Present; Cllr’s Brian Thomas, Gwyneth Davies Sheena Duller, Nick Mcnally, Andra Jones and Councillor Ifan Davies.

Apologies were received from Cllr Christian Pateman.

Also present was Councillor John Adams Lewis, the chairman of Ceredigon County Council. Cllr Adams Lewis intends to visit all community councils within the county in his year of office. Cllr Brian Thomas welcomed him to the meeting. Cllr Adams Lewis said that he would only be staying a short while as he had other community councils to visit this evening as well.

The clerk informed the councillors that he had received an e-mail form Cllr Christine Harrison informing us that she is resigning from the community council as she is finding it difficult to attend meetings on Monday evenings as it always seems to clash with other appointments. The clerk was asked once again to write and inform Ceredigion County Council of this.

War Memorial

The clerk was asked to put a tender out a tender on the local notice boards for maintenance work on the war memorial in Ysbyty Ystwyth. A price has already been received from Tai Ceredigion for the work. Cllr Ifan Davies suggested that we contact The War Memorial Trust to see if there is grant funding available for the repair work.

A letter was received from Merched Ystwyth asking for a donation towards the annual horticultural show. The councillors agreed to donate £50.00 towards the show.


One Voice Wales

A receipt for annual membership to One Voice Wales for the sum of £57.00 was received.

Bank Statements;

Bank statements were received up to May 2013. Community account has £3080.32.

Insurance Policy.

The insurance quote from Zurich insurance for the coming year has arrived. The cost is £243.80.


The Ombudsman’s Annual report for 2012/3 has been received.

Street Lighting;

An invoice was received from Ceredigion County Council for the cost of keeping selected street lights on all night for £84.91.

Annual Precept;

The annual precept for 2013/14 has gone into the community account for £1847.00

Casual Vacancy;

A letter was received from Ceredigion County Council informing us that no names had been received for the post of Community Councillor for this ward and the community council were required to co-opt a person to fill the vacancy. Cllr Gwyneth Davies has approached Mr Ifan Jones Evans to see if he would be interested in filling the vacancy and he had shown interest. It was agreed that Cllr Gwyneth Davies ask Mr Jones Evans if he now wishes to become a Community Councillor.

Community Brush cutting Scheme;

The community council have once again opted to join Ceredigion County Council’s brush cutting scheme where the County council will pay a percentage towards the cost of maintaining our community footpaths. A quotation for £480.00 for the work has been received from landg forestry to carry out the work and this has been forwarded to Ceredigon.

Any other business.

Cllr Ifan Davies has a couple of matters he wishes to bring to the community council.

  1. Cllr Davies has been approached by the Tregaron branch of Plaid Cymru requesting a consultative meeting to be held between them, councillors and members of the community to discuss the future of the village school and possibility of turning the building into sheltered accommodation for the elderly. Plaid Cymru have firstly asked Cllr Davies to run the idea past the community councillors first. Councillors agree with the principles of the idea, but do not believe that the location is ideal for such a project.
  2. Cllr Davies has received a complaint from Mrs Gill Davies Bwlchyblaen asking for width restrictions to be placed on the unclassified road towards Storehouse, Ysbyty Ystwyth. Community councillors do not agree with this request. Cllr Davies is going to reply and also seek advice from the traffic department of Ceredigion county Council.

There was no other business, there will be no meeting in August, the next meeting therefore will be on Monday 16th September in the village hall at 7.30pm.