a / an / without, not / Anaerobic
Adip / Fat / Adipose tissue
Agglutin / To glue together / Agglutination
Algia / Pain / Dorsalgia
Alveoli / Small cavity / Alveoli
Ana / Apart / Anatomy
Andr / Man / Androgens
Anti / Against / Antibody
Append / To hang something / Appendicular
Auto / Self / Autotroph,
Ax / Axis / Axial skeleton, axon
Bi / Two, double, twice / Bipedal,
Bio / Life, living / Biology, biosphere
Blast / Budding / Osteoblast
Brachi / Arm / Biceps brachii
Bronch / Windpipe / Bronchus
Bucca / Cheek / Buccal
Cardi / Heart / Pericardium
Carp / Wrist / Carpals
Cerebro / Brain / Cerebrospinal fluid
Cervico / Neck / Cervical vertebrae
Chondr / Cartilage / Chondrocyte
Circa-, circum / Around, about / Circumference, circumnavigate
Clast / To break / osteoclast
Colo / Colon / Colon
Cort / Covering, bark / Renal cortex
Costo / Rib / Costal cartilage
Cran / Helmet / Cranial
Crin / To secrete / Endocrine
Cut / Skin / Subcutaneous
Cyte, cyto / Cell / Cytoplasm,osteocyte
Dendr / Tree / Dendrite
Derm- / Skin / Epidermis
Di- / Two, double / Disaccharide
Diastole / Dilation / Diastolic pressure
Dors / Back / Dorsal
Dys / Bad, abnormal / Dysfunctional
Ella / Small / Organelle
Embol / Stopper / Embolism
Endo / In, within / Endocytosis, endoskeleton
Epi- / Upon / Epidermis
Erg / Work / Synergist
Erythr / Red / Erythrocyte
Ex-, exo / Out of, from, outer / Exocytosis, exoskeleton
Folic / Small bag / Hair follicle
Gangli / A swelling / Ganglion
Gastr / Stomach / Gastric bypass
Gen / Be produced / Antigen, allergen
Glia / Glue / Neuroglia
Glyc / Sweet / Glycogen
Gram / Something written / Electrocardiogram
Hem / hema / Blood / Hemoglobin
Hepat / Liver / Hepatitis
Homos, homeo / Alike, same / Homozygous, homeostasis
Humor / Fluid / Aqueous humor
Hydro / Water / Hydrolysis
Hyper / Above, beyond / Hypertonic, hypertrophy
Hypo / Below, under / Hypertonic, hypothermia
Inter / Between / Intercalated disks
Intra / Within, inside / Intracellular
-ism / Condition / Parasitism
Iso / Equal / Isotonic, isometric
-itis / Disease, inflammation / Dermatitis
Juxta / Near, close to / Juxtamedullary nephrons
Kerat / Horn / Keratin
Kinesis / Motion / Kinesthesiology
Lemm / Rind, peel / Neurilemma
Leuko / White / Leukocyte
Lingu / Tongue / Linguistics
Lip / Fat / Lipid
Logos, -logy / Study of / Biology, geology
Lys, -lysis / Destroy, break, dissolve / Lysosome, electrolyte
Macro / Large / Macrophage
Megaly / Enlargement / Acromegaly
Melan / Black / Melanin
Mening / Membrane / Meninges
Meta / Change / Metabolism, metamorphosis
Micro / Small / Microscope, micrometer
Mono / One, single / Monocyte, monosaccharide
Morph / Shape, form / Metamorphosis
Myo / Muscle / Myofibril
Nat / To be born / Prenatal
Neph / Pertaining to the kidney / Nephron
Neuro / Nerve / Neuron
Nutri / Nourish / Nutrient
Oculo / Eye / Oculomotor nerve
Odont / Tooth / Orthodontist
Olfact / To smell / Olfactory
Oo, ovi, ovum / Egg / Oocyte, ovary
-osis / Abnormal condition / Leukocytosis
Osmos / To push / Osmosis, chemiosmosis
Oss/Osteo / Bone / Osseous tissue
Oto / Ear / Otoliths
Para / Beside, near / Parasite
Pariet / Wall / Parietal membrane
Pathos / path / Suffering, disease / Pathogen, pathology
Pelv / Basin / Pelvic cavity
Peri / Around / Pericardial membrane
Phage / To eat / Esophagus, phagocyte
Phys / function / Physiology
Pleur / Rib / Pleural membrane
Pod, pedis / Foot / Pseudopod
Poie / Make, produce / Hematopoiesis
Poly / Many / Polysaccharide, polymer
Post / After, behind / Posterior
Pseudo / False / Pseudopod
Psych / Mind / Psychology
Pulmo, pneum / Lung / Pulmonary, pneumonia
Re / Again / Reproduce
Ren / Pertaining to the kidney / Renal failure
Sarco / Flesh / Sarcomere
Seb / Grease / Sebaceous gland
Sens / feeling / Sensory neuron
Scope / To look / Microscope, stethoscope
Skleros, scler / Hard / Sclera, atherosclerosis
Solvere / To loosen / Solvent, dissolve
Soma / Body / Ribosome , lysosome
Squam / Scale / Squamous epithelium
Stasis / Staying, standing still / Homeostasis
Steno / Narrow, constriction / Stenosis
Strat / Layer / Stratified epithelium
Sub / Under, below / Submarine, subspecies
Super / Above, upper / Superior
Supra / Above, upon / Supraspinatus
Syn / Together / Synthesis
Systole / Contraction / Systolic pressure
Tetan / Stiff / Tetanic
Therm / Heat / Endotherm
Thromb / Clot / Thrombocyte
-tomy / To cut / Anatomy
Tox / Poison / Toxin, toxicity
Trans / Across / Transport, transpiration
Troph / Food, nutrition, nourish / Atrophy, autotroph, heterotroph
Tropic / Influencing / Tropic hormones
Umbil / Navel / Umbilical cord
Uni / One / Unicellular
Vaso / Vessel / Vasodilation
Ventr / Belly, stomach / Ventricle, ventral
Vill / Hairy / Microvilli