Companies entering the 2014 China Business Awards will receive a complimentary ‘Taster Membership’ with the China-Britain Business Council for the period of three months. The membership will include one to one meetings with a China Business adviser, weekly members’ emails and newsletters, access to CBBC events and a subscription to the E-version of CBBC’s China-Britain FOCUS magazine.

Company Background

1. Please provide a brief overview of the history of your company, its current products and/or services and company/organisation status in Greater China.*

2. Please provide an overview of your current financial position. Please consider turnover, profit and growth.

(PLEASE NOTE: Inclusion of this information is optional and is intended to help the judges understand your organisation, not as a criteria for judging. Figures will be treated as confidential.)

Cathay Pacific China Business Awards Questions

1)Which award would you like your company/organisation to be considered for?

a. Continued Commitment Award

b. Rising Star Award

c. Social Responsibility award

2)Has your company shown longevity of commitment to Hong Kong and/or China. *



(if yes please share examples to demonstrate this)

3)Has your company aided economic and social development in China/Hong Kong, through a sustainable and ethical business model?



(if yes please share examples to demonstrate this)

4)Has your company achieved success in Hong Kong and/or China within the last five years?



(if yes please share examples to demonstrate this)

5)Can your company demonstrate innovation whilst faced with practical challenges and barriers that your company had to overcome operating in Hong Kong/China and how have you compared against your competitors?



(if yes please share examples to demonstrate this)

6)Has your company/organisation undertaken projects or initiatives that benefited China in a socially responsible manner?



(if yes please share examples to demonstrate this)

7)Can your company/organisation demonstrate a sustainable and long term plan in its initiatives and ventures in China?



(if yes please share examples to demonstrate this)

8)Does your company have ongoing plans for future investment and commitment to China/Hong Kong?



(if yes please share examples to demonstrate this)

10)Please include any additional information on the success of your company (500 words max)

Additional Information

If your company has a press office/corporate communication office, please include their details below.

Where did you hear about the Cathay Pacific Business Awards? *

(Please select at least 1 choice) Online (Please state the website):

Magazine (Please state the title):

Newspaper (Please state the title):

Other (Please state where):

Please send your completed application by 20 March 2014:


Post: Cathay Pacific China Business Awards, Marketing team, Cathay Pacific Airways, 1st Floor, 3 Shortlands, Hammersmith, London, W6 8AQ

If you wish to send in materials to support your entry such as videos, photographs or literature, please send them to: The Cathay Pacific Awards, Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd, 1st Floor, 3 Shortlands, Hammersmith, London. W6 8AQ, clearly marking them with your company's details.

Unfortunately, materials submitted cannot be returned.

If you intend to submit your application in by post, you must also send a soft copy by email to