Bowls Hawke’s Bay

Strategic Plan 2007 – 2010


Bowls, The Family Sport, The Ageless Sport


Leading and supporting the promotion and development of Bowls in Hawke’s Bay



The process we have gone through

The steps undertaken that have lead to this plan are: (will be ongoing until plan completed and implemented)

  1. September 2006- Bowls Hawke’s Bay (BHB) indicate to Sport Hawke’s Bay (SHB) a need for a strategic plan to be developed
  2. October 2006- Planning Committee (Plancom) formed to develop Strategic Plan fro BHB

Plancom members

-Margaret Fletcher – President of Bowls Hawke’s Bay

-Carole Miller – BHB committee member

-Peter Strother – BHB committee member and Bowls NZ (BNZ) region three RAC member

-Denis Toon – Bowls NZ Community Development Officer (CDO)

-John Broadhurst – Development Manager at Sport Hawke’s Bay and BNZ region three RAC member

  1. November 2006- Plancom develop pathway to develop strategic plan for BHB
  2. December 2006- Plancom develop questionnaire to send to clubs to elicit background information from members for the plan
  3. January 2007- Questionnaire sent to clubs requesting information for a vision & mission for BHB and info in four targeted areas as appears under Bowls NZ’s strategic plan
  4. February 2007- Information returned from clubs and complied into BHB’s draft strategic plan (version 1)
  5. March 2007- Draft plan presented to HB Bowls Club members at PGA

- Workshop at PGA on SWOT and PEST areas to identify strategic challenges for Bowls in Hawke’s Bay

8. April 2007- After March workshop Plancom take information and write version 2 of strategic plan which is sent to bowls clubs for review and further feedback to Plancom to further finalise strategic plan

Key Challenges for Bowls Hawke’s Bay

The key challenges arose through the information provided and the priority-seeking process at the bowls workshop held at PGA on the 26th March. Three key issues arose of organisational capability, growth, and development. Below they are written up as key challenges for bowls in Hawke’s Bay and the planned response to these challenges.

  1. Organisational capability

Bowls Hawke’s Bay has a management committee made up of 12 members and an administration officer. This places a lot of pressure on volunteers to both manage and deliver the game regionally. It has been recognised that as sports organisations move ahead they are restructuring with various models of governance boards and delivery mechanisms. Bowls Hawke’s Bay need to build those capabilities so that we can deliver true value to our sport. This is the major priority for our sport over the next 18 months.

Strategic outcome: To build a sustainable, high-class regional bowls organisation

This strategic outcome will be delivered through goals 1-3 of area two and partially through area one of the strategic plan

  1. Growth

Currently the bowls community is aware that it needs to change some aspects of its traditional delivery methods to grow the game. This includes the traditional tools of marketing and promoting the game and also the various programmes that the sport offers itself. In the modern environment there are a great many forms of marketing the sport and many of the new target audiences are aware and respond to these methods. Competitors are now also asking for many different formats of the game and to ensure new bowlers come along to play, the bowls community will have to offer a variety of “products” to meet needs and overcome barriers of participation.

Strategic outcome: To grow numbers of bowlers through developing and strengthening marketing methods and ensuring a variety of opportunities to experience bowls are on offer

This strategic outcome will be delivered through goals 1 & 5 of area one of the strategic plan

  1. Development

For a sport to grow there needs to be continual development of the key components within that sport. While there has been some development of bowls in Hawke’s Bay this plan will create a concentrated effort through developing key areas of coaches, umpires, administrators, greens, bowlers, and high performance.

Strategic outcome: To develop the infrastructures and bowlers in Hawke’s Bay for continued enjoyment, benefit, and success for all participants

This strategic outcome will be delivered through goals 2-4 of area one, and areas three and four of the strategic plan

Area One:Get more people to play bowls and retain existing players

Objective / Goal / Action/s / Timeline
Get more people to play bowls and retain existing players / 1) Develop programmes /
  • Programmes committee maintain and create new programmes for season
/ September 2007
2) Develop Coaches /
  • Coach development panel creates coach recruitment/retention and development plan
/ August 2007
3) Develop Players /
  • Coaching Schools for promising players
/ November 2007
4) Develop Umpires /
  • Umpire development panel creates umpire recruitment/retention and development plan
/ September 2007
5) Promote Bowls /
  • Marketing/communication sub-committee develop plan to market bowls (externally and internally) as a vibrant, dynamic and exciting leisure activity for all people
/ September 2007

Area Two:Improve and enhance administration for Bowls Hawke’s Bay

Objective / Goal / Action/s / Timeline
Improve and enhance administration organisation at all levels of bowling centres and clubs / 1) Develop top Centre Administration /
  • Bowls Hawke’s Bay work with Sport Hawke’s Bay to develop ideal administration structure for BHB
  • BHB Strategic plan reviewed and re-written
  • July 2007 to December 2008
  • May – August 2008

2) Centre Structure /
  • Sub-committees formed to manage and deliver programmes in targeted areas
  • Finance
  • Marketing/communication
  • High performance
  • Coach Development
  • Umpire Development
  • Competitions
  • July 2007 to December 2007

3) Develop financial stability for the BHB Centre /
  • Finance sub-committee to deliver annual budgets and develop a funding plan
  • September (annually)

Area Three:Maintain & improve the playing surfaces of greens in Hawke’s Bay

Objective / Goal / Action/s / Timeline
Maintain and improve the playing surfaces of greens in Hawke’s Bay / 1) Hawke’s Bay Greens developed /
  • BHB greenskeeper association form plan in development of greens in Hawke’s Bay
  • September 2007

Area Four:To achieve success and recognition in the regional and national arenas, in both play and administration

Objective / Goal / Action/s / Timeline
To achieve success and recognition in the regional and national arenas, in both play and administration / Develop reps programme /
  • High performance sub-committee develop plan for development of bowlers in Hawke’s Bay
  • September 2007

National Event /
  • Marquee bowls event for Hawke’s Bay developed and delivered annually
  • June 2008