Asotin County 4-H Leaders Council


April11th, 2016

Call to Order

Pledge of Allegiance & 4-H Pledge Was Stated

Reading of Mission Statement Took Place

Reading or disposition of minutes and correspondence: None Reported

Announcements & Special Guests–Teen Leadership Summit/Potential County Ambassadors joined us to discuss the event. Emma (7th grade), Clara (6th grade), Joey (8th grade) and Levi (8th grade) all attended the Summit at Lazy F Ranch in Ellensburg. They learned different leadership styles and what it takes to be a leader. Some of their favorite workshops were making brownies with a leader in charge and listening skills. They also had character building and friendship building games. They thanked the Council with a card and a group photo at the Lazy F Ranch.

Reports of Officers

Treasurer’s Report: $1489.57 in checking. CD $3017.89. There are no current bills. Motion was made to approve and passed unanimously.

Extension Office: Kim mentioned that Youth Commission Youth Awards Night is May 9th from 6-7:30. There are paper forms and forms on line to nominate outstanding youth, youth organizations or adults who have made a difference in our communities. nominees will be recognized on stage. Deadline to submit a nomination is April 20th.

Fair Board:they will be having a special meeting on June 1st to discuss grant funds and Raise the Barn funds. It is an informational meeting only as they want to see how everyone feels about these projects.

They also want to thank the leaders for painting their sheds. The “thankyou” shirts for leaders have been ordered.

4-H/FFA Boosters: They will meet tomorrow and will be discussing giving leaders a “free meal” ticket in appreciation of their service. They will be providing awards for the steer ultrasound competition at the end of the fair. They are looking for a volunteer for Friday afternoon ad Sunday midday. They will also be working for Anatone Days in June and have been asked by National Night out, in Aug, to have kids help sell soda etc.

Standing Committees-

Livestock: They discussed the details about using the ultrasound on steer. Also discussed raising weight limit on swine for next year.

Horse: The show was an absolute success and everyone had a great time. The parents were really involved in the events on Sunday and they hope to do the same things next year.

Family Living: Nothing to report

Unfinished Business –

  1. 15th Annual Youth Commission Awards Night May 9th 6PM CHS Auditorium; Please nominate people!
  2. Report on Fairgrounds clean up - deadline was April 9th: The grounds look really good so thanks to everyone!
  3. Thursday April 14th4-H Style Revue and Performing Arts– Boyd Hall 7:00 pm. This is a fun one to watch so please plan on attending!

New Business

  1. Nominations for LC Vice President and Treasurer, vote in June: If you know anyone who would like to get involved please send them our way.
  2. Spring 2016 4-H Del’s Paper Clover campaign April 13 – 24: This is a great fundraising opportunity as they are always looking to help support youth organizations.
  3. Wednesday and Thursday April 20th & 21st 4-H & FFA Dog Show –Asotin City Park 2:00: They are all set up and ready to go. Are getting equipment from the Kennel Club.

Adjournment –Next Meeting: May9th, 2016 @ 7:00 p.m.