11-04-10 Contacts, BOC, Committees, Roles and Responsibilities

Wisconsin Statutes


  • Sub Chapter II Public Records and Property (19.21-19.39)
  • Sub Chapter IV Open Meetings of a Governmental Body (19.81-19.98)


  • Sub Chapter 33.28 District Board of Commissioners

Guiding Documents

  • Open Meetings and Public Records Guides


11-04-10 Contacts, BOC, Committees, Roles and Responsibilities

Town of Beecher Contacts

Carolyn Keeley, Town of Beecher, Treasurer

(Property owner lists, taxes)

W6397 County Road Z

Pembine, WI54156

Phone: (715) 324-5361

Betty Nowak, Town of Beecher, Clerk

(Reserve the Town Hall)

N17644 Smith Road

PO Box 273

Pembine, WI54156

(715) 324-5535

State and CountyContacts

Robert Ruleau, Aquatic Invasive Species


1926 Hall Avenue

Phone 715-732-7642

Chuck Druckrey, CLM
MarinetteCounty Water Resource Specialist

1926 Hall Ave
Marinette, WI54143
Office: 715-732-7528
Cell: 715-923-3081

Scott Reuss, Horticultural/Agricultural Agent (Gypsy moth – invasive plant species contact) UW-Extension, MarinetteCounty

715-732-7510 or 877-884-4408

Gregory Sevener, Watershed Specialist

Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

101 N Ogden Rd

MarinetteCounty - Northeast Wisconsin Representative

Robert Rosenberger, Water Management Specialist

(Dredging Permits)

Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

101 N Ogden Rd

MarinetteCounty - Northeast Wisconsin


Michael Donofrio, Fisheries Supervisor, Bureau of Fisheries Management Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Peshtigo Service Center
101 N Ogden Rd
Peshtigo, WI 54157

Christopher (Chip) Long, Inland Fisheries Biologist

Marinette & Northern OcontoCounties

Bureau of Fisheries Management

Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

101 N. Ogden Rd. Suite A

Peshtigo, WI 54157

(715) 582-5017

Sue Kocken, Environmental Grants Specialist

(Aquatic Invasive Species Grant Monitor)

Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

920- 662-5487


11-04-10 Contacts, BOC, Committees, Roles and Responsibilities

Insurance Information

Auto-Owners Insurance

Purchased through the Vincent Group- Agency 23-0219-00

Account #010590020

Policy #052323 61217218

Effective 1/15/1020 - 1/15/2011


PO Box 168

Little Chute, WI54140-0168


Agent: Patti Vandenbosch


2010-2011 Meeting Dates

November 6, 2010BOC

January 22, 2011BOC

April 30, 2011BOC

July 23, 2011BOC

September 3, 2011 Annual District Meeting

*Dates have been reserved for the BeecherTown Hall from 9:00 a.m. – Noon unless noted.

BeecherTown Hall Reservation

Contact: Betty Novak, Clerk, Town of Beecher

(715) 324-5535

Board of Commissioners and Committees


Board of Commissioners

Tracy Kupsh, Treasurer

2050 Swan Point Terrace

DePere, Wisconsin 54115

Phone: 920-983-9780

Cell: 920-660-0918


Nancy McKenney, Chair Person

801 South Kensington Drive

Appleton, WI54915

Phone: 920-739-1213

Cell Phone: 920-570-2196


Phil Sweet, Secretary

N16763 Beach Road

Pembine, WI54156

Phone: 715-324-5050

Cell: 414-975-5104


Steve Dill, County Board Representative

N18967 Old 141
Pembine, WI54156

Phone: (715) 324-5574

John Keely, Town of Beecher Board Representative

W6397 County Road Z

Pembine, WI54156

Phone: (715) 324-5361

Audit Committee

Joe Siudzinski

4398 Lime Kiln Road

Green Bay, WI54311

Phone: 920-337-4913

Cell: 920-857-4605

Mike Gotstein

P.O. Box 188

Casco, WI54205

Phone: 920-536-0878

Penny Albers

Nomination Committee

Membership: As appointed by the Chair

Picnic Committee

Pam Sweet

N16763 Beach Road

Pembine, WI54156


414-975-5104 (cell)

Lori and Tom Beringer

N6880 Star Road

Plymouth, Wisconsin


Aquatic Plant Committee

Joe Siudzinski, Chair

4398 Lime Kiln Road

Green Bay, WI54311

Phone: 920-337-4913

Cell: 920-857-4605

Jane Devine

N16767 Beach Road

Pembine, WI54156

Phone: 715-324-6212

Mike Gotstein

P.O. Box 188

Casco, WI54205

Phone: 920-536-0878

Randy Stradal

N16412 Brosel Lane

Pembine, WI

Phone: 920-323-7293

Doyle Curtis

109 Oak Street

Green Bay, WI54303

Phone: 920-499-7624

District Boundary Study Committee (ad hoc)

Robert Magnuson, Chair

2854 Meadow Flower Lane

Green Bay, WI54313


Newsletter Committee

Helen and Doyle Curtis

109 Oak Street

Green Bay, WI54303

Phone: 920-499-7624


Officers and Committees Roles and Responsibilities

Chair Person

In accordance with Wisconsin Statutes 33.29 (3)(a) The chairperson shall preside at the annual meeting, at all special meetings and meetings of the board and at all public hearings held by the board.

In accordance with Wisconsin Statutes 19.84 the Chair Person must ensure public notice of all meetings held by the District.

Annual Meeting

  • Work with the Secretary to assure that written notices are posted and sentat least 14 days in advance of the meeting to all electors within the district whose address is known or can be ascertained with reasonable diligence, to all owners of property within the district at the owner’s address as listed in the tax roll, and to the department.
  • Work with the Secretary who maintains a copy of District property owners
  • Assure the notice of the annual meeting includes all of the following:
  • The proposed annual budget
  • A list of each item proposed for consideration at the annual meeting in addition to the proposed annual budget.
  • A list of any items proposed for consideration at the annual meeting by persons eligible to vote at the annual meeting.
  • In collaboration with the BOC, assure the District has an annual meeting scheduled during the time period between May 22 and September 8 unless scheduled outside those dates by majority vote of the previous annual meeting.
  • Develop and work with the Secretary to send the agenda to District property ownersat least 14 days in advance of the Annual Meeting via the District Newsletter
  • Assure that the agenda items relate to issues within the district’s authority.
  • This requires that the finalized agendais sent to the District Newsletter Editor at least 30 days in advance of the meeting so that adequate time is given for publishing and posting the agenda, the proposed budget and petitions.
  • Work with the Treasurer to review the budget and with the Secretary to assure the proposed budget is sent to District members via District Newsletter at least 14 daysin advance of the Annual meeting as required by Ch. 33.
  • This requires that thefinalized proposed budget be sent to theDistrict Newsletter Editorat least 30 days in advance of the meeting to provide adequate time for including the agenda, proposed budget, and petitions in the newsletter to property owners.
  • Work with the Secretary to assure that petitions are sent to the BOC 30 days (Ch. 33 Statutory Requirement) in advance and sent to District members at least 14 days in advance of the Annual meeting via District Newsletter.
  • Verify petition is signed by persons who are eligible to vote at the annual meeting.
  • Verify that the number of persons signing the petition equals or exceeds 20 percent of the number of parcels located in the district that are subject to the property tax.
  • Assure the petition is sent to the BOC at least 30 days before the annual meeting.
  • This requires that petitions must be sent to the District Newsletter Editor at east 30 days in advance of the meeting to provide adequate time to include the agenda, proposed budget, and petitions in the newsletter to property owners.
  • Posting and Notification for the Annual Meeting
  • Provide information to the Beecher Lake Newsletter Editors

(09/10 Doyle Curtis and Helen Hohl: )

  • Mailed to all District Residents
  • Suggested public posting locations
  • Peshtigo Times
  • Suggested public posting locations:
  • US Post Office, Pembine
  • BeecherTown Hall, Beecher
  • Pembine Food Depot, Pembine
  • Pembine Family Restaurant, Pembine
  • BeecherLakePark & Beach
  • The district board of commissioners may substitute a class 2 notice, under ch. 985, in lieu of sending written notice to electors residing within the district.

Quarterly and Special Meetings

  • Assure notifications and materials are published and posted for annual, quarterly, and special meetings in accordance with the Open Records Law :
  • Annual: 14 days in advance
  • Quarterly: 24 hours in advance
  • Special Meetings: 24 hours in advance
  • In collaboration with the BOC, assure quarterly and special BOC meetings are

scheduled in advance

  • In collaboration with the BOC, develop the agendas, and work with the Secretary to post meeting notices at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting
  • Assure the notices Include the time, place, subject matter
  • Schedule a BOC meeting immediately following the Annual Meeting to elect a Chair person, Secretary, and Treasurer.

BOC Vacancy

  • If a vacancy occurs in the membership of the board under sub. (2) (c), the chairperson of the board shall appointa person to fill the remainder of the unexpired term, subject to approval by a majority vote of the board.

Liaisons and District Committees

  • Maintain communication with the Marinette County Board of Supervisors and Town of Beecher; attend meetings as requested or as necessary.
  • Appoint Committee Chairs and attend meetings as requested.


In accordance with Wisconsin Statutes 33.29 (3)(b) The secretary shall keep minutes of all meetings of the board and hearings held by it. The secretary shall prepare and send the notices required for the annual meeting, any special meeting, and any meeting of the board.

  • Maintain minutes of all District meetings
  • Notify the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Marinette County Board of Supervisors, and the Town of Beecher of District Board of Commissioners and meetings of the District.
  • Maintain a mailing list of property owners and mailing labels
  • Carolyn Keeley, Town of Beecher, Treasurer

W6397 County Road Z

Pembine, WI54156

Phone: (715) 324-5361

  • Reserve the BeecherTown Hall for District BOC meetings:
  • Betty Nowak, Town of Beecher, Clerk

N17644 Smith Road

PO Box 273

Pembine, WI54156

(715) 324-5535

Annual Meeting

  • Work with the Chair person to post written notices at least 14 days in advance of the meeting to all electors within the district whose address is known or can be ascertained with reasonable diligence, to all owners of property within the district at the owner’s address as listed in the tax roll, and to the department.
  • Work with the Secretary who maintains a copy of district owners of property
  • The notice of the annual meeting shall include all of the following:
  • The proposed annual budget
  • A list of each item proposed for consideration at the annual meeting in addition to the proposed annual budget.
  • A list of any items proposed for consideration at the annual meeting by persons eligible to vote at the annual meeting.
  • Work with the Chair person to assure the agenda has been sent to

District members at least 14 days in advance of the Annual Meeting.

  • Send finalized agenda to the District Newsletter Editor

30 days in advance of the meeting so that adequate time is given for publishing and posting the agenda, the proposed budget and petitions.

  • Send the proposed budget is sent to District members at least 14 days in advance of the Annual meeting
  • Send finalized budget to the District Newsletter Editor least 30 days in advance of the meeting so that adequate time is given for posting the agenda, proposed budget, and petitions in the newsletter to residents.
  • Send petitions to the BOC 30 days in advance and District members at least 14 days in advance of the Annual meeting.
  • Send petitions to the District Newsletter Editor least 30 days in advance of the meeting so that adequate time is given for posting the agenda, proposed budget, and petitions in the newsletter to residents.
  • Posting and Notification for the Annual Meeting
  • Provide notice of Annual meeting to Beecher Lake Newsletter Editors (09/10 Doyle Curtis and Helen Hohl (920-499-7624)
  • Mailed to all District Electors and District property owners
  • Peshtigo Times
  • Suggested public posting locations
  • US Post Office, Pembine
  • BeecherTown Hall, Beecher
  • Mary’s Place, Beecher
  • Pembine Food Depot, Pembine
  • Pembine Family Restaurant, Pembine
  • BeecherLakePark & Beach
  • The district board of commissioners may substitute a class 2 notice, under ch. 985, in lieu of sending written notice to electors residing within the district.

Quarterly and Special Meetings

  • Record minutes
  • Provide minutes to the BOC prior to each quarterly meeting
  • Maintain written records of the District business and correspondence.


In accordance with Wisconsin Statutes 33.29 (3)(c) The treasurer shall receive and take charge of all moneys of the district, and pay out the same only on order of the board.

  • Maintain checkbook and financial statements
  • Pay liabilities upon order of the BOC
  • Annual Meeting:
  • Work with a budget committee, committee chairs, and BOC to prepare the proposed annual budget.
  • It is recommended that the annual budget be prepared 45 days in advance to allow time for the BOC to review the document, the Chair to approve and submit the budget with the agenda and any petitions for mailing District members.
  • The proposed annual budgetshall include all of the following:

1. A list of all existing indebtedness and all anticipated revenue from all sources during the ensuing year.

2. A list of all proposed appropriations for each department, activity, and reserve account during the ensuing year.

3. The actual revenues and expenditures for the preceding year.

4. The actual revenues and expenditures for not less than the first 6 months of the current year.

5. The estimated revenues and expenditures for the balance of the current year.

  • If required, submit an amended budget to the Board of Commissioners after the annual meeting.
  • The budget shall separately identify the capital costs, if applicable, and the costs of operation of the district, shall conform with the applicable requirements under s. 33.29 and shall specify any item that has a cost to the district in excess of $10,000.
  • Prepare certification of tax statements annually and present to the town clerk and treasurer by November 1.
  • Carolyn Keeley, Town of Beecher, Treasurer

W6397 County Road Z

Pembine, WI54156

Phone: (715) 324-5361

  • Betty Nowak, Town of Beecher, Clerk

N17644 Smith Road

PO Box 273

Pembine, WI54156

(715) 324-5535

Quarterly Meetings, special meetings

  • Prepare and delivery treasurer reports as requested, with a minimum of 5 business days notice.
  • Prepare documents for the Audit Committee review.

District Property Owners

  • At the annual meeting, electors and property owners who attend the meeting shall do all of the following:
  • Elect by secret ballot one or more commissioners to fill vacancies occurring in the elected membership of the district board.
  • Approve a budget for the coming year. The electors and property owners may consider and vote on amendments to the budget before approving that budget.
  • The budget shall separately identify the capital costs and the costs of operation of the district,
  • shall conform with the applicable requirements
  • shall specify any item that has a cost to the district in excess

of $10,000.

  • At the annual meeting, electors and property owners may do any of the following:
  • Vote by majority a tax upon all taxable property within the district. That portion of the tax that is for the costs of operation for the coming year may not exceed a rate of 2.5 mills of equalized valuation as determined by the department of revenue and reported to the district board. The tax shall be apportioned among the municipalities having property within the district on the basis of equalized full value, and a report shall be delivered by the treasurer, by November 1, by certified statement to the clerk of each municipality having property within the district for collection.
  • Take up and consider such other business as comes before it.
  • As appropriate, establish compensation to be paid the district board commissioners as indicated in Ch. 33.
  • Create a nonlapsible fund to finance specifically identified capital costs and for maintenance of capital equipment if applicable.

Aquatic Plant Committee

Charge or Purpose:

  • Act as Stewards of an environment that fosters Biological Diversity; understanding Biological Diversity creates strength in any habitat, contribute to the Ecological Education of its members and the public, and promotes a lake community that practices tolerance and understands Beecher and Upper lakes can be used for a variety of lawful activities and enjoyed by all; i.e. not just stared at from a cabin window


  • 2010 District Budget: $11,811.14

Aquatic Invasive Species Grant

  • AIS Grant: $22,522 secured from 10/1/2009 – 12/31/2011
  • In-Kind Contribution: $7,522.00 from 10/1/09 – 12/31/2011
  • Total Project Cost: $30,088.00
  • Grant Monitor:

Sue Kocken, Environmental Grants Specialist

Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

(920) 662-5487

Committee Membership:The Aquatic Plant Committee will consist of at least three District property owners.

Newsletter Editor

Charge or Purpose:

Publish annual newsletter

  • Editors (09/10 Doyle Curtis and Helen Hohl (920-499-7624)
  • Mail to all District Electors and District property owners at least 14 days in advance of the annual meeting.
  • Include previous years Annual Meeting Minutes, proposed budget, nominees for Board of Commissioners, annual meeting agenda, and other meeting notices as available, and newsworthy topics of interest to property owners.


  • Propose an annual Newsletter budget to the Treasurer for inclusion in the District proposed budget.
  • Submit all expenses to the Treasurer for payment


  • Maintain membership to assist with editing, publishing and mailing.

Audit Committee


The Audit Committee is appointed annually by the BOC to assist the BeecherLake and Upper Lakes Inland Lake Protection and Rehabilitation District in monitoring:

1) The integrity of the Lake District financial records

2) The compliance by the BOC with any legal and regulatory financial requirements


  • Financial records for the September to August fiscal year will be supplied by the Treasurer.
  • The Audit Committee shall review the financial records of the Lake District for the fiscal year.
  • The fiscal year audit will begin in September and must be completed prior to December 31st of that same year.
  • During the audit period the committee may request more details from the BOC where deemed necessary.
  • Once the annual review is complete, each audit committee member must sign and date the annual Treasurers report.
  • The Treasurer must supply the Chairperson with a copy of the signed audit report.

Committee Membership: The Audit Committee shall consist of three District property owners. It is advisable that one of the committee members shall be a past BOC. Current Audit Committee members cannot be current BOC.

Budget: None

Nomination Committee

Charge: Offer a slate of nominees elect Board of Commissioners.

  • Provide the information to the Newsletter Editor at least 30 days prior to the Annual Meeting for publication.

Budget: None

Committee Membership: As appointed by the Chair

Picnic Committee

Charge: Provide an opportunity for socializing and raise funds for the District.

Budget: None

Committee Membership: The Picnic Committee shall consist of at least three District property owners.