BACKGROUND:DrazenPetrovic and Vlade Divac were two friends who grew up together sharing the common bond of basketball. Together, they lifted the Yugoslavian National team to unimaginable heights. After conquering Europe, they both went to America where they became the first two foreign players to attain NBA stardom. But with the fall of the Soviet Union on Christmas Day 1991, Yugoslavia split up. A war broke out between Petrovic'sCroatia and Divac's Serbia. Long buried ethnic tensions surfaced. And these two men, once brothers, were now on opposite sides of a deadly civil war. As Petrovic and Divac continued to face each other on the basketball courts of the NBA, no words passed between the two. Then, on the fateful night of June 7, 1993, DrazenPetrovic was killed in an auto accident. "Once Brothers" will tell the gripping tale of these two men, how circumstances beyond their control tore apart their friendship, and whether Divac has ever come to terms with the death of a friend before they had a chance to reconcile.

  1. Before viewing read through the textbook history of the former Yugoslavia on page 240-1.
  1. Before VIEWING what is the climate/physical geography of Yugoslavia
  1. Before VIEWING identify the branch and family of the language spoken in Yugoslavia (page 174)?
  1. Before viewing define Cold War.

As you watch the Documentary…

  1. Yugoslavia was one, unified country in ______

but torn apart due to ______and then became ______

  1. What was the main push factor behind the Valde’s migration?
  1. Compare and contrast several aspects of culture of Yugoslavia and the United States (food, Language, landscape).
  1. Is basketball part of folk or pop culture? Explain.
  1. When Vlade arrives in the United States did he acculturate or assimilate? Explain.
  1. How did this national team later during the World championships in Argentina become a centripetal force? Use the “flag story” as evidence to support.
  1. Describe how the political world changing was changing in 1989?
  1. Use the terms nationalism, ethnocentrism, and ethnic cleansing to describe the events in the region.
  1. How long did the conflict last? Describe the overall impact the conflict had on the land its people.
  1. What visible impacts still remain on the physical landscape as a result of the conflict?
  1. Using this documentary as your basis, explain the concepts of devolution and balkanization.
  1. Now that you understand the title ONCE BROTHERS, explain what the title means to you in an APHUG context.