CHEMISTRY 101 LAB Spring 2008

Instructor: Ms Alice Claggett Office Hours: Mon. 11:30-12:30pm

Office: Smith 414 Tue.11:30-12:30am

Phone: 503-5712 Wed. 9-11, 12:30-1:30pm

Recitation: Thur.1:40-2:30 in Smith 413 Lab: 2:40-4:55 in Smith 411





Come to lab prepared:

Read each experiment carefully beforehand.

Complete the Pre-Lab Questions.

Sometime before your lab period ask your instructor any questions you may have pertaining to the pre-lab questions or the lab report that is due that day.Don’t wait to bring them up right before lab!

Always bring a pen, pencil, and calculator to lab. Safety goggles are mandatory in the lab! You are responsible for buying your own goggles in the bookstore. Only "splash goggles" are permitted in chemistry lab. These are the type that fit snugly around the eyes. Plastic glasses with side shields are not permitted in any chemistry lab.

You must wear shoes that cover your entire foot, such as sneakers or leather shoes with low heels. These should be worn with socks. No sandals, no open toe shoes, no clogs and no shoes or boots with high, narrow heels!! If you come to lab with improper footwear you will be told to leave. Keep an old pair of lab shoes in your car "just in case."

If you wear shorts, a short skirt, or a shirt that does not cover your midsection you will be told to wear a lab apron.


The Pre-Lab Questions for that day's experiment and the lab report which is due that day must both be placed on the instructor's desk immediately before the lab begins. No questions on either the pre-lab or the lab report will be answered at that time.

Laboratory quizzes will be given at this time, followed by a discussion of that day’s lab experiment. Quizzes will include questions on the Pre-Lab, ChemPages module assigned and last week’s experiment.


Chemistry 101 Lab Manual by Alice R. Claggett


1. Show the work for all calculations in the lab report to receive any credit for that calculation..

2. Place the correct units (g/ml,  C, m, etc.) in all calculations and show how these units cancel to give the correct units for the answer. Place correct units beside each piece of recorded data also.

3. All data and results must be reported in the correct number of significant figures. There will be points allotted for significant figures, units, and calculations on each lab report.

4. All experiments must be done individually, unless told otherwise. For labs where you are told to work with a lab partner each partner is to hand in an individual lab report. Only the data will be the same on the two lab reports.

5. Copying someone else's answers on a lab report or allowing someone else to copy yours is considered cheating. It is very obvious to an instructor when students are copying. This is an Honor Court violation and students have been taken to Honor Court at USCS for copying or allowing others to copy their lab reports! Keep yourself above suspicion in this regard by being scrupulously honest.


Lab reports will always be due at the beginning of each lab period. The lab instructor will not answer questions on the report that is due that day. Get started early on each report so that you can ask your questions during recitation or office hours. There will be a 10% penalty for a lab report that is handed in late. "Late" means anytime after the beginning of lab on the due date up until the following lab period. No reports will be accepted after the "LATE" date on the schedule. If you are absent for any reason from lab

your lab report will still be counted as late.


There will be two tests in Chem 101 Lab. The first test will cover the first fiveexperiments and the second test on the last day will cover the next six experiments. You will have your graded lab reports to study from in preparation for each test.


Since there is no make-up lab scheduled this semester, do not miss a lab! If you do miss a lab due to an emergency, you must bring a medical excuse or signed explanation of your emergency. Only then you will be allowed to drop the zero in that lab as your lowest lab grade.


Lab will count as 20% of your Chem 101 grade. Your lab report average counts as 50% and your test grades the other 50% of your lab grade. Note that the two tests count as much as the entire lab reports together!!

Experiment/Test / Possible Score / Calculations / Your Score
Safety Quiz / 100
Total Points on lab reports / 1200 / (Drop lowest lab report grade)
Test 1 / 100
Test 2 / 100
Final Grade Calculation:
Test 1 / 25% / (Test 1)*0.25=
Test 2 / 25% / (Test 2)*0.25=
Lab Report Average / 50% / (Lab Rep/12)*0.50=
Final Grade / Total= 100% / Total=


Students with disabilities must notify the instructor of special needs within the first week of class. A pregnant student should discuss with her doctor the advisability of taking chemistry labs during pregnancy.