Cas Activity Reflection Form

Cas Activity Reflection Form



Complete this form for each CAS Activity and post it on CAS blog in category: post type-reflection

Print Student Name:___Stefan Ćosić______Class of 20___13__

Name of Activity: ______Hiking______

Name of Organization:______Gimnazija Banja Luka______

Date(s) of Activity:___18th September 2011______Approximate # of Hours: ___6_____

Length of Activity (weeks / days):______one day______

This Activity is (check all that applies): Creative:_____ Action:__x__ Service:_____

Indicate (underline) which of the LEARNING OUTCOMES you feel is achieved with this activity:(can be underlined more than one learning outcomes)

(1) Increased my awareness of my own strengths and areas of growth.

(2) Undertaken new challenges.

(3) Planned and initiated activities.

(4) Worked collaboratively with others.

(5) Shown perseverance and commitment in this activity

(6) Engaged with issues of global importance.

(7) Considered the ethical implications of my actions.

(8) Developed new skills.

On the next page, write REFLECTION statement describing the activity and how you accomplished the learning outcomes:


This activity was organized by our CAS coordinator and Biology teacher in order to introduce us into hiking as a way of increasing one’s physical fitness. He explained us how to climb through mountain paths, how to use natural markers in order not to lose oneself in the forest, how to leave marks for the ones that are left behind, how to walk, and when to rest. Ir was rather difficult to walk through paths that no-one has passed through in months, and some maybe years. Thus, climbs were very difficult which presented a great inconvenience to all of us that were not in best shape for any physical activity. Still, as I wanted to finish the course, I was did not hesitate to use all my power to pass through the route planned. I also did not forget those that remained behind the main group, so occasionally I would run back from the main group to those that were left behind. In this way I could guide them through the routes we passed, and help them reach the final destination. As I returned back to the group that was behind the main group, I also had to follow the signs left by the forward group about direction and paths we are to take. All in all, this was an experience that was worth all the strength, power, and effort. ______

______Stefan Ćosić______21st September 2011___

Student’s Signature(only in print form)Date