Chapter 7-Mexico Reading Questions

Chapter 7-Mexico Reading Questions

Chapter 7-Mexico Reading Questions

Your Name, Please…………………………………………………………………………Class Period……

DIRECTIONS: Answer the questions from Chapter 7.

1.Mexico is the ______most country in North America.

2.Mexico shares its entire ______border with the United States along with Central America, joins the continents of North American and South America.

3.The western side of Mexico is part of the ______where the Pacific tectonic plate collides with other tectonic plates.

4.The mountains that stretch along the northwestern edge of Mexico are called the ______.

5.The Sierra Madre Oriental is considered the southern extension of the ______

______of Canada and the United States.

6.The Mexican Plateau is the largest and most ______region of Mexico.

7.The Mexican Plateau is broken into two (2) parts, list them:

8.The Central Plateau of Mexico is considered the ______or major grain producing region of Mexico.

9.The Gulf Coastal Plain is a wide stretch of land ______of the Sierra Madre Occidental.

10.In the south, a series of mountain ranges and plateaus called the ______reach from just south of Mexico City to the southwest.

11.Northern Mexico is generally characterized by a ______that makes permanent waterways rare.

12.The Rio Bravo del Norte forms part of the ______between the United States and Mexico.

13.The ______begins in Toluca Basin on the Central Plateau and feeds into Lake Chapala, the largest natural lake in Mexico.

14.The ______is the largest body of water that forms Mexico’s east coast it is famous for shrimp and is relatively sheltered from ocean currents so the beaches are calm and water is warm.

15.On the west coast of Mexico, the ______divides the Baja Peninsula from the northern coast of Mexico.

16.List the three (3) factors that influence Mexico’s climates:

17.Regional high-pressure systems keep the ______parts of Mexico dry and cause occasional droughts.

18.The ______are responsible for the pattern of tropical storms.

19.Vertical climate zones create the ______found throughout the south part of Mexico.

20.Northern Mexico is defined as a ______biome.

21.Southern Mexico as a variety of ______from hot climates to rain forests.

22.In a area called the ______on the Mexican Plateau both industrial and precious minerals are mined.

23.Mexico is a leading ______-producing country and ranks thirteenth (13th) in the world for crude oil exports.

24.About three-fourths (3/4) of Mexico’s electricity is generated by ______power and renewable resources that are fired by oil and natural gas.

25.Another one-tenth (1/10) of Mexico’s power is created nuclear power and renewable resources of ______, and biomass.

26.The northern half of Mexico, on the inland plateau and in the mountains, originally had a

______of mostly independent groups of nomadic people.

27.The ______people in the Sierra Madre Occidental are one example of an indigenous group who still live in Mexico.

28.The southern half of Mexico could support large-scale ______and produce the variety and abundance of foods necessary to maintain empires and cities.

29.Centered in the Yucatan Peninsula, the ______civilization was one of the earliest and largest civilizations in Mexico.

30.The Maya ruled a vast territory and engaged in long distance ______with other cultures, including Teotihuacan and the Zapotec.

31.The ______arose in Central Mexico they ruled from their capital Tenochtitlan, the site of present-day Mexico City.

32.After the conquest of the Aztecs by conquistador ______and his men the Spanish took the wealth of Mexico’s gold and silver resources.

33.Mexico remained a part of the Spanish Empire for nearly ______and ruled by official called viceroys who were appointed by the Spanish monarch.

34.In 1821, Mexico became the first Spanish territory to win it’s ______.

35.After Mexican independence in 1821 a new type of leader emerged, the ______or military dictator.

36.The long and bloody ______overthrew the caudillos and established a new constitution in 1917.

37.The Mexican government after 1917 was a ______with power divided into three (3) branches legislative, executive, and judicial a president can only be elected for one six-year term.

38.In 1929, one political party, the ______(PRI) was elected and established a corrupt monopoly on the political system in Mexico.

39.Finally in 2000 an opposition party, ______(PAN), was able to win the presidency.

40.The indigenous peoples of Mexico ______with other indigenous groups and the Spanish which result in the mestizo population.

41.A unique melding (merging) of traditional indigenous beliefs and the newly introduced ______culture occurred in a process called syncretism.

42.The Spanish established a solid footing in Mexico by using Catholic ______as religious outposts to help spread Christian ideas.

43.Spanish landowners took advantage of Mexico’s large and impoverished indigenous communities and established ______(estates).

44.Today more than ______of Mexican citizens live in urban areas.

45.Mexico City is a ______that has absorbed surrounding towns and smaller cities into the urban sprawl of the dominant city.

46.Mexico City is a megacity also known as a ______.

47.Today, many upper-class are moving into more ______living arrangements, with only two generations in one house.

48.The ______, including cousins, and grandparents act as a social network with older generations raising younger ones.

49.Spanish culture established the tradition of ______, or male dominance, in Mexico.

50.Today, women in Mexico are entering the workforce and are involved in traditionally ______as well as in the political arena.

51.Mexico’s arts have been greatly influenced by ______and Spanish heritage.

52.Mexican art forms that were once region -specific or limited to a particular group are now ______recognized as Mexican.

53.The most famous Mexican muralist was ______who was know for his elaborate and culturally/political themed wallpaintings and frescoes.

54.Mexico, today is still struggling to be a completely free and equal republic but ______still influences Mexico’s economy.

55.Mexico’s gross domestic product (GDP) is the ______highest globally.

56.The per capita GDP, or ______is above $15,000 per year.

57.According to the Mexican Internet Association, about 82 million people ______% of Mexicans had no access to a computer or Internet in 2012.

58.In 1992 Mexico, the United States and Canada signed the ______(NAFTA).

59.During the past 50 years, American and Japanese firms have built manufacturing plants in Mexico known as ______which are close to the U.S.-Mexico border.

60.Maquiladoras are located in ______which benefit foreign corporations by allowing them to hire low-cost labor and produce duty-free exports.

61.Drug Cartels often reininvest the money that make into their ______-both through private loans to small businesses and in the form of bribes to police and politicians.

62.Obtaining and using resources, results insignificant problems that threaten Mexico’s ______health.

63.In 2000 Mexico developed the ______and Action Plan.

64.List the four (4) objectives of the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan:

65.Only 12.7% of Mexico’s land is ______or suitable for farming.

66.More than 50% of Mexico’s population lives below ______, many in substandard conditions in large urban areas.

67.The Border 2020 Program is an environmental program that emphasizes regional and local approaches for ______priority settings, and project implementation.

68.The Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) is a program designed to use market and ______to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases.