Bell Surgery Patient Participation Group (PPG)

Bell Surgery Patient Participation Group (PPG)

Bell Surgery Patient Participation Group (PPG)

Minutes of Meeting held on 27 February 2017

  1. Welcome and Opening of meeting:Janet Waters (Chair) opened the meeting and welcomed those attending, including Vivienne Laurie who was attending for the first time.

Apologies for absence: Apologies for absence had been received from Eileen Bottjer. Richard Jones did not attend.

There were 13 members of the committee present – including Louise West (the Practice Manager).

Minutes of the previous meeting on 7 November 2016 (as circulated) were agreed as a true record.

  1. Matters arising from the previous meeting (not included in the current agenda):

(i)Julian Brookes (Mayor) raised the question of the proposed revised parking arrangements for the GP Surgeries in the light of the opening of the new Townlands Memorial Hospital. Louise West explained that the proposed parking arrangements at the new Townlands Hospital would be monitored by means of a ‘Number plate Recognition System’ which was due to be installed shortly. It was intended that the same (separate)parking system would be implemented at the GP Surgeries.

This prompted further questions and concerns from members of the committee, particularly in regard to the need for advance publicity to be provided for patients, etc. attending the surgeries. It was suggested that publicity should be sought via the ‘Henley Standard’ (including the letters columns) and also in the forthcoming Surgery ‘Newsletter’. Louise confirmed there is an article ready for the newsletter and waiting room to notify patients, but no ‘go-live’ date has yet been confirmed due to delays in the hospital build completion hand-over. Townlands have planned a press release – Louise to ask for details.

Louise explained that patients would need to register their number plate at a tablet on reception. Parking will be restricted to the ‘frail, elderly, disabled patients and acutely unwell’ who will be registered on the system. Other patients have 15 minutes for ‘drop off/pick up’ only. Fines of £100 (£60 if paid within 14 days) will payable to the parking firm if patients are in breach of the parking criteria.

The members of the PPG expressed concern about the agreed changes agreed with Hart Surgery.These new arrangements had not been discussed with the PPG since the last meeting. The views are although parking is difficult this will create a negative reaction from patients and need good explanation and sensitive handling as it ‘beds in’. The PPG stressed the need for a well-advertised transition.

Action:Lynne to review proposals and produce a Press release for the ‘Henley Standard’. Jeni Wood to draft a letter for insertion in the ‘Letters’ columns of the Standard highlighting the changes.

  1. Update from Surgery :

‘Newsletter’: Louise confirmed that a new publication system had been purchased (Mailchimp), which would enable items to be inserted on an ‘on-going’ basis.

Action: Lynne to co-ordinate our PPG update for the next issue.

(ii) Staffing: Louise West (Practice Manager) explained recent (or proposed) staff changes:

  • Dr Rushton will be leaving to take a career break in March. The Surgery hopes she will provide some locum cover in the future.
  • Dr Knight and Dr Cunningham will both be dropping one session (half a day) each.
  • Dr Fairweather, who has been covering Dr Knight’s maternity leave, will becontinuing for 2 sessions per week in March to cover the above reduced hours and starts as a Partner working 3 days per week from April.

There are 6 Partners in post plus one salaried GP and two trainee Registrars. So we have a full complement at present.

(i)Appointments: These were going well generally, but Louise expressed some concerns about the provision of cover over the Easter period. The PPG agreed to the cancellation of the planned Saturday appointments during March in lieu of additional Thursday early morning appointments (7.30 – 8.30 a.m.). In future, commitments will be made more flexible and spread between early morning, evening and weekend appointments.

(ii)‘GP Access Fund Project 2017’:Janet Waters asked a question about the proposed ‘Extended Opening’ (7 day Service) arrangements.

Louise explained:

  • Same Day (Urgent) appointments are part of the scheme that we were already delivering ;
  • Routine Appointments are provided within 7 days, which we have slightly adapted the appointment system to accommodate.
  • ‘GP Access Fund’ : These are 15 minute appointments and the weekend appointments all need to be pre-booked. This is a locality wide scheme (South East Oxfordshire). It is NOT intended for urgent appointments only for additional routine appointments. Urgent appointments out of hours still go to 111.
  • A schedule of dates and times when these additional appointments are available had been placed on the Surgery Website. (Evenings from 6.30 – 8pm / Weekends).
  • These appointments are primarily intended to accommodate working people who may be unable to take time off to attend normal sessions or need to rely on others to get to the surgery.
  • Local GP Surgeries are providing these services at different days and times so patients may be asked to take appointments at a different Practice – where their records can be accessed if necessary.
  • This ‘Pilot’ Scheme will operate until the end of March 2018 and then be reviewed. Explanatory ‘flyers’ are available at the surgery.
  • This service attracts additional funding and will be monitored by OCCG.

(iii)Louise confirmed that the ‘Feedback Box’ had been reinstalled as requested, but no comments had been received to date. Other options are being used such as Friends & Family and NHS Choices.

(iv)Janet Waters asked a question about the current position in regard to the occupation of the bedded accommodation in ‘Chiltern Court’. Louise stated that there were currently 7 beds in use. Dr Fairweather will cover these ‘step-up’ / step-down’ beds.(The 4 RACU beds are covered by their own RACU staff). GP support services are being shared with the Hart

Surgery and are being kept under review. In the future it may be arranged on a 3 monthly rota basis. Action: Janet will raise the subject of bed usage levels at the next TSRG.

(v)Louise mentioned a problem with patients returning from the hospital without their medications. This means that our own GPs are also prescribing which adds additional cost and time. Action:Partners discussing with Oxford Health as part of review.

3. Carer’s Session held on 19 January 2017 at ‘Townlands’: (Maurice Tate)

Rebecca O’Leary explained that this initial ‘Carers’ event had gone well (12 attended on the day). There was lots of information sharing, leaflets were available etc., and RACU information was also available. It was intended to set up a ‘database’ but this would take time to develop. It was intended to organise a further meeting (date to be arranged – but likely to be January 2018 as an annual event).

Janet thanked Rebecca for her report back and also referred to the ‘Sue Ryder Hospice’ event to be held on 1 March 2017 on ‘End of Life Care’ etc.,

Action: Louise will make contact with possible speakers to help with our own event. Rebecca agreed to support.

(i)Townlands Hospital:Janet and Julian (who both attend the Townlands Stakeholder Reference Group with Vivienne and Rebecca) provided a short up-date on the current situation with the newly opened RACU facilities at the hospital.

The next meeting of the Stakeholder Reference Group will be held on 28 March in the Town Hall at 11 o’clock and is open to the public to attend. It will be followed by the Official Opening Ceremony at 2.30 p.m. when the Lord Lieutenant of Oxfordshire will officiate.

The RACU facility has been available for referrals since 3 January 2017 and Louise confirmed that the GP staff had been invited to visit and had been welcomed by the RACU consultant and nursing staff. Some good publicity had been given in the local Press. The GP referral system was developing well.

Janet stressed that patients and staff needed to celebrate the success of the new arrangements and the benefits of all the new local clinics now being made available to patients.

There were still concerns about whether the facilities of ‘Social Care in the Community’ were now fully available, and she asked members of the committee

to bring forward any information etc., on these aspects which were still being developed. Jill gave a patient example relating to the Minor Injuries Unit: This unit was working well; it does not operate via the ‘111’ telephone system but it is available as a ‘walk in’ facility during normal opening times.

RACU Reception staff : There had been comments that staff employed on the ReceptionDesk were not always very helpful or welcoming, particularly when patients arrived without a GP referral. This would be referred to Oxford Health (via the TSRG) if it persists.

SELF Meeting:Jeni Wood attended the January meeting with Janet.

Action: Minutes of SELF meeting to be circulated to members of the PPG.

(ii)Forward plans for the PPG in 2017: Janet outlined the issues which would require the group’s commitments in the year ahead. These included:

(i)The planning and organisation of a series of educational talks on health topics for patients.Action: Louise and Rebecca to consider ‘End of Life’ session and Janet, Jill and Louise the consultant talks. (Louise will also speak with the ‘Spire’ consultants who are keen to offer consultants to support this initiative. Janet and Louise to co-ordinate).

(ii)The ‘Transformational Plan’– the consultations will be presentedat a public meeting to be held at the ‘River and Rowing Museum’ in Henley on Thursday 2 March 2017 from 8.00 – 10.00p.m.

(iii)The provision of information and support for Carers.

(iv)Consideration of any other issues as they arise.

Other business: Jeni Wood also raised the subject of the ‘Bluebell’ group who meet at the Christ Church Centre which provides support for Carers. Funds were currently under threat and the group needed to be supported in the community.

(iii)Please make a diary note for the following :

Date of next PPG meeting: 22 May 2017 at 7.00 p.m. (This will be the A.G.M.)

Peter Reader

Minutes Secretary

2 March 2017