nicolas

9. Service Positions Nominations

Descriptions of all service posts are available on the website.

The Nation Steering Committee (NSC) meet each quarter.

The following people volunteered, were seconded and voted in to their respective roles:-

10.1 Secretary - Anouska

10.2 Literature & CoDA Inc Liaison–Geraldine

10.3 Internal Communications& Where to Find - Oluseyi

10.4 Treasurer - Dagmar

10.5 Public Information , prisons & hospitals - Maggie

10.6 Chair - no volunteers

10.7 Vice Chair - no volunteers

10.8 Website Co-ordinator - Christian

10.9 Email Responders – Jess, Jane & Nicholas

10.10 LSE Regional rep & General Committee member–Frank

10.11 Newletter committee – Nicholas

The Committee thanked all those that held positions and did service in the last year.

The meeting thanked all volunteers that made the day possible.

10. The meeting closed with the Serenity Prayer

CoDA UK AGM 20101