Bert Fish Medical Center Inc. Board of Directors and

Southeast Volusia Hospital District Board of Commissioners

February 16, 2017

SEVHD District Office

305 Magnolia St.

New Smyrna Beach


Present: / Commissioners: / Others Present: / Others Present:
X / Pat Card, Chairman / Jeff Davidson / Dennis Burgoyne
X / Bill Preston, Vice Chairman / Ryan Wierenga-Esq. / Member of the media
X / Ferd Heeb, Secy./Treasurer / Chris Ilardi
X / Mary Spencer / Carol Myers- Esq.(via telephone)
X / Derwin Smothers
Topic / Discussion / Recommendations/Actions / Follow-up & Date of Expected Completion
CALL TO ORDER / 5:42pm by the Chairman. Roll call recorded, the invocation given, and the Pledge of Allegiance recited. / All documents presented are on file with the District.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES / Minutes as presented from:
  • January 25, 2017-joint meeting
/ JOINT MOTION: made by CommissionerHeeband duly seconded by CommissionerPrestonto approve the minutes from the January 25, 2017 joint meeting as presented. A roll call vote was called for.
YES: Commissioners:Spencer, Heeb, Card, Smothers, andPreston.
NO: None
The motion carried5-0
NEW BUSINESS / The topic of revising the current SEVHD By-Laws to be more in line with the District functions post transaction was discussed. Although the Board felt that no revisions were necessary at this time, they would like Mr. Kennedy to attend a meeting and discuss the roll of Administrator as it pertains to the SEVHD By-Laws. / SEVHD MOTION: made by Commissioner Smothers and duly seconded by Commissioner Heeb not to revise the SEVHD by-laws at this time. A roll call vote was called for.
YES: Commissioners Heeb, Card, Spencer, Smothers, and Preston.
NO: None
The motion carried 5-0
LEGAL REPORT / M. Davidson presented an invoice from RSM which was over budget. This was due to unexpected additional time spent preparing the audit.
Mr. Davidson presented to the Board an engagement letter from the audit group, RSM. Mr. Davidson explained the importance and asked for approval. Discussion ensued.

Mr. Davidson explained that the accounts in the SunTrust bank will need to be closed out in the near future. He requested the authority to close the accounts when applicable.
Mr. Davidson presented an amended LIP letter of agreement. He explained that FHNS asked for an additional $18,000. There will be no additional costs to the District.
A draft RFP was presented to the Board regarding the search for a vendor to help with the BFMC pension plan. Ms. Myers described the RFP process and the Boards’ obligations. She entertained questions. Concerns regarding the lump sum option were discussed.
Mr. Wierenga reported to the Board the FHNS has agreed to extend certain terms of the Transitional Service Agreement (TSA) for 6 months. / JOINT MOTION: made by Commissioner Heeb and duly seconded by Commissioner Preston to approve the RSM invoice as presented. A roll call vote was called for.
YES: Commissioners Heeb, Card, Spencer, Smothers, and Preston.
NO: None
The motion carried 5-0
JOINT MOTION:made by Commissioner Heeb and duly seconded by Commissioner Spencer to approve signing the audit engagement letter from RSM as presented. A roll call vote was called for.
YES: Commissioners: Smothers, Preston, Heeb, Spencer, and Card.
NO: None
The motion carried 5-0
JOINT MOTION:made by Commissioner Heeb and duly seconded by Commissioner Preston to approve Mr. Davidson closing the SunTrust bank accounts when applicable.
YES: Commissioners: Smothers, Preston, Heeb, Spencer, and Card.
NO: None
The motion carried 5-0
JOINT MOTION:made by Commissioner Heeb and duly seconded by Commissioner Preston to approve the amended LIP letter of agreement as presented.
YES: Commissioners: Smothers, Preston, Heeb, Spencer, and Card.
NO: None
The motion carried 5-0
JOINT MOTION:made by Commissioner Prestonto accept the RFP as presented. There was no 2nd and the motion failed.
JOINT MOTION:made by Commissioner Smothers and duly seconded by Commissioner Heeb to remove the option of offering a lump sum to pension participants. A roll call vote was called for.
YES: Commissioners: Smothers, Heeb, and Spencer.
NO:Commissioners: Preston and Card
The motion carried 3-2
JOINT MOTION:made by Commissioner Heeb and duly seconded by Commissioner Smothers to accept issuing the RFP as presented with the removal of the lump sum offering option. A roll call vote was called for.
YES: Commissioners: Smothers, Card, Preston, Heeb, and Spencer.
The motion carried 5-0
OLD BUSINESS / Mr. Ilardi presented the Board with 1 year engagement with will handle the storage and safekeeping of Districts electronic data. / SEVHD MOTION:made by Commissioner Heeb and duly seconded by Commissioner Prestonto approve signing the engagement letter as presented.
YES: Commissioners: Smothers, Card, Preston, Heeb, and Spencer.
NO: None
The motion carried 5-0
BOARD DISCUSSION / Discussion ensued regarding the delay in obtaining a license for a local assisted living facility.
ADJOURN / Meeting adjourned 7:00pm.

Page 1 of 4 BFMC-Bert Fish Medical center FHNS-Florida Hospital New Smyrna sevhd-Southeast Volusia Hospital district