June 11, 2013

To All Prospective Vendors:


BID #3724RP -Physical and Occupational Therapy Services

Addendum #1 for Bid # 3724RP Physical and Occupational Therapy Services has been issued to provide answers to questions received. The answers arein noted in red font and underlined. This addendum is currently posted on our website as a Microsoft Word and a PDF format. To download the document, go to click on Bid Opportunities under the Announcement section. Once on the Bid Opportunities page scroll down the table to the Bid title and click for a list of all the current information and documents published for this Bid. It is the responsibility of the vendor to monitor this web site for addenda. Please contact Regina Peeples at . If you have difficulties downloading or need further assistance.

  1. On page 5 under Bidder Qualifications it asks for:

B. Copies of all applicable licenses and certifications - Is this referring to business licenses or licenses and certifications of therapists.

-If regarding licenses of therapists, are we to submit resumes of therapists who are available to interview for Lake County or resumes that provide the School District with examples of therapists we have placed? Submit applicable Company licenses with your bid. If you know which therapist you will be utilizing to fulfill our needs, submit their licenses and resumes with your bid. We will accept licenses and resumes for individual therapists after contract award, but before they start work. All personnel to be assigned to the district project are subject to approval by the District’s ESE Administrator/designee of Occupational and Physical Therapy services.

  1. C. Resumes of key personnel - Is this referring to individuals who are working at Jackson Therapy who will be managing this account? If those are your companies “key personnel”, yes.
  1. What’s the typical caseload for therapists? 30 to 40.
  1. How many schools are typically on a therapist’s caseload? 1-4 per day.
  1. In regards to billable hours:
  2. Are IEP meetings billable? Yes.
  3. Are orientation sessions billable? Yes.
  1. Who are the current providers for Occupational Therapy (OT) and Physical Therapy (PT)services?
  2. Please provide the current bill rate by provider by discipline (OT/PT)This information can be view using the following link:
  1. Please provide the # of FTEs (full time equivalents) by provider by discipline (OT/PT)LCSB has enough student need for 7 Occupational Therapists and 2 Physical Therapists and one Physical Therapy Assistant.
  1. Have your current providers been able to meet all of your current OT/PTservices need at Lake County? Yes, not always as quickly as needed but we have faith in the efforts.
  1. How many district OT/PTs does Lake County have on staff? 7 Occupational Therapists and 2 Physical Therapists. One Physical Therapy Assistant. See answer to question #6.
  1. How many district OT/PTs are retiring this year?Unknown.
  1. Does the district currently have any OT/PT compensatory time to make-up? Possibly.
  1. The resumes that are required at the time of bid submission, does “key personnel” mean the therapists we anticipate providing to Lake County for review? See answer to question #2.
  1. Is a narrative required with this bid or just resumes, licenses/certifications, and the forms (Attachments 1-6)? No narrative is listed in the bid as a requirement.
  1. Lastly, should I expect to receive these answers via email, or will they be released via addendum?An addendum will be issued. The addendum deadline is Tuesday, June 11, 2013.
  1. How many contracted hours of OT & PT services were utilized last contract/ school year?

2,340 so far this current fiscal year

  1. Who is/are the current vendor(s) providing OT & PT services? What rate(s) are you

paying for these services? Have they been successful in staffing the all of your needs?This information can be view using the following link:

  1. How many years have they been providing services? Are you happy with the services they’re providing? 2 years, yes.
  1. Does Lake County Schools currently have any OT & PT compensatory time to make-up? See answer to question #10
  1. Will therapists have access to internet capabilities/computers at Lake County Schools? Yes.
  1. Are orientation sessions / teacher in-service days billable? Yes.
  1. Is this Bid #3724RP to establish the only contract for OT/PT services?Yes In other words, we understand that the district has OT/PT staff. Is there a contract for OT/PT services and a separate contract for “as needed” OT/PT services? No
  1. How many contract OTs and PTs do you currently have? This information can be view using the following link:
  1. Who are your current vendors for OTs and PTs?This information can be view using the following link:
  1. How many therapists (FTE) is each vendor currently providing for each discipline? See answer to question #6.
  1. What are the bill rates by discipline of your current vendors? See answer to question #6.
  1. Have current vendors been able to meet all of your needs OTs and PTs? See answer to question #7
  1. How many OTs and PTs does the district staff directly, and how many OTs/PTs in total are contracted out through vendors? OT contracted 1 full time, 2 part time, 1-PTA. Direct employed 5 OT, 2 PT
  1. What are your anticipated OT and PT staffing needs?7 OT, 2 PT, 1 PTA
  1. Who are your current providers?This information can be viewed using the following link:
  1. What are the rates of services currently being paid to providers for therapy services (by provider)? This information can be viewed using the following link:
  1. Do you have a prior bid tabulation that you can provide?This information can be viewed using the following link:
  1. Are you current providers able to meet all of your current needs? See answer to question #7
  1. Will you accept rates for additional special education services?No, this bid is only for PT/OT Therapy Services
  1. Can we review the historical pricing?This information can be viewed using the following link:
  1. Will overtime be billable?No
  1. Should overtime be "blended" into the hourly bid rate?N/A
  1. Please provide bill rates for the incumbent suppliers. This information can be viewed using the following link:
  1. What is the annual spend that is projected?We have no spend projection for 2013-14.Can you provide details as to projected volume and headcount for each discipline?
  1. What is the billing process? Please note Page 31, Section V. Invoices
  1. What is the total amount of registry spend, broken down by vendor, over the last year? Over the duration of the contract period?This information can be viewed using the following link:
  1. On the rate sheet, can we provide ranges or do we need a specific rate?Specific rate
  1. How many agencies are you using today?This information can be viewed using the following link:
  1. Who are the incumbent suppliers?This information can be viewed using the following link:
  1. What is the current amount of contractor usage over the past year? Entire contract period? This information can be viewed using the following link:
  1. Is this contract open due to an expired contract, or is this during a renewable cycle?This information can be viewed using the following link:
  1. Was the expiring contract held by one vendor, or multiple? This information can be viewed using the following link:
  1. What technology is used currently to manage this program internally? ESE STAR as an IEP management tool
  1. Are shifts 12 hours?N/A
  1. What is the expectation and frequency for on-call needs?N/A
  1. What is expectation and frequency for replacing a candidate that is ill/calls off?N/A
  1. Is there a minimum experience requirement for the talent sent to your facility?Yes, This information can be viewed using the following link:
  1. What is the average length of assignment? (for instance, are the assignments for 12 months, 3 months, per diem?)as needed
  1. What is the current requisition process in place?N/A
  1. What can we expect for lead time for requisitions for per-diem vs. travel?N/A
  1. What timekeeping process/system will be utilized?See answer to question #38
  1. What is entailed in the current orientation process for clinicians?Preparedness
  1. Please provide vendor contact and pricing for current contracts in place for similar services.This information can be viewed using the following link:
  1. How does a department/unit determine what company(s) to use after these contracts are awarded, assuming that there will be different bill rates? Please note Page 4, item # 6,ThePrimaryvendorshallalwaysbecontactedfirstforallworkandtheSchoolBoardshallcontactthealternatevendoronlywhenthePrimaryvendorcannotcompletetheworkwithintherequiredperiodoftimeasdeterminedbytheSchoolboardofLakeCounty.
  1. What is the vendor selection criteria and overall process?Please note Page 4, item # 6,AwardrecommendationsshallbemadetoonePrimaryandoneAlternatevendorwhosubmitsthefirstandsecond“lowest”and“best”bid.ThePrimaryvendorshallalwaysbecontactedfirstforallworkandtheSchoolBoardshallcontactthealternatevendoronlywhenthePrimaryvendorcannotcompletetheworkwithintherequiredperiodoftimeasdeterminedbytheSchoolboardofLakeCounty.AsthebestinterestsoftheSchoolBoardmayrequire,theSchoolBoardreservestherighttomakeaward(s)onalowestpricebasisbyitem,groupofitems,allornone,oracombinationthereof;withoneormoreVendors;torejectanyandallbids,thatinit’sjudgmentwillbeforthebestinterestoftheLakeCountySchools,orwaiveanyminorirregularity ortechnicality inbidsreceived.Awardshallbemade inconformity tospecifications,priceandprofessionalqualifications
  1. What scorecard criteria will be utilized to evaluate bidders?See answer to question #57
  1. Will we be able to view the questions and responses that were submitted by other bidders? See answer to question #13 Yes, An addendum will be issued.
  1. Attachment 5- Non-Collusion form – there is a statement to the left of the signature section “Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: with 2 lines under it. Who is to sign on these 2 lines? A Notary Public
  1. Who are your current vendors for PT & OT therapy services?This information can be viewed using the following link:
  1. What are the current vendor rates for PT & OT therapy services?This information can be viewed using the following link:
  1. Are your current vendors able to Renew without processing the ITB? No
  1. Page 5 Section 8 Bidder Qualifications – Whose licenses are you requiring, the ITB Vendors or the therapists to be utilized in the school setting?See answer to question #1
  1. Page 5 Section 8 Bidder Qualifications – Whose resumes are you requiring, the ITB Vendors or the therapists to be utilized in the school setting? See answer to question #1

Please note that the opening date has not been changed. All bids are due in the Purchasing Department, 29529 County Road 561, Tavares, Florida 32778 by no later than 2:00 PM, local time, on Wednesday, June 19, 2013.

Acknowledgement of Addendum by Vendor:

This addendum shall be completed by Vendor and returned with the Bid Package. If a bid package has already been submitted, this addendum must be submitted to the above address in a sealed envelope, which is marked on the outside: Addendum to BID #3724RP Physical and Occupational Therapy Services. This is to acknowledge receipt of this addendum, which will become a part of the proposal document. This addendum must be signed and returned in order for your bid to be considered.

Company NameEmail

Name (Typed or Printed)Title

