Senate Meeting: August 21, 2010

Call to Order: 9:26 AM

Roll Call


Approval of Minutes: No objections, Approved

Report of the Speaker of the Senate:

Meetingall summer with Exec and working closely with them. Very excited to have them onboard. Worked on Budget planning this summer, and excited to pass the budget with Savannah Bell.

Benn working on the vision for Senate and where were are going and will be going over that later.

Did anyone not get an email about what committee you are in? Everybody. Get with committees after lunch. Going to be a good legislative home with the Senators this year and will help keep up with the initiatives.

Commuters will get a presentation about student life at commuter meetings here. FYE is one thing that is being talked about with commuters.

Everyone will be matched up with FYE mentors as long as you are willing to take on a mentor. Will be great to develop new talent for Senate.

Mr. Sweeny talked about passion and that is great- everyone is very excited to get things kicked off this year and we want to keep that fire burning through out the rest of the summer and stay connected on what we are working on. Feel free to reach out to Lane or the rest of Exec if you need help.

---- still waiting for review from UFB. This is still an old business.

BTS tracking system meeting, it is going to be a big win.

System for computer or cell phones: walking directions between buildings on campus. It isn’t released yet but can give out the URL. If in a building on campus can call 911 and they can tell exactly where you are with a new system- isn’t implemented yet.

New Student Government group on the new blackboard- if you run into any issues send me an email (not through blackboard) and the minutes will be placed there.

New Student government URL: --- Nick Bikas working on revamping entire website.

Met with the living off campus website people and looking to get a lot more landlords on board and that will be very helpful for people looking for housing.

Working closely with Student Court because the law school is now back in session. Presentation on student court and its involvement with SGA later.

New Bill for approval of a bus trip, we need 2/3 approval.

Next meeting dress business professional because we will be taking photos for the new website. Either will be here in TUC or in Edwards. Will send a reminder.

Excited for the year and looking forward to the new senators and cabinet members, the fall retreat with senators new initiates

SE10-E-021 was added to the old business session: the bylaws. Will need to vote on those to pass them.

Report of the Student Body President:

FYE: the mentor education is very important for this year. Last year if you were an FYE intern and if you thought you had an exceptionally good or bad mentor- we are looking for feedback. Look for communication from Kyle Sutton or Sarah Brown about that.

A lot of planning and getting ready for the year, convocation, etc. Dr. Santa Ono starting sept. 1. and is very exciting.

Done a lot of talking with Alumni association, local business, etc. doing research for career services. Sammy Geroulis will hopefully be the next Dir. Of Career Services.

We have been doing a lot with athletics this summer. Want to add a bill to the agenda about the Oklahoma/UC football game dealing with transportation.

First Athletics open house will be October 1st, partnered with Bearcat Live! Grift has been helping a lot. Wanted to get Voovoo Zalis but it won’t work because of the noise.

Orientation Commuter sessions all year long. Shoutout to senator Richman. She went to every single session when she was in town. She was very helpful. Thank you, very much.

I have stood up for students when some of the adminstration has not had our backs. Started a ripple effect that ended with them coming to Senate and finally asking how they can help.

Alan Haggerty has been doing a lot with Sustainablity. Working with Mary Beth McGrew and Sean Hubb. Fantastic events, speakers (talking about the BP oil spill crisis), sustainability pledge (goal of 2500 pledges of students to live sustainable lives), and green C-Paw tshirts.

Proudly pennies is going through a lot of changes this summer. New plan hasn’t been launched but there is a disconnect with student government. So SAC will be taking on most of that with SGA support. Brainstorming and reconstructing sessions to com.

Mitch’s Mission: had a camp for hematology oncology floor and invited down Senator Ruparl, Gunther, Rooney, Zucker to interact with them.

Bicentennial 2019: Planning has begun and there is an undergrad bicentennial brainstorming session this week.

Carey Marko met with the Ohio government office representative. He will be a huge tool with next year’s leadership summit and help for the year.

Learning how to connect to the business community next week and President Williams will be speaking there.

Working to get many “Did you Knows” : After 2 pm get a pizza from Pizza Hut for 1.99

Bookstore is developing great deals and clearances and All students can get a free copy of Mcaffy Virus Protection for their computer.

Report of the Student Body VP:

If ever interested with what is talked about in our reports let us know, we’d love your help.

I’m the oldest one of the senator on the board and I have never seen more than 8 bills or 2 pages of a report… good job

The BTS has been trying ot be improved by Keenan Maul and Alyssa Penick. They made surveys and we see there is a big need to change the BTS. Trying to get a tracking device going on that.

Commuter Corner is being worked on. Ruparal and Sentoro- thank you.

Looking to gain requirements for the Co-Op Faculty to make it better. Sen. Whitehead working on this with me.

Looking to provide a free legal service to students and are moving forward with legal services hands. Hopefully will be implemented in the winter.

Off campus sight, trustees selection committee, Senator Gravely and Feltz thank you for Pushing the It’s your Call campaign.

Met with NWSB president and members of their board to push safety this year. They are not a part of our office and we are pushing that.

Report of the Internal Holdover Senator:

Spent the last summer in the middle of the Appalachians and had no Internet experience.

Long meeting, keep your discussions short because we have a lot to get over.

Have 5 recommendations for tribunals and take back to your tribunals. It is something I will email out later. A bigger thing is to add the SG internal email address to that listserve so I can be more involved.

Working on Tribunal conference to share best practice and upcoming projects, mainly discussion.

Tribunal banner bill coming up today for marketing of tribunals.

Wrote a lot of bylaws for student government. Will be working with members of student government later.

Office hours reminder: it is a very serious matter and don’t neglect doing them.

With blackboard changing, it is has been complicated. I uploaded all of the bills, but for the time being submit your bills to me through my email and I will add them to the agenda.

Subway will be for lunch today.

Report of the External Holdover Senator:

Starting to plan for Cabinet Retreat- September 26th this year. How to move forward with action plans and the year.

Big emphasis on communication between Cabinet and Senate this year. On thing put into motion with that is that Cabinet and Senators work together.

Meetins with AVPs next few weeks. We are partnering AVPS for different initiatives.

Not going to be senate meeting where cabinet members are not present in the meeting. Any cabinet members who want to give reports about what they are doing? No.

Smith: Encourage everyone to come to the office because we are generally there all the time. When there are a lot of people in there it is very exciting. So stop by to add a social dynamic.

Report from the Director of Finance:

We revised the budget this summer. It will be up later for S.11-R.001.

We got more funding from the university.

Use the budget appropriately throughout the year.

Executive Nominations:


Committee Reports:


Board Reports:

NSB: Clark: Met with Drew and Mark trying to get a part of Student Government office.

President wants to have a sexual harassment seminar.

Everyone on the safety side of nightwalk is holding 1 event throughout the year.

Working with Drew and Mark to bring to UC a window alarm system.

Quinn: How much a piece are the alarm systems?

Rooney: $.50

Quinn: How do you plan to distribute them?

Clark: Haven’t done that yet.

Rooney: There will be a blackboard poll soon.

Senator: Can we set some aside for residents?

Rooney: Of course.

Board of Trustees: Kelley for Kyle Quin (via email): The next public board meeting is Sept. 21st please speak to kyle if any questions.


Diversity: Have been meeting all summer. In the process of putting forth the collaborative. Have 7 involved now, we want 20. We are in the planning stages of a student diversity collaborative retreat.

Tribunal reports:


Has been busy. Have been working on several intitiatives preared a handout for the orientation. Put things in their freshmen welcome bags about meeting times and what they are about.

Working Akwava and the mentorship group. Plan to have teams at the student activities fair and cookout. Want a FYE booth at Akwava.

Drew: Mark and I will be there talking about FYE.

Looking to get tshirts.

Deans office has been very gracious in helping with these expenses.

Trying to talk to talk at the CCH Orientation.

Looking to start a career fair and that process.

Scheduling a summer meeting to work out logistics for all of these initiatives.

Updated twitter UC_CECH , please follow us.

Lane: I am extremely pleased that CECH is so active. Any questions?

Rooney: I just want to echo that comment. Great job so far. Speaking of money spent, you said you when to several places within your college. You can get up to $7,000 from UFB and try to go down that path.

Business: Kelley:

Summer exec meeting a couple weeks ago. Our main focus will be gaining membership this year. That was something that we struggled with last year. We are going ot really target freshmen in many different ways this year.

We want to get a board with in the CoB to keep students update and to get students updated on FYE and getting them to apply for it.

Smith: I want to thank tribunals for letting Mark and I speak at them, let us know if you want that again.


We have a new website check it out

Career fair is scheduled Oct. 14 from 10:00- 4:00

I am going to start revering to CEAS as “eas”

Looking into making a winter career fair on top of the fall career fair to help the students.

Allied Health:

Working on our merger. And reworked our bylaws.

It is very hard to get attendance at meetings because of clincs. So we are looking to start a meeting online.

Want to do more service based projects because in the medical field you are in the service anyway.


We have been trying to get Clermont student groups involved.

Would like to mention we won the penny wars.

Comments from the Gallery:

Professor Sweeney: Really try to use your connections to make these initiaves a lot stronger.

Old Business:

Groutemiller: Move to table. S.1-E.021. No objections.

Lane: this vote passes by 26-2-0

New Business:

Bell: I move to open discussion S.11-R.001.

Lane: Objections?
Quinn: Is this a misprint with the S-10?

Lane: Yes. No objections you have the floor Senator Bell.

Bell: We have updated the budget. The extra money has been dispersed throughout. I have the budget from 2 years ago and last year if you want to look at that. I yield the floor.

Rooney: Passing the budget is one of the big things at the first meeting. This is important, look at this and ask if you have concerns. I want to highlight a couple of areas. $250 has been added to meetings to increase the social aspect of Senate. WE ask that all the committee go to Catskellar and progress over the year. There is a fall and end of the year social as well. Programming is one of the big hot topics and programming should be used as programming money not co-sponsorships. Technology being increased to Update book-swap website. Athletics increased for bearcat bashes. Education increased for own hall meetings. Want to bring in reps of the city, state, and congressmen. Added a new line item with career development for “UC first” and career services. Want better advertisement and outreach at beginning of the year for elections. FYE is an investment of student government and we are allocated money to that.

Quinn: Travel expense is $0. What about the student government retreat?

Smith: Any travels will come out of retreats. Any other travel is budget in different areas. We had $1500 that is budget throughout the leadership development session and retreats. We talked to Dr. Dowing and Dean Bowin about these retreats. We are going to take our student government to OSU and sit with their student government and we are going to collaborate with them and they were okay with paying for that.

Whitehead: As far as uptown you said you reduced that? What did it used to be?

Rooney: We didn’t use that money towards any uptown goals. It was always sigma sigma carnival or other co-sponsor events. We are going to try to move it from $0 to $2500.

Smith: There are a lot of things the University is doing as well.

Clinger: are there plans or details for the retreat yet?

Rooney: I am working on that now.

Smith: move to close discussion.

Bell: I move to call to question S.11-R.001.

Lane: No objections.

Payne: Open discussion on S.11-A.001.

No objections

Payne: these are for the banners for the tribunals.

Linger: When and how have these been used in the past?

Payne: we provide the resource and it is up to the tribunal to use it. For example the career fair.

Hit: What ten colleges is that? Does it include Clermont.

Payne: I have it in an email. But yes it does.

Ruparel: Motion to close discussion.

Discussion closed.

Payne: move to call to question student appropriates bill S.11-A.001

No objections.

S.11-A.001 passes by majority.

Smith: Move to pass the Oklahoma bus trip.

Not on the agenda. Move to add this bill to the agenda. Passes

Payne: Would be S.11-A.008.

Smith: Move to open discussion S.11-A.008. Want to transport students safely to Paul Brown. Yeild to Dir. Of Athletic Affairs Krehnbrink.

Krehnbrink: Have been working on this since May. Looking for 5 buses that will pick up students form Shakely lawn and bus them to Paul Brown. It will be a shuttle service starting 3 hours before the game and drop them off at the tailgate and will bring people back to shakely lawn. Athletics will be giving us free sponsorships form pepsi. Going though Petermann bus company. PNC will sponsor us for the total cost of the black out t-shirt. Trip will cost $6 total and will register with name and M number.

Smith: PNC is 98%. Waiting until Wednesday for final approval. Handout went out to 3,000 student ticket holders and this is advertised.

Sherman: when did they send out the season tickets?

Dinovo: Yesterday.

Sherman: How much will PNC be sponsoring>

Smith: All of the tshirt cost.

Quinn: With the shirts , if you don’t take the bus can you still get the shirts?

Smith: Nope.

Quinn: Is there any way we can make that available some how? Maybe sell them to make money?

Krehnrbink: the Shirt is an incentive to go on the bus trip. And we want it to be an exclusive Oklahoma game shirt.

Quinn: I think that if we were able to sell shirts at the game and make it an equal opportunity it would be a great way to make money and be fair.

Maul: How did you estimate how many students would take the bus?

Smith: We looked at trips in the past, and we bumped up the numbers because this is a very marketable package and we have heard students looking for something like this.

Whitehead: Does it repeatedly run?

Dinovo: Yes, on 15 minute intervals.

Whitehead: Well than can we cut the number of busses down for before the game?

Smith: the tailgate starts 3 hrs before. Thought students will want to be there at beginning.