Period 6: 1900C.E to PresentName:Period:

The Interwar Years 1919-1939, Pages 511-533Absence Date: ______

"The West has been systematically petrifying her moral nature in order to lay a solid foundation for her gigantic abstractions of efficiency"

  1. What did WWI undermine for many Europeans?
  2. While Europeans were becoming more pessimistic, how did colonies react?
  3. What did the Treaty of Versailles require Germany to pay allied nations?
  4. What were the affects of Germany printing money to pay their debts?
  5. What affect did the Great Depression have on Germany?
  6. What was one of the causes of the Great Depression?
  7. How did the Great Depression affect Japan and Latin America?
  8. What did John Maynard Keynes theory of economics promote?
  9. When did the Great Depression end and what caused it to end?
  10. What were some of the negative impacts of the Great Depression?
  11. Why was Japan able to end the Great Depression faster in there country?
  12. How did fascism rise in Europe?
  13. What was the symbol of Fascism?
  14. Why was Italy upset after the Paris Peace Conference and why did this lead to the rise of Mussolini?
  15. What nations in Italy did invade in Africa?
  16. What government took over the Kaiser's Monarchy?
  17. Explain how Hitler rose to power?
  18. What groups were marginalized by the Nazi party?
  19. Explain the Nuremberg Laws?
  20. The Olympic games was established at the height of Nationalism how did the 1936 Olympics represent this?
  21. What was the result of Kristallnacht?
  22. What two groups were fighting in the Spanish Civil War?
  23. How was the Spanish Civil War a proxy war for Germany, America, and Russia?
  24. Why was the destruction of Guernica such an important historical event?
  25. What did the Soviet Union do with the peasant workers crops?
  26. What was the NEP set up by Lenin in response to the mass starvation of the people of Russia?
  27. What did Stalin do that enraged Russian farmers?
  28. What affect did Stalin's collectivization agriculture have in the Ukraine?
  29. What was the goals of the peasants during the Mexican Revolution of 1911?
  30. Why did China struggle as an independent nation?
  31. What brought Sun Yat-sen and Mao Zedong together?
  32. What was the Long March and why was it important to the Chinese Communist party?
  33. What affect did the Paris Peace Conference have on Anti-colonial Sentiment?
  34. What were some of the progressive reforms instituted by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk?
  35. What did Gandhi do to resist British Imperialism?.
  36. What was the two state solution in India?
  37. Where did the black pride movement of the 1960's come from?
  38. What does the Monroe Doctrine and Dollar Diplomacy have in common?
  39. How long did the United States Good Neighbor policies last?
  40. Describe the new developments found in Art, Literature, and Science after WWI?

Time Line:

1911 C.E.
Mexican Revolution / 1912 C.E.
U.S. Dollar Diplomacy / 1918 C.E.
Russian Civil War / 1919 C.E.
Amritsar Massacre / 1921 C.E.
Self-determination in Turkey / 1927 C.E.
Chinese Civil War / 1933 C.E.
Good Neighbor Policy / 1935 C.E.
Nuremberg Laws / 1936 C.E.
Spanish Civil War / 1938 C.E.
Kristallnacht Night of Broken Glass

Key Terms:

John Maynard Keynes

Great Depression


Joseph Stalin

Mustafa Kemal

Mohandas Gandhi

Weimar Republic

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R)



Olympic Games

Long March

Nuremburg Laws

1938 Pablo Picasso