2014 AGM Minutes

Carterton Scout Group AGM Minutes, 27 November 2014


1.The meeting was opened and everyone welcomed at 6.50pm.

In attendance
Rik Anderson, Chair and Group Leader

Rachael Dell – Secretary

Minty Hunter – Group Website Mgr

Marty Sebire - Treasurer

Andy Lowe – Committee & Cub Parent help

Jeanette Stokes

Gaylene Hansen

Rochelle Williams

Wuss Harvie

Penny Vare

Mark Lark

Paul Dew - Committee

Sarah Reeve – Cub Leader

Bruce Reeve – Scout Leader

John Cavill – Rimutaka Zone Leader

Mark Scholfield, Rimutaka Zone Training Leader

John Sage – Scout Leader

Sylvia Morgan – Cub Leader

Ben Laybourn – Scout Leader

Susan Whiteman – Kea Leader - Retiring

Warren Whiteman – Committee - Retiring

Apologies: Matt Dell (Sergeant at Arms), Jill Greathead (Fundraising) Hilton Parker

2.Approval of 2013 AGM Minutes - presented as a true and accurate record.

Moved: Paul Seconded: Bruce


a)Marty reported a total bank balance of $22,240.22. He noted that the Group needs to budget for leasing of the Scout Den (from the CDC) $1500 per annum. Some discussion around fundraising for 2014 and a request to have more detail of funds raised. Statement of accounts for year ended 30 Sept 2014 presented as a true and accurate record. Moved: Marty Seconded: Paul

4.Section reports

a.Keas - Susan presented her final report, ending 35 years as a leader. The small group of keas she led have been extended beyone the National programme, as fewer children provided more flexilbility. She acknowledged the help of Sylvia, Cub Leader and parents who helped throughout the year

b.Cubs – Sylvia reported that she’d like to keep the cub pack number to 20. With two warranted leaders and one dedicated parent helper a parent roster will need to be put in place for 2015 if numbers rise. She reported on a busy year with natural attrition from keas entering and scouts departing the cub pack.

c.Scouts – Ben reported that numbers were steady at 26. With three leaders and three patrols the group is buoyant and active. Future patrol leaders were training up via Cosgrove. The 2013 jamboree had helped raise scouting profile in the community. He raised the urgent issue of needing a female leader before the troop can expand.

Discussion around growth of the Group and how to manage – eg should we have a waiting list, set expectations of behaviour, parental commitment. It was generally agreed the code of ethics for Scouting generally comes from the promise and law. Having this as a poster on the wall of the den would remind and reinforce the message. General agreement that the best way to encourage parents to help is via a roster.

5.General Business

i.Honorarium – Rik raised the idea of giving a monetary contribution to families contributing time and resources to fundraising efforts. This could be in the form of a fee rebate.Agreed this idea could be taken to the 2015 Committee. Action Rik

ii.Kea Leader – a strategy is in place to replace the outgoing leader.

iii.Scouts Fundraising - discussion around the need for a strategy going forward to maintain a steady buffer during non-jamboree years. Greater transparency and communication would be helpful in terms of monies raised and where it goes.

iv.Scout fees - At $40 a term, Carterton Group has the lowest fees in the country. Others pay up to $60 a term. More money is needed for zone fees. It was agreed that the question of fees, and what they need to be set at for 2015 be taken to the Committee.

v.Patron – Paul Dew raised the idea of a patron for the Group, as the previous patron had passed away. Names to be submitted to the 2015 Committee.

vi.Presentations – there were several: to Susan and Warren Whiteman for their 30+ years of service to the Carterton Scout Group. Jill Greathead, though not present, was acknowledged and flowers delivered. John Cavill presented a certificate to the Carterton Scouts Group to acknowledge the growth of the group (most rapid growth rate in the Rimutaka Zone). John acknowledged Rik’s leadership as instrumental to the Group’s growth.

vii.Election of 2015 Committee: Nominees were called for the Scouts Group Committee for 2015 – The following pers were nominated and approved:


Chair - Rik Anderson,

Secretary – Wuss Harvie,

Communications – Rachael Dell,

Treasurer – Mark Lark,

Jeanette Stokes,

Rochelle Williams,

Andy Lowe,

Bronwyn Pogson

Moved Paul Dew, Seconded Rik ANderson

9.Meeting closed – Rik thanked everyone for their time and efforts tonight, and the meeting was closed at 8.07pm

Rachael Dell (Secretary)