State of Connecticut

Core-CT Project


Module:Human Resources

Business Process:Administer FMLA

Requirement Number:HR702

Requirement Title:Ability to audit FMLA for spouses employed by same employer

Module Leads: Lina Simonu, Lisa Lagus

  1. Requirement Description

Describe the requirement (gap). Include a description of the delivered PeopleSoft functionality.

Employees are entitled to 12 weeks of Federal FMLA per year, but spouses who are both employed by the State of Connecticut have a combined total of 12 weeks for the birth/care of a newborn, adoption/foster care, or care of parent with a serious health condition (not applicable for in-laws). As delivered, PeopleSoft does not have a report to audit FMLA taken by spouses nor does it have an edit to catch overlapping FMLA between spouses. Currently the State of Connecticut does not have the automated ability to track this information.

  1. Business Need

Provide a justification for the requirement. Include information about frequency, volume, number of users impacted, etc.

Federal FMLA must be monitored to be in accordance with the federal requirement, stated in C.F.R. Sec. 825.202(a), to ensure that spouses take a combined 12 weeks between the two individuals, not 12 weeks for each individual, for the birth/care of a newborn, adoption/foster care, or care of parent with a serious health condition (not applicable for in-laws).

  1. Required By: (Y/N)

Federal _Y__Agency ____Bargaining Unit SVFT___

State Statutory _State Regulatory ____State Procedural ____

  1. Requirement Priority

Medium (High, Medium, Low – please see “Requirements Prioritization Criteria”)

  1. Recommended Solution

Enter an “X” next to the appropriate category

___X__Process Solution

_1_Option Number

______Application Modification

___Option Number

  1. Explanation for Recommendation

Provide reasons for recommendation. Please do not re-state the description of the solution itself.

The query is recommended to search by agency for spouse information. A report would not be accurate if spouses have not elected family coverage.

  1. Organizational Impact of Recommendation

Describe the changes to the organization that result from the recommended solution. Include a description of any role, process, statute, or bargaining unit agreement affected.

The Agency HR Specialist needs to be trained to run the query.

  1. Process Solutions

Describe the possible Process Solutions. Include a description of impacts and benefits of each solution.

Option 1. Create a query of employees on FMLA and their dependents within an agency. Manually check whether the employee’s dependent is also on FMLA based on their Job record. This will only report on employees that have elected family benefits coverage, as there is no other indication of spouse within the system. This will also only report on employees within the Agency HR Specialist agency due to security.

  1. Application Modifications

Describe the possible Application Modifications. Include a description of impacts and benefits of each solution.

Option 1.

Modification Type (On-line, Batch, Interface, Report, Workflow): Report

Complexity (Easy, Medium, Difficult): Easy

Description: Create a report to audit spouses taking Federal FMLA. The report would select the employee that requested FMLA, determine if they have any dependents and whether the dependents are also out on FMLA, based on their job record. This will only report on employees that have elected family benefits coverage, as there is no other indication of spouse within the system.

1 of 110/30/18